>Tfw I can finally play D.Va and not be immediately shamed for picking her >Tfw D.Va is finally good >Tfw people are calling this the worst meta ever >Tfw people demanding d.va nerfs every day >Tfw people think d.va didnt deserve the 2nd wave of buffs despite being a 0% shame pick in season 2 >Tfw blizzard will most likely nerf d.va back into obscurity >Tfw I'll just get shamed for picking a "not reinhardt tank" again
why cant i just have fun with d.va
Nathaniel Hernandez
>zarya ult catches 5 >rein wastes ult on another rein with shield >blink in, pop ult >wipe them >next point >lucio ults >EMP 5 >take point >dont take 3rd point >report sombra for throwing >have gold elims, obj, obj time and damage
Juan Morgan
What does Reinhardt come out as?
Jason Scott
Josiah Brooks
>join game >someone instapicks widowmaker, genji and sombra >leave game
Xavier Wright
You know they're going to nerf D.Va and leave Ana totally untouched, right?
Brandon Cook
please do NOT post that racist nazi frog here again
>typing Dva with the . Are you guys literally autistic?
Carson Murphy
>I can finally play D.Va and not be immediately shamed for picking her That will never happen. Even if she becomes OP as shit d.va mains will always be nothing more than borderline pedos whom curse their very existence for not being Asian.
Jaxson Wilson
This is pretty obvious considering they nerfed nanoboost and fucking buffed biotic grenade as the counterbuff.
Connor Peterson
>that qt smug will never suffocate me with her blue round derriere It hurts.
Ayden Bailey
That better not be some cheap genderbend.
Jordan Myers
>Implying she loves anyone but herself like the little shit she is
Charles Green
Matchmaking patch notes
>76, ana, DVA banned from competitive mode
there, fixed. now we can have fun and play the game.
Also need to have custom portraits / titles for roadhog/76/ana/dva mains this season called "coward" and they can't change it.
Adam Scott
2 more days
Leo Lee
Zen Lucio 100% Zarya Rein 100%
o bby.
Wyatt Cruz
>t bagging after a round in 3 v 3 ends makes you automatically dead in the next round
Tired of 12 year olds bragging
Tyler Morgan
>calling a hero by their name >autisitc
why do you even care?
David Carter
>again! AGAIN!!!!
Christian Martinez
pure canon boypussy
Daniel Evans
Tank meta really has been the perfect storm of adjustments though.
>Ana's Biotic Grenade enables insane healing totals, which are perfect for high HP targets >Roadhog's Hook is now much, much, much more consistent for kills now that it teleports the target on hook allowing you to spend a DPS slot on him since he picks like crazy >D.va can actually move and shoot now
What really needs to happen is for Reaper to be able to allow for independent firing of his shotguns (e.g. left click fires left, right click fires right) so that he can unload on a tank.
>it's a "Zarya rekts everyone on your team because retards insist on shooting her barriers" episode
Dylan Jones
When hacking is interrupted by damage, the hacked player is stunned for 1 second.
Is now invulnerable for 1s after spawn, additionally, no more friendly fire.
Gabriel Carter
Leo Cruz
Why does every single frogposter post gay shit that nobody cares about? And always poorly greentexted in a way that indicates average IQ.
Leo King
>additionally, no more friendly fire. dumb, that literally just makes it a better mech explosion
Blake Sullivan
all I do now is call a player a stupid nigger cunt faggot bitch every time I die to: hook, rein ultimate, 76 bitchburst , 76 ult, dva being a fucking NIGGER and just shooting forever at you and you can't kill her
Adrian Hall
Odd My name also comes out as condom
Angel Russell
Jaxson Miller
>It's a "none of my team dives the Zarya when they overextend because they fell for the "Don't shoot the bubble" meme" episode
Mason Adams
>rein ult Haven't seen one in comp in like, forever.
