Do you know any girls who like cars?
Do you know any girls who like cars?
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I knew one, she was pretty, she knew more than me on some matters, she studied tech, she was very cool, she also did shrooms.
We arent in contact anymore partly cuz I was kinda smudging the line between friendship and smth more.
But they do exist.
why yes
>49yr'ol milf and potential cougar
>Loves 90s JDM
my cousin is really into cars
my younger sister is kinda into cars,def more into them than average girl her age
that's about it,every other girl is a casual
what a beauty...
did she fold her tit over ?
Why did she use the air from her tits to fill the tire?
only one
filipino/white chick who drove a prelude in hs, i think she has a e46 now
Pretty much only my older sister and her friends.
the only girls I've ever met who give a shit about vehicles are the redneck ones who get moist over big trucks. I don't understand it.
Just wears tight clothes I guess
looks like some loose danglers
take a bra off and the instantly drop 2 inches and try to hide in between her body and arms. big boobs otherwise
she looks even uglier there damn
pardon me u twat
>ywn have a Twingo-loving gf
Yeah i do, fucking stupidest thing. all they want is attention from guys and all the guys cuck themselves to the females. its dumb, stay away from car girls they are crazy.
stick to a normal girl who has similar interests and genuinely enjoys/loves being in your car with you, regardless if she likes cars or not. that is a feeling of true happiness.
w-where did she go :((
GF drives an 85 Firebird and will watch Top Gear with me, but that's about it
The most a girl can do is like a guy who likes cars. If that guy was her father then it can sort of translate to liking cars.
Holy shit the DNR on this pic. Yeeesh.
Yes. one of my best friends. She's on the heavy side, but does genuinely love cars, and is a noted literal GM fangirl. Her father showed her the glory of working on cars with a 1966 Chevy Nova when she was growing up.
There are a lot of girls these days pushing the boundaries when it comes to traditional appearances. It wasn't like in the past few years. More and more girls are getting into modifying cars and even owning obscure vehicles because of Youtube, social media, etc.
But don't expect them to go running after you just because you like cars. They do it to get attention and hopefully attract the right guy, not because they like you.
>terrible eyebrows
>flappy tits she has to push up into an awkward shape
>shitty hair dye
>septum piercing
>taking a selfie while driving
i have found the perfect woman
They do exist but the ones that have what we consider "enthusiast" cars either have been that way derived from their boyfriends or because of their boyfriends. The ones that can do it on their own are pretty rare but you'd want to avoid them anyway as they are usually eccentric. There are some exceptions like women of asian descent where they outright tell me they prefer tuners anyway (as far as college age goes).
Here's a tale from my younger days.
> worked at grocery store
> drove a Mustang as my daily
> get new girl working register
> new girl is a cutie Asian
> boss wants me to show her how to a register
> hell yeah I will
> as I'm showing her everything
> she says "so you drive that Mustang?"
> "yep"
> she says "they're pretty fast"
> "faster than a civic at least"
> "what do you drive"
> she says "a Honda"
> "oh that's cool"
> after the day she never talked to me again
> few days later she got another job
Did I fuck up Veeky Forums? *sigh*
You should have said something like
>Yeah it's pretty fun to drive.
Way to go dipshit.
>Mustang owner is autistic
Why am I not surprised
Except it's not pretty fun to drive.
>that's about it
For a lot of guys even getting that is it's own struggle
>inb4 the ~1% of females lurking on Veeky Forums actually respond saying they do
>met with a flurry of insults, derision, and disbelief
>why are there no girls
>cycle repeats
Everyone is autistic. Everyone is a faggot. It's really lost it's meaning now.
Someone hasn't driven a Mustang before. You. You haven't.
Yeah, no, just you.
How autistic do you have to be to say "no you!" Over the Internet? Go to bed. You have to be up early for middle school.
Bikes? Yeah sure, got like 3-4 in my friend group who ride/repair/rebuild and build bikes.
Cars? No, not really.
It kinda depends how you define 'likes cars'. My girlfriend for example changes her own oil [pic related] and enjoys doing car related things, but she isn't out buying aftermarket rims or fiddling with suspension.
>likes cars
>does shrooms
Can you give me her number?
>isn'tt a front plate state
coal burner confirmed
Are they hot?
What do they drive?
I dated a girl who worked at an indie Ferrari shop
>Maryland is a front plate state
Post invalidated
Michigan. We actually both work Nuclear.
Her daily driver is a coal rolling TDI swapped MK1, does that count?
She looks like she would give a really tough HJ. Bet she has calluses.
Nope. It really sucks. I don't know any girls who are into videogames either.
My cousin, Short thin readhead with freckles. Was into German cars, but knew a lot about JDM from a previous boyfriend.
>tfw no Christmas cake Japanese wife to work on my shitbox with
Knew one.
>drove old VW bug
>worked on it to get it/keep it running
>faster driver than me
>only drove stick
She was pretty cool. First kiss too. Drifted apart after I went to college and she joined the workforce.
Bogi is love
Bogi is life
>Hand Oneida
Yeah, my gf
>drives FD RX7
>used to have SBC swapped Miata
>helps me work on my cars
>helps me change tires (mount/dismount)
>we fuck like rabbits
>she's down to go to every single meet/event we can go to
>turned on by my driving when I took her out in my drift car
I asked her what she wants in life
>>"a big ass garage with a living space inside, and three lifts to build race cars"
So I think I'm gonna marry her
you said nothing about how she looks, should I be concerned?
