>Racing with a 4 cylinder engine
Racing with a 4 cylinder engine
>4 cylinder engine
>Americans having an opinion on anything but getting stuck in traffic on the way to the mall
>Having a gearbox
>tesla unable to race in Formula E but is promising to send a man to mars
>Racing with a 4 cylinder engine
Do you not?
>anything less than 16 cylinders
Works well for Porsche.
>Kristian von Koeniggsegg
>having camshafts
Inline fours
>Anything less than 3 liters.
What would that smell like? My guess is unburnt fuel and oil
like NO2
like doritos
>Internal combustion
GM btfo
>Toyota hybrid racing
>doing anything
i know, right?
Yeah, only 1,500 horsepower.
What kind of an idiot would do that, right?
I'm american, but this so much.
>muh V8
>muh straight lines
>muh freedoms
Like americans know anything about real racing. Haha
>Amerifat v8s losing to turbo 4 bangers at the lights AND on the twisties
We're not allowed to know anything about real racing, because the FIA region locks almost all racing from the US.
French nationalistic faggots.
>racing crz
i hope they scrapped the beam axle at least
is that actually the most succesfull race car? i've heard such claims
No. This also was the best car in GT3.
Wasn't the polyphony F1 better? I used to always drive the pikes peak because sound
>requiring moar powah to compensate for your shit driving
git gud
ITT: Assmad civicfags
4 cylinder master race
>Posts Korean shitbox that only wins rally when VW, and Citreon DNF
>your opinion on anything
>Entire vehicle combustion