>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Camilla a best!
Azura a shit
Sumia is cute.
Pump and dump Sumia
ded thread
Camilla isn't all that.
>belkafag isn't a shitposter
CamillBULLAnon, please take out the foreign trash.
CamillBULLnon is about to ISIS his ass.
A best at being SHIT
Back off
>took the Japanese stuff out of the title
>goomba avatar
Opinion discarded
>inb4 the LTCfag with his shitty list
For reference:
Jakob 1
Felicia 1
Felicia 2
Jakob 2
Oh baby
>this guy who always draws pussy eating
Compliment my wife
She's good at dying
She triggers shitposters
Got a problem with it?
She's fucking shit, fuck off chicken
She's my daughterfu and she's cute.
Now back off and get a divorce.
>tfw you sing when you meant to pair up
Shit like this makes me wish there was some sort of confirm window.
I like the way Disgaea handles it, where a command isn't set in stone until you hit execute.
I just want a damn conformation window for multipurpose support units. Heal and dance can really ruin your day.
make me Micshitah
She's at champ when it comes to the backdoor
I think shes cute
>wasn't a unique IP
Hmmm. So much for not being a shitposter anymore.
Why do you keep posting this?
Why not? God forbid someone post something gameplay related.
Whats your fav FE game and why?
FE7 because it was my first
Sacred Stones because
10 bucks says there are the same guy
same reasons as this guy
No fucking kidding.
>inb4 this thing totally gets posed guise :)
>it gets posted
>it's samegagging if I don't like it
No (you) for you
>when you pair up instead of heal
mmmm watcha say
She's like Asuka so take that as you will.
Fire Emblem 7 because that shit was exciting for me and my first game in the series besides
>tfw I used to never reset because it never dawned on me I could
I made it to the dragon with like 4 people left and I still bodied that bitch
>other thread that was being samefagged to life deleted
What do you know, the mods DO do something sometimes.
>7 (You)'s
Get your shit together /feg/
Hmm i see
My favorite has to be Genealogy
Idk why but i just love everything about that game, the music, the characters, the big maps, just make me enjoy playing it alot
Probably played it more times than i can count, and i own a physical copy of it
>waah people like this unit I don't like
grow up faggot
What the fuck CamillBULLnon, you were supposed to stop this thread from winning.
>tfw no one remembers your waifu
What the fuck is this new next level faggotry? Fuck off and take your tripfag circlejerk with you.
I don't care who anyone likes but if garbage like that takes up more than 10% of the thread than this place has no reason to exist anymore.
>this mad your shitty Lissa thread got deleted
my tikis are in orbit
I didn't even bother opening the other thread because it was made just to incite further posting like yours.
When did this drawing appeared? I haven't been here for a long time.
I like Hana
I don't believe you
Post your first run teams
Felicia is not here because I didn't know she could go up to level 40
It has great characters, great gameplay gimmicks, I really like the Avatar, I'm a sucker from the archetype of "regular dude that jusy trained his ass off". Maps are fun, reclassing opens a lot of replayability, Hard is very well balanced (Lunatic not so much). Plot is very good too. Dem waifus.
Overall I feel it's the one whose individual elements come together in the best way.
Also I got into Fire Emblem because I main Marth in smash so I absolutely love the guy, he's my favorite lord.
It's better this way. Last thing I need is shitposting tripfag tied to her.
I don't think I have the save anymore but here is a relic I found and mvp of my first run.
What's up with all the tripfags here? Never seen a general so clouded with their shitposting.
I've been told to just stay away from there altogether, and I did. Can it get even worse?
i think we still have less shitposting than /v/ at least
there was a "tripfag revolution" where they all realized how cancer they were and took off their trips, but kept avatarfagging. now there are even more trips than there used to be, plus avatarfags. they reach image limit at like 400 posts.
haha, no
Depends on the thread, I guess. The thing is that with /feg/ trips are a given, while /v/ is lottery pick. But I don't recall seeing you in any of the (few) /v/ FE threads I've been on.
The other fuckers in the other hand are everywhere.
Ltc =/= real gameplay
Awakening because it finally made Anna a playable character.
Fe8 was my first and wil stay as my fav Fe
Friendly reminder, that Nohr is superior Hoshicucks
This, but without the shitposting undertones.
Tbh i only use my trip here
edit this to have Marx's ead
>posts katana
Edit Siegfried on that, user.
Hey guys it's been a while since I played fates, booted it up and got a message " could not find downloadable content. Would you like to start your game with part of the save data removed?" Not sure what that was about because all the bought dlc is still there. Maybe it's temporary data downloaded from other players? Help would be appreciated.
She isn't even good, she can't even fight. What is even the point? All she can do is refresh, why not use the character slor on an actual combat unit.
She is the cutest and best Kanamom and a bundle of adorable.
Superior place to live or superior in military might? You'd be dead wrong on the first one and the sort of have to be on the second since their country is a wasteland
I'm about to go to work. I'll try and remember to do it when I get back.
Simply based man
Good night /feg/
I wanna headpat Nino and tell her that everything is gonna be alright and make her smile again
That picture is cute
>fanfic reads better than the actual story
muh dick
that reminds me
did fanfic nina ever deliver the selkie x velouria fic?
>tfw want to play FE4 again but then I remember that I have to slog through Pt. 1 to get to the good stuff
>dumb fox and shitdog
>ever getting anything
>fanfic nina
>not a hack
Jaffar pls.
You're 2 edgy 4 her
Because it's loads of fun. Only game I've bothered completing the support log for.
Wanna play fe4 together maybe?
I never get enough of it
Sigurd is hottest lord
Granpacucks, all of you, holy shit.
It's saddening when people spend so much time arguing about which part of a game sucks the most that you can't actually see what's good about it.