Fuck this gay ass state for not making lane splitting illegal
Fuck this gay ass state for not making lane splitting illegal
>driving down road at 75 in the left lane, speed limit is 65
>just chillin
>motorcycle out of nowhere passes me doing 90-100 like half a foot from my car
>hurr durr lane splitting is safe guys
I can see filtering through traffic at a red light to get to the front or slowly filtering through a traffic jam, but to be cutting in between cars at 70+ mph, who the fuck knows when somebody is gonna change lanes without a turn signal
lane splitting is retarded
the problem is a lot of them don't do it in a safe manner. Speeding through gridlocked traffic at 40mph with cars, trucks, and giant SUV's changing lanes without signaling isn't safe.
>if everybody would just follow the rules perfectly nothing bad would happen
>why waste billions every year on courts and prisons when simple rules will prevent anything bad from EVER EVER happening
Everyone who complains about lane splitting is just mad because they are sitting in traffic and have to watch a bike go past. Try to explain that it is safer than being stopped for the bikers and relieves congestion and they ALWAYS say "yeah but one time I saw a guy do it really fast so it's all bad."
Somehow California is the only state with a logical law on this. Everyone else is just saying "I don't get to go, why should he?" Stop pouting. Lane splitting has no negative effect on car drivers.
That's still illegal you twat, it's reckless driving.
And that still happens everywhere lane splitting is illegal
>Everyone who complains about lane splitting is just mad because they are sitting in traffic and have to watch a bike go past.
I ride motorcycles and lane splitting is retarded
lane splitting is literally the only redeeming quality of the peoples republic of california
>enjoy not having pic related
That's cringy as fuck you retarded foreign unibrowed inbred retard who married a girl with a child that wasn't his.
Kill yourself.
WA almost had a good lane splitting law that defined a speed limit for splitters and a maximum speed at which traffic could be split. It basically only allowed it at stoplights and during traffic jams.
However, a couple of eastern WA retards amended the bill to only allow it on the left side of the left lane (going between lanes might scare/anger car drivers) and left it to rot in the house, and nobody cared because everyone in this state drives a jeep because they think they need it to drive on gravel
aussies pls don't pretend to be American
No tuition to any UC or CSU school and a 4k NEET bucks a month in CA are far better for me right now than some shitty slav gun.
lol free money guys!
its pretty nice senpai ;3
shut up Bernie
>be american
>buy russian rifle
>pair with outdated flag now used by literal traitors
>lel le liberal tears
were they spilling this hard when the teh drumpf habbening occured
because my mom and dad live in different countries,not the next farm down the road. totally plausable bruh
>your a cuck m8, but funz is ebil
implying i wish it wasnt the mailman so i could get out of child support, paternity tests are a kick in the dick
>dat autismo doe
If you've never been in a situation where lane splitting made more sense than not you either don't ride, have a couch cruiser, or only ride in the country.
I ride an enduro in the city
Yes, working people are butthurt that you're getting a free ride off their money, makes sense desu
>implying russia and the US are not natuarl besties
>traitor according ro whom desu?
>in southern California on the freeway
>stop and go traffic
>moving no more than 10mph
>going around a slight curve
>move to change lanes and hear a loud CRUNCH
>see a motorcyclist go flying and realize I hit them
>she was going over 40 mph when traffic was basically stopped
>fucked up her bike but she walked away only a bit bruised up and sore
>thought it was going to be my fault
>turns out she was splitting lanes far exceeding the speed limit according to traffic conditions
>insurance company insists that I will have to pay my deductible even though the police report cites she was violating the lane splitting law
>end up paying nothing and getting a new rear fender, bumper and taillight
Felt bad that I could have killed her but it was her own fucking fault.
You're a fucking americanboo you dirty fuck wop
If you think I'm a no gunz leftie you're retarded.
Go be proud of your own people culture you fucking worthless piece of shit.
lol r u the raper
The only thing worse than uncontrolled lane splitting retards is "passing zones" on blind corners and "no passing zones" on straights.
Yeah, it's technically legal, but please break the law instead. I've seen people die because they follow those the law of the yellow lines like fucking jesus.
Likewise, motorcycles need to go ride on the shoulder or something
>tfw the german people and culture are just one giant dead man walking
ehh ive always been partial to my red blooded american half
You're telling me you honestly believe you're an ethnic German with this disfigured brown face?
Yeah totes.
You can just tell me you're a mutt with no history or people.
On the DOTR you're getting gassed.
>brown face
gtfo nigger
Do you seriously think you're white?
You've got heavy mud blood in your lineage.
You're at best Georgian.
You're probably the kind of cuck that thinks that wops are white too.
Heritage means nothing in europe. Everyone is part moor to some degree or another, and before that, part roman.
The unique looking ideal racial aesthetics that are cemented in neo-nazi's minds are fabricated via selection bias and influenced by primitive fetishism. The true aesthetic of the original master race is lost to time. Man goes through cycles of cosmopolitanism and isolationism. And still, some strains of past eras survive. Is it a pure german, a mutt, or a pure german from the stone age? You don't fucking know, man.
Just give them IQ tests and ship them out.
You can tell from his facial structure that he's not western European.
And his skin is clearly thick and greasy like a muzzies.
Pure bred isn't a thing anywhere on the planet, and hasn't been in for over 2000 years.
But when you don't even share basic features of the ethnic group, claiming to be it is rediculous.
You don't choose your ethnicity
You don't choose your gender.
Fucking faggot retards.
>hurr durr totally white goys!
Ethnic groups are something that only applies to the inbred and isolated. For the rest of the world it's confirmation bias based on aesthetic preferences.
>Implying Hellenic and Latin cultures werent white
so white people were just barbarian peasants?
You're stupid.
Historically they whiter than they are today, they've been mudded over the years.
There are still plenty of whites in southern Europe, but the real average is no longer white.
Can you explain why it is retarded? Every time I commute i lane split and it is amazing. It saves me at least 10-15 minutes on what would be an hour commute.
because I'm
Are you mad that some faggot on a 3k 110 hp shitbike raped your shitbox on the street?
That means you're a beaner.
Well that is an unlawful form of lane splitting. Honestly people will do stuff like that anyways and is probably the reason motorcycles get such a bad rap for killing people.
I don't think the law would consider that lane splitting. Usually splitting before a red light when everyone is stopped or going 10mph is good. The dmv book stated something like under 35mph and within 10mph of the other vehicles.
He is mad that there is a chance that his insurance will get fucked because of a dumbass going 30+over the speed limit on a freeway and going splat on his car.
pretty much this I ride bikes too
Except that has happened only once or twice in nevada and multiple times on single day trips into cali, it being legal encourages people to be fucking retarded
The question is, where did you go in Cali? If it was towards/at a big city than you are fucked. People in SoCal and the bay area drive like they are delivering a baby to a hospital.
We have too many people, and a lot of the people riding motorcycles just don't care. And as you said they probably presume the lane splitting law covers all speed's.
Shit that never happened.
it means I have a disabled vet for a dad xD
I beg to differ. Living in the bay for 24 years made me realize that most people here atleast signal before they do something retarded. In socal, not so much.
He thinks Greeks and Latins looked different. He hasn't studied classic era art or bronze age economics.
Absolutely kc tier autism
>His hours are 9 to 5 wage slave instead of 6 to 2 tradesmen.