ahri edition
ahri edition
Why is Sona so big and best?
this one doesn't break the tracker we should use this
threadwars are dum
mildly horny
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
idiot poster who can't read and identify a duplicate thread
as expected of the lulu neet.
>posting in a zamphira thread
I wonder if OP of this thread posting in the Zamphira thread
Wake me up.
Should I build a knight's vow if I'm supporting Jhin? He won't be autoing fast enough to warrant it I think
>support Jhin
Why dont you just kindly killyourself
i did, not like this thread is actually being used
Knight's Vow has no interaction with attack speed, it just considers the damage dealt, and Jhin deals far more damage than any other adc, except Vayne but Vayne is a glitch
>reading comprehension
Camille was a mistake.
Yes after you have boots, face, redemption, locket and sighstone
what are they doing in this image?
I want to learn some Veeky Forums players so I can feel like I'm part of the circle, please fill me in
just started a game
>talon heal/ignite
>ADC lee sin with smite/teleport
reminder that people are triggered to death by garen's new e + bc armor shred while urgot does
-more shred
-at range
-doesn't need to stick to the target to do so
-has damage to make use of it
Urgot shreds 20 and that's at lvl 5, garen shreds 25
I'm done with bot lane and probably with the game as well. I've been playing since season 1 and it's the first time since the old retarded shield the kog'maw meta that this game has been so unbalanced. It doesn't matter what you do in bot lane. You can go 5/0, you can go 0/5, it doesn't fucking matter, as long as you're there to provide DPS for objectives after teamfights are done. As long as any other lane will go even 2/0, hell, even 1/0, your 5/0 doesn't matter. You'll do nothing and you'll die with no impact unless you're some challenger or are smurfing two-three tiers below your real one.
You can't play offensive in lane because junglers run around with full health all the time and can appear at any time. Even fucking Amumu who was constantly on 10 HP in his first two clears some years ago. You can't buy wards because you have TRINKETZ that you can use for either one river brush or one lane brush and you'll run out before 6 anyway. Besides who really cares about trinkets? Certainly not Lee Sin, not Nocturne, not Vi, not Evelynn, not Twitch, not Hecarim and so on and so on. God forbid you actually go further than 1/3 of your lane, because you're already dead if the enemy jungler decides to as much as fart in your general direction. Trying to play aggressive? He he no Alistar, Nautilus, Leona and various other tanky shit get free shields now too bad for you ex dee so you better play back you little fucker.
I'm a mid elo shitter and I'll stay a shitter but holy shit this game has never been so unfun as it is now. And holy shit the autofill supports who go 0/6/1 in lane and you realize you're not even 1v2, it's actually a fucking 1v3 in a role that has no impact until way into the late game. Maybe Jhin and Ashe do something with their CC and that's it.
Oh, and let's not forget the typical ADC blaming because you do no damage in teamfights. Well I fucking wonder why, maybe because I have to wait out a total of 8 gap closers on the enemy team. Fuck this.
well, it went badly not that anyone cares
talon ignored baron and pushed top lane, but we got baron anyways
then instead of pushing mid with minions the team went around doing random jungle shit and dragon, and got ganked horribly when enemy team respawned all together
>they don't 1vs9
>they don't steal the baron
>they don't get a pentakill
What´s a good support to pick that isn´t just cc or/ and heal?
Janna has a shield
true damage on QWE skills was a fucking mistake
fucking cancer
literally no one here can read gook
That's not the issue. The issue is that it's F R E E true damage. Press W for MORE true damage for Irelia or E for true damage for Yi. Amazing such skilled.
>pre-rework darius had to stack his bleed on each target
>he had to earn his true damage
>now he just gets one kill with his ult and wewlad u can just get free true damage
>ahri Q is the same
>no skill, true damage on the way back, wewlad.
Earn your fucking true damage.
its the absolute fucking worst on yi and irelia when you can just stack fucking attack speed and maul tanks who built armor instead of movespeed so they can get the FUCK away from your stupid shit
anyone D1+ want to duo?
>Spinning Axe (Q) bonus damage changed to [flat 30/35/40/45/50 damage + 65/75/85/95/105% of bonus AD] from [45/55/65/75/85% of total AD]
>Blood Rush (W) mana cost lowered to 40/35/30/25/20 from 40 at all ranks.
Please god, let this come to live.
>season restarts
>get into game with someone who was diamond last season
>"hey, you're pretty good, wanna duo"
>I suck total dick in my next game with him
>immediatly removes me from friendslist
Keep dreaming retard
where do you think you are?
thanks for the pasta
>lost promos to diamond 5
That change is actually basically nothing at any point in the game.
It's even a nerf early, sorry senpai.
O-oh. Well, shit.
I just want him to be good again.
I feel you, even if I hate actually laning against Draven, I hate no lane bullies being good even more.
I just want this meta of Vayne and Twitch being in every single fucking game over.
>Play Darius top, don't get a ban
>"Hey could you ban Fizz please?"
