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Reminder that D.Va is the best girl in the game.

I love Hana.

Gay-briel Reyes!

I want hana song to ride my dong

>Your Main
deepest secret


another year of chastity

Yes yes! More Gay-briel Reyes!

>this post
Why would people do that? Tell lies on the internet? Look at this blueberry perfection.

go away homoposters

1 day until the winter update

sub diamond shitters .............................................................

Excuse me?

Go away


I hope it hits when the arcade boxes reset
Would be more convenient if I could just get to work right away on that instead of putting it off overnight

IP ban these Korea fucks from playing NA

They're just trying to escape the hackers in their own country

Reminder: Bully your Mercy until they switch!

I encourage everyone to travel to /d2g/ and make fun of dotards, who just got the worst patch of any modern game.

scared yet?


Gonna more details before I shitpost user.

what was the patch?

>migrants coming to america to escape fuckers in their shit hole of an area and fucking over americans in the process

Boy haven't I heard that one before

Jesse McCree
Sombra buffs when.

need this updated

I have some leaked information for you guys about the next new hero, who is currently in relatively early design phases. I got the information from my close friend who works in Blizzard's QA department.

First of all, yes it is Doomfist.

As of current design concepts his planned abilities are as follows.

>Tank - 200 life, 300 shields
>Primary Weapon: Doomfist - melee weapon - 50dps
>First ability (Passive): Enrage, Doomfist gains a damage multiplier based on his current health total (not including shields)
>2x damage at 100 health, 3x damage at 75 health, 4x damage at 50 health
>Second Ability (bound to E): Doomfist can instantly gain 300 shields - 10 second cooldown
>Third Ability (bound to shift): Doomfist can use a powerful leaping knockback punch attack that deals 100 damage on direct hit (is effected by damage multipliers from enrage) - 15 second cooldown
>Ultimate Ability: Doomfist shares his enrage damage bonus with all allies within range for 10 seconds

So yeah, that's Doomfist. Mind you it's still early stages and hasn't even been implemented yet let alone tested so all of the above is subject to change.

>lost 11% in the last month
still probably feels more alive than OW where you're playing the same few dozen players because of too strict MM

You are like a little baby, watch this.

Jamison Fawkes!

>colonials coming to america to escape fuckers in their shit hole of an area and fucking over natives in the process

Shut the fuck up faggot no one cares about your Deviantart fanfic.

>gauls coming to Rome to escape fuckers in their shit hole of an area and fucking over natives in the process

>tumblr noses: latin edition
what sort of bizzarro world are these artists living in where noses are perpetually multiple shades darker?

They got "talent trees" like league of legends and heroes of the storm, as well as changing map layout to exactly match league of legends, plagiarizing the league of legends HUD, destroying the 6-item limit, removing diffusal blade self-target, dumbing the game down, and adding retarded broken skills for level 25s

يا إلهي أنا تهز حرفيا. .. ...

literally the world was built by immigrants i wonder how many races doesnt exist anymore

i agree overwatch is lacking racial and gender diversity

this is so fucking CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i agree, we need more chocolate lolis

>homo sapiens moving onto Neanderthal lands to escape their shithole of any area and fucking over the natives in the process


>only 2 hours with mercy
>"eh, why not?"
>res all over the place
>whole team and even a couple on the enemy team commend me post-game
This is a good feeling.



>time for your prostate exam, user

hows the first 5 hours of overwatch going

Post stats

>tfw you win a blowout match after a five game losing streak


>eat/drink something that is Blueberry flavored
>think of Widowmaker

Is this what her asshole would taste like? Because I'd never stop.

>It's a blow a 3 - 1 lead because one of our dps decided to hanzo/widow/genji episode

>bad thing happened to me


Fucking disgusting, blizzard should fix her spine and put her on a diet

This was super cute and kind of funny up until that last panel.
Fucking people man, I swear, if you're going to do fetish art then do fetish art, if you are going to do a cute comic then leave it as a cute comic.

stop being a homosex mang

this is so meta

well considering the fact that she's blue because she has decreased blood circulation probably something like a corpse

I have 1000 currency

Should I get a Torb Skin or a Zenyatta skin

What is this some sort of humiliation/urine fetish?

>try it
>it actually works

this. shes a fatty fat fat fat.



So any hero can do this?

At least she's not old, missing an eye and throwing pissjars to heal people kek. Also blue > brown. Stay hesitating.

She has no fat she's a fit assassin.

Christmas legendary skins are 3000 coins.

So is anyone else experiencing invisible gameplay for the first 1-3 minutes in a match?

I've recently passed the 100 mark, so I don't know, that was a while ago.

So let me get this straight
>game forces you to 50/50

>99% on two rounds
>third round 99% into overtime, lose point to opponent
>enemy team magically gets the next round
>99% vs 99% during the last round

>contest until overtime, then magically the teams can push and win

So has anyone confirmed the damage handicap placed in game yet? Because Ill shred people to bits point blank with 76 one game, then magically do less damage in another.

Well that sounds like a fursonal problem.

>Your main/favorite hero
>unobjectionable their best skin


delete tis

you sound inconsistent

literally just spend money


You're not one of those faggots that uses the bland military skins or the clown stuntrider skins, are you?


happens with other characters as well. Direct hit with Pharah doing 120, then 100 next game. Asked someone on enemy team to help me confirm, because im """youtube famous"""" ( im really not and i dont have a channel at all) i just wanted to see if someone would help.

She's still better than a brainwashed emotionless frog who's not even in the meta.



is this 3d or a drawing I can't tell,damn that's the best Hana itt

Summer skins


Is Roadhog the best solo Q hero?

I haven't played dota in 2 years, what the fuck why would icefraud do that?

Quit while you're ahead user, also link me to th thread pls

I hope Reinhard get a Goat helmet with cloak skin and get a Trident as weapon.

Because I like that look.

or 76 but yes


I have a feeling blueberrys pussy is puffier dont you think?

it could be something as simple as ping
is your ping consistent

20 tick rate

There's a hidden buff that increases your damage by 2% each loss until you win a game

Any tips for solo queuing with D.VA. I feel like every-game I'm struggling to carry shit teams and obviously failing.

means you're just spamming tanks in the front line when you should be getting on their dps/supports faces more often

What said, but Zarya, D.Va, Zenyatta, Reaper can all do reasonably well. Lucio can't solo-carry, but you'll always be appreciated if you're a Lucio main.

try combining ults, dont solo

How would you feel if they have us the son of Jack Morrison as a new hero?


Where were you when damage handicaps were confirmed?