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>Community & Fanart
why do feel the need to make a thread so early? so that you can put your trip there and claim it as your thread?
you are one hell of an attention seeking faggot
I want to fuck fromsoft
I made it after 750 posts, which is the bump limit on Veeky Forums. It hasn't been 1000 for a very long time now.
Morning boys.
Anyone on PC up for some jolly coop?
Whoops, forgot to put my trip back on after linking the thread
Is there SL80 pvp in DS1 anymore? Or is it just 120-140 SL at the township / kiln?
DLC2 fucking when ?
There was never level 80 PvP. There was 120 and 70. 70 was just a niche thing we did. It's probably dead other than random invasions at this point.
>There was never level 80 PvP.
Jesus, Lucifer. Why even open your mouth if you don't know shit?
Level 80 PvP was a very distinct thing for a while, especially pre-DLC, but a while into it, too. Eventually it got replaced because all the hot twitch kiddies needed more stats for their shitty builds.
March, user.
I distictly remember SL80 and SL120 being the breakpoints, with 80 being forest covenant or parish invasions, and SL120 being township and kiln of the first flame.
Not sure what it's like now
I wonder if people think I'm you when they meet me in game and my character's name is Cifer.
I hope not.
It was level 70, bro, and it came after the 120 meta. 120 was the meta at launch because of DeS. The 70 meta died when they nerfed the DWGR.
It was 70 because that was what my Forest Gank hunter was, and we had consistent level 70 duels in the painted world.
Probably. My character names have nothing to do with lucifer though.
>insisting on being wrong
Literally everyone who cares about this knows you're wrong, why even argue?
Yeah, don't take it personally I just don't want people to think I'm a namefag.
I love doing coop and I don't want anything deterring people from summoning me/putting password signs down.
If you actually believed that then you wouldn't be arguing about it.
i can go through some area with you
Lad, it's not an argument if it's just you trying to argue. I simply corrected you. You're the one who insists on a falsehood.
Oh, it's just you the "le opinion" kid again.
Maybe you should go post in a place with usernames instead since the user system is clearly confusing you.
I'd love to, but I have a meeting in one hour. Please do some coop later too!
Stop, guys. Please. Just stop responding to it.
In my defense, I was correcting him on something that he misinformed another user about.
how useful is a build that can use any weapon but morne's and mlgs at sl125?
do people get caught off guard at all?
How can people play bloodborne? I originally beat DeS/DaS2/3 on Ps3 and then BB, but after having replayed all the games on PC, trying to go back to BB was impossible, even the 30 fps on DaS 1 was okay because it was locked, BB is a constant stuttering mess.
This is a bit depressing. I wanted to make a one-shot greatsword build, but everyone at SL120 is going to have enough health to take a at least 1-2 hits unless they're a mage or I use power within.
And there's no point in using power within unless I'm going with the "don't get hit once" strategy, which negates the point of using poise to get counter hits.
Most people running SL120 have at least 40 vit, right?
>do people get caught off guard at all?
Do you switch weapons mid-fight?
If not, not at all. If you do, you can surprise them by whipping out a very large weapon suddenly to fuck up their spacing.
Could someone give me a (You)?
>40 vit
A lot stop at 1000 vit and average about 1200, but I believe you can reach a max of 1500 if you only pump up one attack stat, so be wary of pure str/dex weapons
Yeah sure
>1000 vit
and by that I mean 1000 HP, oops
Neat! Lets do Cathedral first. I already cleared out the lower half, so I'm going up through the graveyard now.
Put your sign in the Cleansing Chapel, Pass is dsg
I'll be ready in about 15 minutes.
dear 162533529
money is short at this time of year and i've already gifted all of my spare (You)s to friends and family. i'm sure you understand
i hope you find what you're looking for
Are you there?
Keep your trip on so people can filter you.
All these DS3 pvp videos make me question wanting to get the game
I liked the heavy, more realistic feeling melee combat in DS1 and DS2 but all I'm seeing from DS3 is flips and spins and crazy weapon sets that look gimmicky as fuck.
Basically DS1-ish physics with DS2's backstabs and weapons would be ideal
Here you go, cutie
PvP in all the games is dogshit, the best weapons are pretty simple though
>all I'm seeing from DS3 is flips and spins and crazy weapon sets that look gimmicky as fuck.
The weapon movesets aren't bad imo, they're pretty good actually.
However you've got a point about the game being less tactical due to the op dodgerolls that are the default roll. In Demon's Souls / Dark Souls 1 you had to sacrifice armor for mobility, but in Dark Souls 3, there's no real reason to ever manage your equip load / take off armor because you get hit with flat penalties for not having a full set on and the only use for armor is to gain hyperarmor at high level level.
Which is better than nothing, the hyperarmor is now much better than in release, but it still feels like the game tried to become Bloodborne without fully managing to.
more priscy-chan plox
I did a terrible job avoiding that guy's SUAIHANDUR, sorry bout that.
Lets try this again, I got plenty of embers.
I enjoy DS2 SL150 the most because you can do solid 2-3 hit kills, and having infusions/spells are a huge compromise to your damage and health. DS3 looks like the exact opposite, so the spells you do have need to work very cohesively with your stats.
those were meant to be separate sentences
I enjoy DS2 SL150 the most because you can do solid 2-3 hit kills, and having infusions/spells are a huge compromise to your damage and health, so the spells you do have need to work very cohesively with your stats.
DS3 looks like the exact opposite.
How do I get past the Road Of Sacrifice without it crashing constantly?