Everyone's on DVa and Road's dicks, it's weird to see anything else
Lucas Watson
>no christmas skin leaks >going to be away from home until thursday
what fucking shit
Oliver White
junkrat can still die, most likely will does less than half the damage half the aoe
Ryan Roberts
Jordan Murphy
I feel like it doesn't even matter what or how I play when the game has 11 other players involved in the end
It's just a slightly weighted coin flip to see who gets compatible teammates and who doesn't
Angel Martinez
that would be far too skill intensive.
Luke Perez
Jonathan Reed
HOLY SHIT, jamison fawkes --> VAGINAL CRAMPS.
Jace Watson
and roadhog is amazing.....who woulda guessed
Michael Hughes
>after 100, you can get queued against 400s and 300s
Owen Cooper
what is this from
Jordan James
What the fuck is wrong with this person's head? He looks like someone from Jimmy Neutron
Colton Wright
Don't worry, they're all shit anyway.
Also, that's not an american plug, you aussie cunt.
Jeremiah Clark
That's why this game is so popular with shitters
Jack Sullivan
Carson Brown
reminder best ana skin is merciful
Jayden Thomas
Really makes you think
Adrian Ramirez
Works wonders
Chase Watson
Landon Jackson
>pure The thought of how he must have taken the entire family castle, arcade, and town during his playboy days keeps me alive every night.
Ethan Watson
>widowmaker >hidden ball
Isaiah White
Cameron Smith
This is true
Ryder Taylor
I'm surprised nobody moved to these yet.
Jason Anderson
Jason Perry
>Men with green hair
Blake Bell
What le fug?
Brandon Martin
which one is better?
Robert Gomez
cute fugboy
Justin Cooper
>sleepdarting a nanoboosted Genji
Jaxon Hernandez
I know his weeaboo hair skin is bad, I used to hate it too, but I can't help it now I think it's cute on him.
Angel Long
>joined into 2 instant defeat games in a row
Liam Wood
Whats with rein and roadhog?
Connor Morgan
really makes you think..
Liam Nelson
>the giant manhole
Nolan Mitchell
Nolan Williams
>Rein then smacks him with his hammer
Adam Lopez
these niggas get it
>removes the visual clutter on her head >no more stupid headscarf >cute hair
Liam Sullivan
And that's all of them
Evan Lee
I like purple she is cute
Brayden Robinson
this game is currently supremely unfun.
>roadhog Cancer, they need to make this an actual projectile so you actually need to fucking aim, rather than some retard hitscan
>dva Cancer, most hp in the game, auto life, infinite ammo shotguns that do stupid amounts of damage, most mobile character in the game, duration based rein shield, bullshit ult
>76 What happens when you make a mccree that doesnt need to aim, then give him a better pharah rocket oh and make sre he has heals and a big magazine, also sprint. near maximum cancer. walking dva ult.
>Ana Cancer prime, legit needs to just be remade/removed from the game
Brody Turner
>infinite ammo shotguns Everyone has infinite ammo in this game
Jayden Moore
>bisexual angel zen >reaper is desperate
Brandon Jackson
>Get placed in gold despite being in diamond last season >People see my gold and treat me like I'm wearing a star in 30's Germany
John White
You get a big chunk of free EXP for backfilling into a game like that, so it really isn't a big deal.
I'm pretty sure its the same amount of EXP you get for actually winning a game.
Just think of it as free lootboxes in exchange for 20 seconds of your time.
Jeremiah Martinez
but does she clean her poopster
Noah Peterson
Josiah Watson
Please stop ;___; Purple is not for sexual
Gavin Roberts
Carter Gonzalez
but it fucks up my QP winrates doesn't it? I know it's just stats but I like to try to have above 50% on all my heroes winrates.
Speaking of which, if you swap heroes in the middle of the match, do all heroes you played that round get winrate increase/decrease, or just the very last pick before the clock runs out?
Justin Wood
>removed from the game
Jace Lee
>Not wanting a dirty poopster for you to lick clean
Noah Perez
David Ortiz
nigga im hispanic too
John Taylor
this is haram. pls dlet.
Angel Ward
>I like to try to have above 50% on all my heroes winrates.
the hell is the point like what the fuck u gonna win from that a cookie
Carson Bennett
whats the point of no limits if everyone still picks Widow and Genji in quickplay