Looks actually don't matter, you'll realize that once you hit 25.
honestly I was just curious. as long as she has a good face I'm fine with almost anyone
I don't know how she looks that wasn't my greentext, just letting you know.
You just perfectly described the girl I'm with now. Except instead of disappearing after the friends with benefits stage, I'm dating her.
I know a girl like this. She practically gets wet over any guy that drives a lifted Chevy truck, yet her boyfriend drives a Civic and she drives a Corolla.
I've been an autist about cars forever naturally, and my sister thought that it was gay as shit until she sat in a friend's 996 911 Convertible and "got" sports cars. Now she's looking to buy her own 911.
She's a solid 8 to me. Though she's taller than me, I don't really care because as she put it, "we're the same height when we're horizontal". kek
pretty sure any worries about christmas cake-ness goes away after they become a wife
sounds nice
I like really short girls, but I think I scare them away with my height
Me and my current Girlfriend met because of our cars. Well were both Subaru owners and parked our wrx stis next to one another because that's what you do. It just so happens a branch from a pretty big tree decided fuck Subaru and to drop that shit on our cars. Both were totaled is on your side: with a girlfriend who likes the same stuff as you do.
Treequinox, please lie somewhere else.
Known a handful of girls that really liked cars, not the casual type either- they'd turn up to track days, beat their shit around and end up having to fix most of it. Course, lot of fellas will also offer to help them!
Car girls are cute
Do I see some heterochromia going on?
>Tfw my gf hates cars and doesn't get why I'm so into them
>she's also starting to become a commie and an ecofag
Veeky Forums help me...
>Veeky Forums
>knowing any girls
If you want a girlfriend who likes cars legitimately, go gay and find a dude who does. Way easier.
bail, don't waste any more time.
Imo, having a girl whos into cars would be great, but probably only on paper; it's better and more likely to find a gf that understands and supports your hobby.
I know a girl that really likes her rusted out gen 7 Celica, manual. Previous owner cut the springs to lower it, she's put a "If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair" sticker. It's a shame that she can't afford to fix it up.
My wife appreciates vehicles
>she really wants a westfalia vanagon with the synchro 4wd
>also likes turbo "fweeeee" as she says (BOV sound)
she can't wrench, she kinda gets the basics of ICE theory tho
I also knew a female mechanic that cucked my friend into helping her move out of state
>he didn't even get to see her tits
My older sister drives delivery trucks for a living and can name a bunch of common cars. Also I knew some mechanic chick who had a Datsun B-210 and she worked on it on her own, mostly.
It depends on what you mean by "like"
If you mean
>has an interest in how they look and how fun it is to drive/ride in them
>keeps their personal car clean, takes pride in its upkeep, knows enough about maintenance to not get screwed over
The my wife loves cars, and there's plenty of women out there that do.
If you mean
>the above plus makes a hobby out of the history and nuance of cars
No, I don't know a lot of women that do that.
If you mean
>the above plus makes a hobby out of the history and nuance of the auto industry and/or all auto-related things like land-speed records, engineering, racing, etc.
Then double-no.
If you mean
>autistically obsesses over them, gets in arguments about displacement replacement, is a boy-racer on the internet, has ridiculous biases for brands, models, layouts, and engine arrangements that are irrational, etc. etc.
Then, no, the only people like that are you fuckers here and other hypernerds on other internet forums, and actual idiots IRL.
>assuming I know any girls at all
OH I am laffin
>tfw I almost did this yesterday
I got some new rims and some 19mm long lugnuts, and I couldn't fucking find a 19mm socket.I was about to grab a wrench when I realized how retarded the idea was. I ended up using a 3/4 when instead.
Yeah sure, my sister drove a g35 and the rest drove old jap cars. I bought my miata from one of her friends.
Everything was fine until recently. She started reading a bunch of commie books and being influenced by her commie roommate who had a copy of the communist manifesto just laying in the open. She's always giving me shit about eating meat and she says she hates cars. But we still like to fuck... Also I'm an autist with no friends.
Yes but she has a penis
Damn bro.
Yeah some girl from the Netherlands
I have some pics of her at an auto show but I can't find them at the moment
She is a solid 7/10 for looks but she lets it down with her pretentious attitude. If you want her number you can have it. :^)
>not working to counter the communist agitators turning her against you
Leave the girl, torch your car, and renounce your citizenship. You are Not American.
>staying a disgusting communist liberal
>fuckin ever
Fuckin' a
That really looks like a dude in drag, man.
She used to be neutral about politics, I wasn't expecting her to become a fucking leftist like all the other college aged women.
>oil filter on top of engine
>brand new hand cleaner, funnel, and paper towel roll
Staged photo
Of course it does, that's not her. That's me
Girls don't like anything. Girls only feign interest in things they believe will raise their social status.
One, its the only woman I've ever known to actually be psychologically interesting beyond basic interests, as well have analytical mind.
Too bad she's a dyke and not physically attractive.
>feelio when no gf who drives daddy's muscle car