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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
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Ohio and Chile
Official Veeky Forums PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
You're gonna be a legend!
I fucking love the fireworks gun. It's not even max level in reinforcing or weapon training and it's beast-mode.
He can spawn like fifty skeletons if he wants to. Thankfully he normally doesn't want to.
He also does a lot of damage. Hes definitely not unfair, but it's extremely demoralizing reaching him and hitting him only to get "lmao 2 damge" or "lmao 10 damge" when you're used to hitting for 100-500. That's what most people are talking about.
Cali has a decently large population and are up the earliest. Casuals looking for a team joined the largest numbers, and the ultra large numbers attracted even more dedicated people. We win like every war. So that's helping quite a bit.
"I fucking love the fireworks gun"
Now there's a sentence I never thought I would see.
What song do you guys play in the waiting room? Currently jamming to this youtube.com
I'm going to marry Naomi
It gets pretty good honestly. Scales beastly with dex. I also enjoy having one around to pre-roast stuff like alligators and turtles, even crabs. Mildly useful.
I wanna be her G-Head!
Do you even have a mullet?
Why is there NO art of the Mushroom Magistrate?
I have yet to square off against them.
And still they've harvested my heart.
As a general rule of thumb anyone semi-competent won't die to your defenders, so all you can do is time them out; Defenders have high HP and high Vit (which I'm given to believing increases defence but I have no proof whatsoever) so they simply last forever.
If they last long enough for multiple defenders to finally actually emerge, too, they can swarm the invader to death which is also good.
Fuck off machete cunts
anyone know how to pop open honeycombs?
Just use the parrying iron, like haha nigger how are machetes even real, like just block nigga.
>I'd have their shit by now or whatever they drop if it wasn't for the elevator autist
fucking put them back in already
bear handed?
Is the elevator glitching the only known instance of a Jackal being "defeated"?
i see what you did there
Yes, and until they add them back in, it'll be the ONLY kill.
Yeah, but as soon as they're back in the game most people with T5s will be able to kill them easily, unless they fixed shroom cheese too.
as far as the internet knows
I get waves of motivation where I say, no i'll grind through this floor 20-30 slog and beat it, and I get on and give it another chance. And immediately realize why I wanted to stop in the first place.
It's been a while since I've gotten hyped to punk rock.
There should really be a way to play the OST while dungeoning.
What would be the most annoying stall-worthy set for defending?
Fighters with poison weapons? Dual firewands?
even if they fix transparagus, guardshroom, and timestop working against them they still won't be too diffcicult
Wew. Made it to 23 with basically just my fists after beating the boss on 20. This shit is silly. I get five fucking BP's and its the entire agamemnon set and two bloody pitching machine plans. Fucking god damnit. I need MELEE.
Best place for cloakshrooms before Jackson?
Absolutely firewands
Fucking HATE haters with those fucking things
Nailguns are also a whore if the user has enough dex
>Hit the grindwall
>Get so bored of running the same floors I've already run through 80 times that I stop playing
>Tell myself I'm pretty much done with it for a long time
>Pick it back up within an hour or two and repeat
I hate this game.
So I just got through my first Goto and unlocked all grade 2 fighters. Which should I invest in next? I already maxed grade 2 striker and collector.
Also, floor 11 to 13 pretty chill. Is it the best palce for grinding?
What's the deal with everyone wearing fucking masks?
Nose and lips are the first thing to rot off a corpse senpai!
What features would you like to see added? No matter how unlikely.
>co-op mode separate from the main tower, with unique rewards
>brass knuckles/cestus style weapons
It's literally one of the first things they tell you, m8. Poisonous spores everywhere in that tower.
spores contaminate the air, RESPECT THE LORE
Don't even bother, you'll get grade 3s in 5 floors.
Wait, that early?
I guess it isn't a feature but I want less predictable AI, a single enemy is rarely threatening once you know the attack patterns
Like for example spear AI only EVER use the R2 attack, never the lunge stab which is so much better, and they telegraph when they're going to attack so much
Hope this game releases more items and even permanent cosmetic cash shop items that go over your armor.
I want SS Uniform with gas or soap weapons.
A garden of Eden leaf or boxers with hearts on them for comedic moments your armor breaks
More wrestling move takedowns
Aren't these niggas dead though?
where can one get red metal
>die five fucking times and lose all my gold on weapons trying to get revenge
>some fucking nigger comes out of nowhere in the last room and `1 shots me
This funky shit right here.
Anyone know how to get to that side room from Regashi-Koya floor 6 to floor 5? I keep running Into a gate that locks with no way to open it.
Reminder that machetes are for fucknuggets, and real men use the longsword. The delayed 3rd hit nearly always gets the AI.
Does anyone know what items use D.O.D. Arms Blue Metal to upgrade? I've been farming Coen and every so often he drops the stuff. I've got like 7 or 8 of them clogging up my storage and I want to sell them to make room but I don't know if any of my items might need it in the near future.