>They don't
>Manage to barely hold my own in lane, 1 kill and 1 death to Fizz
>Fizz goes wandering, kills bot lane about 8 times
>Comes back top, can't do a team
>Game obviously lost but team won't surrender
Why do I play this fucking game
what would be a theme/meme build that's still kinda viable on Camile that's Mikasa (from Shingeki no Kyojin) based? I wanted to do a theme thing for fun, got bored doing the same standard build over and over and wanted to freshen things up without straight up trolling. I do have intentions to win, I just can't really think of runes/masteries/items that seem like a Mikasa themed build. I will probably name change too to look ultra weeb while I do it.
Yeah, nothing being able to curb stomp a good Mayne is a major fucking problem. At least you can dive jihn.
fizz is dog shit vs darius what.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Because you can fuck her in public places and she's literally incapable of making a sound, meaning you can get away with risky shit a lot more easily.
yeah, old fizz was.
new fizz isn't.
magic damage crits were a mistake.
what item did u rush?
Whatever it is, they honestly look like two guys cosplaying as the characters rather than the characters themselves.
Excuse me sir, but appareantly you made a writing mistake in your post, since you can't go swimming "in" a person, because that would be rude to thine honor of m'lady
*tips fedora and moonwalks away*
On hit.
Ok who of you was this.
the previous thread isn't full yet but let's be honest it's a "zamph" thread and I only posted in it because nobody was on the thread we're in right now.
I haven't launched a game for 1h30 jesus christ I am truly addicted to legolegends and I am so empty when I force myself to not play it that I don't even launch another game
Honestly guys... I'm getting kind of sick of this game.
Fck off Dragon bitch you lost me 3 games alreade I HATE YOU
Lux has CC and a shield, Janna has heal and a shield, Sona has movement speed and shields and heals and CC
>bot lane goes 6/25
>enemy Vayne with 18 kills
>still win
This is what this game is now, take a good look.
>Sona has movement speed and shields and heals and CC
Not to mention stupid ass super easy poke.
dude have you been posting this in random threads on Veeky Forums for like a year now?
who the fuck are you and what is your life like
post webms
What do you mean?
Just carry harder. If a gold shititer can do it, then you can do it, plat/diamond bro.
join me I'm getting sick too
let's infiltrate Riot and find a way to create our own private server of league of legends, featuring:
>Yasuo Riven Vayne Lee reworked
>%hp damage reworked into a flat damage amplified by how healthy the target is
>no shitty fucking plants
and more
Focus entirely on movement speed to replicate how everyone goes super fast with their little... grappling hook things
Yare yare daze
I hate playing ranked lolg
i'm not even meming when I say every game I have a "lol im drunkl" or "DUDE IM SO HIGH btw never played vanye before" or a yasuo that thinks he can 1v5
You forgot to add "don't play bot lane".
I'm really bitter. Even if I hated the community for years now, I used to like the game itself. Now I just want all those years back.
I'm only here because hearthstone has reached peak shittiness. Is jungle still busted?
Could have just slapped him with ult earlier there and killed them both
Try out shadowverse my dude
Jungle. Bloodrazor, then BotRK, then Guinsoo's.
Ult onto somebody and deal 4% max health and 16% current health (half physical, half magic damage) with every hit (8% max health and 32% current health every other hit with max stacked Guinsoo's)
Just carry! Focus on yourself and don't give a flying shit about what your teammates do.
Even when I lose, if I know that the game was uncarriable, then I proceed to move on and press the button again. Like you aid, my bottom lane went 6-25 and the Bayne was fed. Did I give a fuck? No.
I just killed her, grab a penta, the baron and win the game
The point his trying to make is that being fed as a botlaner is pointless if the enemy has a fed top mid or jungle
Then he should try learning to play mid or jungle. Both roles have the most influence on the outcome of the game by far.
I'll fucking cut you, m8.
Good advice and all, but why did you even fall for the copypasta?
Y'all know he's parodying some guy who asked this for Talon a few threads ago, right?
It's a fun game, less rng bullshit than hearthstone
mtg is still better than both, but shadowverse is free
i identify as a duplicate thread and you should respect it!
How the hell is Talon relevant to Attack on Titan? I can kinda see it for Camille but not Talon.
>siver 5
what the fuck you have to do to start bronze
have bad mmr last season
I literally don't give a fuck, the game interface looks like aids, even without the god awful loli sprite anime bullshit.
The amount of mobility and burst you have as Ekko is completely out of reach for any AD carry. Since I only play those and supports, I no longer see any point in playing the game. I don't have any fun anymore.
Or just carry
This is how I dialy play. I think anyone in here can perform much better tbqh. Started on awful MMR, already facing plats and golds.
had a bit less luck with the same placements
that's clearly their original placements
placement is combination of your base mmr, the number of wins and losses in the placements and the order of those wins and losses.
>the game interface looks like aids,
you might be retarded my dude
>tfw tear/muramana Urgot was just a meme all along : ^ )
It's almost entirely MMR based, my second season of ranked I was Silver 4, did placements, won 8/10, ended up Bronze 3 because my MMR was eh.
One of the main reasons I main Ekko and Poppy, while putting Kled, Lee, Varus and in the future, Viktor as secondaries, it's because the retard amount of damage, utility and stuff they bring to the table.
And %HP max health.
Spirit Visage. Didn't seem to help.
> 0/4 in placements
I feel worthless
I got a 10 game chat restriction. when do I become able to earn loot again?
let me guess the answer is never right
go go go user