/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18.
Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=5VV5-opm1TE
Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XiOBszkWCp0

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:


What keeps you from getting burned out after every new game's announcement/release, /mhg/? Doesn't it feel like shit when you're deep into a MH game, a new one gets announced and completely invalidates your accomplishment? It's not like the game varies enough to warrant having to start over into Babbysville from the very beginning every damn time.

The only other type of gamers that puts up with this abuse as far as I know are MMOfags after every crippling update.

you could you have...

I have other games and also made a new 4u save

>you could you have
I need to sleep

doesn't invalidate shit

it's the same as the cycle for fighting games, people bitch and whine like babies and quit playing when a new game is announced even though it will be at least a year before it ever gets released in america

play the shit you have, don't worry about stuff that you won't be playing anytime soon

if monster hunter had some form pvp and/or in-game leaderboards it would likely have greater longevity

The difference is that fighting games don't have a shitload of grindan required to git for gud status.

I'll consider it. Surely it not as hard as my no armor solo file, I hope.

I wouldn't mind something of a speed competition mode where someone kills a monster under set arena conditions and then another player has to kill the same monster but faster, with the game continuing until a player finally times out.

Tell that to the 10 people still playing MH4U. At least MH3U has a monopoly on the Wii U to remain somewhat active.

MHX will end up the same way once MHXX comes out.

>putting arbitrary restrictions upon myself
For what purpose? I play video games to have fun.

and for some people that is fun

I've got no problem with people jumping to the new version when it comes out, it's the concept of dropping a current game just because another game was announced. Shit is just plain retarded

Fair enough. My favorite part of MH games is the steady progression from late LR to mid-late HR. When things slow down is when I get burnt.


You know, part of me wants to play MHF-Z and MHO, but then I remember that they're MMOs and have an insufferable grind.

Then I'm happy that I get 2 Glavenus Fire Orbs for every Hellblade I fight.

I'm still too dumb to understand Generations weapon upgrade system.

Fire orbs ain't shit. Wait until you need hellblade powders.

I've been pretty lucky with Powders. Got 8 in my first 1-10.

Same. It's part of the reason why I stick to 4U

It's almost the same thing but without renaming your weapon every single upgrade, also giving you the ability to go to another upgrade path even if you overshoot your upgrade level. During the process, sometimes you're also asked to use any combination of materials of a certain category.

>When you unlock Frontier's secrets on how to make part grind easy as pie

And the ability to purchase parts is good too.


>faggot keeps launching me with his faggy weapon and completely prevents me from carving

Because the base game is so much fun.

I'm kind of burnt out on MH.

I'm not sure if I should bother with Gen, I mean it has styles to keep it fresh.

I was going to go cat only since that'll be new

I like this guys idea On switching weapons every 25 hunts but that would introduce too much grind in upkeeping multiple weapons

How do I enjoy XX guys? Any ideas?

Get good

I hate this series

I love this series

MHF's issue isn't the grind, it's cash shop gear and important shit being locked behind scheduled events, and if you don't speak Japanese, the language barrier is much greater than for other MH games.

MH4: 13920 blocks (1740MB)
MH4G: 21300 blocks (2663MB)
MHX: 12198 blocks (roughly 1525MB)
MHXX: 19000 blocks (2280MB)

Man those particle effects in MHX/XX really take up space.

They're model based mostly. It's the texture work that makes em look good.

I really hope XX has 60 fps this time though.

Do all of the 3U event quest monsters have increased health?

How would you rank the 3DS MH's?

3: Gen

I haven't touched Gen in months, meanwhile I started a new file on 3U

>4U above 3U

3U was honestly kind of shit
>charm tables
>poison was secretly OP as hell
>Lucent was 3U's Hellblade
>shitty roster
>zero challenge but bloated HP pools
>input lag and frame drops on Wii U, unreadable text on 3DS
>HP/stamina bars don't go all the way across the screen

>No DB spin
>underwater bullshit
These are my only complain

So did MH4U use higher resolution textures for N3DS or did it just utilize better texture filtering techniques?

>No DB spin
That's a good thing desu. Gen made me fucking hate that move.

>poison was secretly OP as hell

Elaborate. Especially when Gigginox offers a Lance with an absurd 52 true poison.

Poison in 3U did a lot more damage than people realize, many monsters were extremely weak to it, and there was a large selection of good weapons with crazy high poison values. Lucent's weapons also all had it.

There's a reason why most of the endgame speedrunners actually used poison weapons, not the oh-so-overpowered Blast.

>HP/stamina bars don't go all the way across the screen
And that's bad because.....?

Wouldn't high poison values end up accidentally triggering the status again during the first's effects? Otherwise, fair enough. Still haven't touched the game in a few months and hovering around high rank, so I guess the information might still be handy later or something.

>burst damage
>speedrunner DB only spin2win
>instant status/element stacks
>konchu on drugs
*Bla bla bla* *over anal analysis discussion* *spin is broken lel*
It almost like mhg hates fun. DB TTK is roughly the same as any other weapons. Just look at TTK list. Why does mhgees goes up and titties over small stuff?

ranting shitposts are needed to keep this general alive

Using one move over and over isn't fun.
At least 4U gave DB some trade offs. Be in Archdemon and get spin2win from idle, or be in Demon and get slightly more damage on other attacks and the Demon Dance.
Then Gen came along, let you spin2win from idle in demon mode, and nerfed archdemon into uselessness.