Somebody rip it before it gets muted, got a copyright claim on it immediately
What the fuck do you think. Go around.
>think "this 'funky beat' sounds a lot like 'fuckin beat'"
>it actually is "fuckin beat"
Not that user but yes. I just got there tonight.
Except I can't dumbass, because the only other way to enter the area is going under from Tamata 3f into Manno 4f, where you run into a gate that's locked from the other side.
>from colombia
>not available in freedomland
Stupid question but how do I remove the level cap? Just maxed my fighter to lvl. 25 and apparently can't level him up anymore.
Climb the fucking tower, senpai.
A high quality version is already in the compilation download, and the full album has been uploaded as well. Both are in the pastebin.
There's like 0 chance of cosmetics. There's absolutely zippity shit to even hint towards it. I think they'er banking on the p2w shit like express passes and death metals to carry their sales, even though people will eventually find a meta to shit all over everything without needing to use it.
I think people will actually start buying death metals once they fuck raids hard enough to convert for kc for elevator rides because it's already at a point where everyone below tier 4 is fucking destroying each other to get to silver and gold to farm splithium and coins to be able to buy gear and salvage fighters in bullshit higher floors.
Really? I uploaded it in Georgia USA
GO higher dipshit. Stop asking retarded fucking questions and explore.
Dont you have to go from F6 to a side room and then down?
>no counter to machete faggots except magnum
fuck I don't want to carry around a goddamn magnum just to kill five people in raids this is so fucking gay
You know they say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different outcome (or so i was always told) Wouldn't that make us all insane for playing this game??
Just use the parrying iron, senpai.
I've explored literally everywhere except the areas that rotate on a daily, dumbass. If I knew how to get there, I sure as shit wouldn't be asking you.
Floor 6 on my map doesn't seem to connect to that specific sideroom, I'll post a pic in a second.
I already have iron at max mastery, I'm trying to get max mastery for every weapon but for some reason fucking BULLETS DON'T STAGGER EXCEPT FOR THE MAGNUM
Ah, I haven't checked,Ive just been doing requests for anyone that asks for them
>why does a larger bullet stagger more?
I'm smearing bloody feces on myself right now.
Sorry, I am making love to a pile of bloody feces.
>We see the Hawtis Irunus commonly referred as the Hot Iron in its natural habitat
>Still a mystery to haters this species lives successfully in a symbiotic relationship with hunters
>The species is able to spit out a projectile liquid heated over an amazing 100C
>Though its diet consists of the ever sparce iron scraps there is no worry for its main way of defense known as "parry" uses no durability
>One must watch out for this being and not attack if it hears its hiss or else they will be in a world of death metal hurt
>fighting enemies outside your fucking level bracket
What the fuck . I might as well max out everyone
>implying a .223 going 1.5x as fast as a .44 wouldn't make you stop for a second
>implying SIX .223s wouldn't make you stop as much as a .44
>implying a fucking crossbow bolt as long as your forearm wouldn't fucking stagger you
bloody pitching machines is p good m8
God dammit, I just lost all my characters to my own damn hater. I want to die
I don't think most people are even aware they're in there since the pastebin is still just listed as FAQ, and the downloads are at the very bottom.
That room has two trap doors. You have to pick the right one to go down. If you picked the one that goes to maminemachi then go to nashiyoguchi and take the elevator back down to moka-magomi. From there go back to regashi-koya and you can see the path you previously took. Take the opposite one.
Shit's mad gay. I stopped upgrading some common items because having 4k longsword with a 1min cooldown is much less gay than spending 5.5k on a Jungle Machete that takes 15 minutes and is weaker. I fucked up upgrading my firework launcher.
You know what they say, he is is his own biggest critic.
When did you start?
It's on 9F, only grade 1 fighters but I'm low on coins atm as well
Well, you technically resurrect because God let Uncle Death and the dons fiddle with your corpse on the way up the tower of barbs. So you die but you always come back to life good as new
You guys should start linking the previous thread in the OP for convenience and archiving purposes.
Start from floor one and don't get greedy senpai
Where is a good aluminum engine farm?been scouring 21-23for a while
Why? shits gone in a few months
Thank you, appreciate it.
Why is the pickaxe fun?
did you find your room user?
stop lying pls
>but I'm low on coins atm as well
you'll always be low on coins. better get used to it. salvage costs are cheap, just farm some early floors for materials and blueprints and get dosh in the process
>Pay 49.99 dollarydoos for naked fighters
How many of you degenerates actually would?
Why is there a guaranteed Hater spawn on Floor 1? How are you supposed to train newer fighters if you are GUARANTEED to run into Hater usually around the level of your strongest Fighter?
Why are you passing floor 4 if you're that worried?
Farm COEN. Circle strafe that fuck and grind it out.