Didn't see a thread so I guess I'll start:
Please help VIN gods
Didn't see a thread so I guess I'll start:
Please help VIN gods
They're gone.
Fuck it, maybe some hero can run my VIN too
Vin hero is gone
Recently bought this but unfortunately with the vinbros missing i wasnt able to get it checked.
You illiterare faggots,
these guys are right
The guy who did the VIN checks, his system went from $90 a year for unlimited VIN checks, to $30 a month for 100 checks, and more check for more monies.
Basically, the Jews killed VIN check threads.
Any idea why? Are they off of Veeky Forums completely or are they just not doing checks anymore?
You guys suck. It's obvious you don't frequent the board, or you'd know why there is no VIN check thread.
Then you just start the thread, throw your VIN up there and hope someone else does everything for you.
For shame.
>system went from $90 a year for unlimited VIN checks, to $30 a month for 100 checks
I frequent this board. I dont frequent vin threads because i dont need to
I've been coming to Veeky Forums for about 7-8 years, and you think that because I haven't lived on here everyday for the past few months, I don't frequent this board? VIN threads have been part of this board for as long as I can remember, and I'm going to miss them. More so, I'm going to miss the tripfags who helped us not get fucked by buying a shitty car. I was going to donate as soon as I actually bought another car based on a VINfag's help, so no, I don't feel shame for not knowing that the members of this board that contributed the most are gone.
Based mightyBenz isn't gone
Sounds like someone needs to pay $30 one month and do a thread
I might do that. What's the best service to use?
But this pic says unlimited checks
U calln Benz a liar?
When I started it was $50 for unlimited checks for 30 days.
Then it quickly became $99 every 21 days for unlimited
Now its $99 for 300 reports on a 21 day basis
Thats an old comparison
Here are the current subscritpion options
I'm sorry for doubting you Benz. The Jews have gone too far this time.
What the fuck is this bullshit? Carfax has "unlimited" Carfax reports, but only if you search by plate. Searching by VIN is limited to 5 reports.
Pic related
welcome to the wonderful world of VIN jews