Have you ever been sexually attracted to a car?

Have you ever been sexually attracted to a car?

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Started seeing this girl recently. So we go out for 2 dates.. I pick her up etc. I drive a 2010 mustang.. Pretty nice nbd.

Anyway I'm supposed to pick her up for our 3rd date but my Stang is in the shop. I tell her to reschedule.. She tells me she can get her dad's car and pick me up... I oblige.

This girl is 18 btw... Comes and picks me up in a 2016 Porsche Cayenne fully as fully loaded can be (apparently her dad is a serious enthusiast and used to even drive a 911 turbo) . I literally got a semi.. Not even exaggerating. I was admiring the car more than her. Touching it and shit. We ended up hooking up that night and it was fucking great.

I still love my baby but man... That was something else.

shit dude, if her dad lets her pick you up in that, he must have faith in you.

I'm only into cars for the sex. (With the cars.)


Yes. Rear Combination Lamp a cute! Cute!


She told him everything about me. I'm 6 years older. Good job. Same racial background etc.

But man the car is do amazing. I wish I can afford even half that car.


First time I drove stick well without fucking up I got a boner. Probably will again once I graduate from a4cyl to something better.

Do your best!!

>"After a few minutes, I felt a desire to connect with her further, so I had penetrative sex with the exhaust pipe."

>but I always use a condom
Liar. I see his bastards driving around all the time. The resemblance is undeniable.



I'm trying to find the whole episode with the Bug guy and this guy. It's disturbing as shit but you can't stop watching.

Found it


well I have had enough internet for the day.

Of course

where's the exhaust?

You have to dig a little to find it ;)


>same racial background
>thanks /pol/

I saw an F Type coupe at local grocer. I chatted with the guy who owned it (50ish guy with silver hair) and he revved it. That thing sounded so sexy. What was even more surprising was that it was the V6 version.

I'd let an Edsel suck me off.

Only to those very expensive cars that only millionaires can buy.

>same racial background