I hate the move because it's such an obvious crutch for the weapon and represents everything wrong with 4U.
They couldn't figure out how to make 4U challenging in a way that doesn't just invalidate any strategy other than hit and run burst, so they just gave most weapons hit and run burst. Now everything plays the fucking same.

>It's like MHG hates fun
>Implying spamming 1 move on such a free flowing weapon is fun

DS was always hit and run burst dumbass, now you just do it with the spin instead of the demon dance. Its regular moveset was never worth using.

If your idea of fun is just using a ton of different attacks, why are you playing MH?
MH has always been about making the most out of limited options. Hell, GS has literally one attack and it's both consistently top tier, and the most beloved weapon in the franchise.

you literally only use the spin as a gap closer, if you use it as anything more than that you're retarded.
I bet you people watched one Gen Thunderlord speedrun and watched someone spin2win the hind legs to trip Zin and decided this was the entire weapon in a nutshell.

>actually complaining that your weapon is too strong
You are literal fucking cucks.
You should be happy to be able to tear through monsters so effortlessly.

>Using one move over and over isn't fun

I say otherwise

Yeah, you're right. +1000 with DB on my guild card really shows that DB is more boring than watching Fedex stocks trade goes up and down.

No DB mained OVERly used one move than the other move. Only new people to the weapons use it like that.

what is the point of the lvl 3 spin attack on hammers?

>mfw all these casual shitters not understanding it's the highest DPS move in the DB arsenal
>mfw all these people using it sub-optimally getting butthurt
>Mfw all these strawmans
>mfw I main hammer.

It killing mhg

Fuck hammer, I rather sucks SnS's black dick

>highest DPS move

I thought it was just a very versatile attack. Isn't the Demon Dance still practically the highest DPS attack?

I don't know. Why do I keep missing LS final slah? We all have questions that'll never be answered, asswipe.


Nope, DD is the single highest attack, but the spin offers more DPS. It also doesn't root you for 5 seconds and moves you about so you can dodge. You could literally disable all your other buttons and be playing optimally.
>hating on the most skillful weapon in the game

>most skillful weapon in the game

but he was talking about hammer, not charge blade

So why are people defending this?

>most skillful weapon in the game

but he was talking about hammer, not LS

>most skillful weapon in the game

but he was talking about hammer, not HBG

Because abusing your highest MV move over and over is the essence of MH?

>most skillful weapon in the game

but he was talking about hammer, not LBG

So you're admitting that 4th gen DB is boring and ezmode as fuck?

Because people want you to play how they want you to play? Or else they go ape shit for no reason?

>Because abusing your highest MV move over and over is the essence of MH?

maybe for a shitter like yourself. real hunters use the highest MV move that is appropriate for the situation

if you're not hitting a weakspot with most of your attacks, kill yourself

Speaking of dual blades and skillful gameplay.

Should I go for Razor Sharp or Element Crit with Kirin DBs? Can fit one or the other.

>most skillful weapon in the game

but he was talking about hammer, not literally any other weapon

DD provides the most DPS. Don't feed mhg false info.

Good weapons can use their best move in every situation.

It's your strongest combo if you land every hit and finish with the golfswing.

Also it lets you apply status well.


by your logic, GS is the only good weapon.

and as we know, it's quite mediocre now

>by your logic, GS is the only good weapon.
it is.
>and as we know, it's quite mediocre now
They kneecapped its set options, nerfed its damage and it's still top 3.
GS is top tier by design.

But it's not. Come back when you've played a real mediocre weapon.

Diablos is the cover monster of MHXX, GS is gonna be god tier again.

considering every one of the deviant greatswords are complete trash, i wouldn't get your hopes up for the diablos one being good

>Deviant variant of Cera Cymmetry

Just have to hope it isn't shit



B-but I don't like to play like a coward. I like to fight the monsters face-to-face, not hit-and-wimp.

it wasn't even top 5 until japs optimized the run

most of you GSshitters won't even be beating prowler times.

Crit Draw/Focus/Honed Blade/unnerfed Rock Steady/Sheath Control on G Deviant Diablos set.



GS is a skillful weapon, yes.

>hoping for a deviant set with skills that even come close to beating a mixed set


it's going to have earplugs, defense, negative critical eye and some other trash bullshit


When will we get MH SFM porn?

silver sol smashes it

good mixed sets smash it

it's only good for striker since it has several dead skills for anyone using adept

Speaking of which, what are they going to do about deviant sets in XX? They can't exactly just make you keep upgrading the current ones, those skills aren't going to be remotely competitive in G Rank.
I hope we're just going to get entirely new versions with no trash skills and slots to justify how hard they are to get.

>They can't exactly just make you keep upgrading the current ones, those skills aren't going to be remotely competitive in G Rank.

welcome to 90% of the armor sets in the game.
at best you will get one more skill at g rank level

They're never going to make full sets better than mixed sets, so Deviant sets are going to be total trash forever.

Ashen Array would come pretty close, Tigrex Great Sword simply edges it out and has a free slot on top of being drastically less bothersome to make.

Not a bad thing and far better than 4U with the uneven terrain.
Yeah charms need to go
only if you used SA
shut the fuck up, 4U is far worse
just rush to G-rank, plus the HP wasnt bloated at all
meme! on input lag, true for the 3DS

3U was good, 4U was a horrible disappointment and far worse.