DS3 is worth a playthrough for the atmosphere and bosses but it's probably the least replayable game in the series.
Hey guys. Just started dark souls 2 for the first time. I played 3 and bloodborne and i am the ultra greatsword type of guy but i like to use magic for range so, is a str int hybrid good? And what is the meta? And where the fuck do i need to go when i am at the blacksmith[spoiler/]
There is no dark souls 2 meta. That game has the worst pvp system of all time
>what is the meta?
There's no reason to not keep leveling because of the Soul memery fuckery.
>where the fuck do I need to go
The recommended route is a path that starts right from the bonfire. Just go to where the sea is to your right and you should be getting to Forest of Fallen Giants.
Oh, and level ADP until your agility is something like 93. That helps a LOT in the start.
Thanks senpais, how is the magic?
I really like flashy stuff like enchanting my weapons and fire stuff.
DaS2 is the most hybrid-friendly game in the series. You can buff/infuse almost every weapon, and even buff an infused one.
There's even an Ultra Greatsword from one of the DLC bosses that deals partial magic damage and has int scaling.
The meta is Estoc turtles as usual for any "old" Souls game.
I don't understand your last question.
Funny way of misspelling either "dark souls 3" or "best", pick one.
Rolls really aren't as big of a deal as people make them out to be, roll catching has become a pretty popular skill people have developed and can be used to outright kill people from full health if they keep panic rolling. It's just something you have to be prepared for, often people carry at least 2 weapons on them and 1 of them should be able to run people down and/or roll catch people trying to get away.
Feels like a lot of noobies don't understand a lot of the subtleties in DaS3 PvP. A lot of it is about spacing and timing and versatility of your loadout and consumables and ring selection, especially in invasions. None of these things are particularly flashy so noobies thing they're lame because they just see the surface unfortunately. Like you see someone get parry one-shotted and don't understand what went into baiting someone into that parry or timing it they just think "oh he just pressed L2 and he won I guess... guess I shouldn't get this lame game then" apparently.
When you come to this beautiful village for the first time where the sentinel guy is depressive and edgy at the top of that stone. There is this Blacksmith but he lost his key and tells me to bring him his key. I can't find it, and don't know where to go, this game is way more open than ds3 or bb so i feel a bit overwhelmed.
>Thanks senpais, how is the magic?
The magic is pretty good and fun imo.
You can aim spells by using the binoculars in the left hand weapon slot and then putting the catalyst into the right hand.
Btw, Dark Souls 2 has hand-independent movesets for weapons so you can pair up pretty much any two weapons and left hand weapons still get their full one-handed movesets.
You can infuse catalysts as well so for example if you want to use miracles, infuse your miracle chime with lightning.
> It's just something you have to be prepared for, often people carry at least 2 weapons on them and 1 of them should be able to run people down and/or roll catch people trying to get away.
I know I should be doing this, but I can't stand wielding katanas.
Is there any other weapon that rollcatches as well as the balancing pole?
>co-op'ing with buddies
>we beat the Dancer in my world
>walk out of the boss room to put down my white sign so I can get summoned for their Dancer fight
>I get invaded
Face the sea and follow the coast right, you should find a path marked by a lit sconce that heads into the Forest of Fallen Giants.
Thanks a lot friend! I've done so many playthroughs now that its nice to do the early levels quickly.
Did you kill Vordt?
You'll find the key as you progress in the game naturally, don't sweat it.
I was mostly talking about in terms of PvE. Not much of a PVP guy and I dislike paying for Live.
Spears are good, as are curved swords. You can also roll catch pretty effectively with straight swords, thrusting swords, and axes depending on your preferences (SS's are the easiest). It's not just running R1's but often it's about jogging up to the enemy's character model, and when they roll you hit R1 at the right time and you land the hit just as they come out of iframes, if you want to see an example just watch iSkys's VOD's since he is basically the roll catch king.
Halberds are good too if you get the timing down, if you're pure strength you can still use gundyr's halberd. I roll catch pretty damn effectively with the RH halberd too because it has good reach and the tracking on the 1H'd attacks are just insane.
Yes, of course.
My primary weapon is a greatsword. I can rollcatch with standing R1s at times, but I'm not sure how reliable this is.
Does darksouls2 flask work like in bloodborne? Or am I using these stones the wrong way? And why is my health locked after i die, how do i get it back. I feel like this will be harder than bb and ds3, i am scared.
>You'll find the key as you progress in the game naturally, don't sweat it.
You're never forced to go into the FoFG until after Dragon Shrine. While it's a little hard to miss, it's very possible.
>I was mostly talking about in terms of PvE. Not much of a PVP guy
Fair enough, just know the longevity of play time in the game is through stuff like invasions. I'd say when I played through DaS3 for the first time on a blind playthrough it was a great experience, I just used a 2 handed lothric knight long spear (a pike) and got gud at rolling.
I can't really understand people who play through the single player a bunch of times though, I've done it myself but it was mostly just a chore of a speedrun to get my invasion characters set up at different SL's. I have almost 600 hours in DaS3 now and probably 500 or so of that is purely from pontiff duels (which is what I used to do, for around 200 hours probably) and invasions, I can't imagine someone doing that much PvE in any souls game seems like it'd get incredibly repetitive and boring fighting the same AI over and over.
Dark Souls 2's flask system is that you find more shards for your Estus flask gradually and you can use the Lifegem consumables to restore your health in the meanwhile.
>And why is my health locked after i die, how do i get it back
Your health decreases by 5% each time you die, a ring cuts the health decrease in half. The health loss stops at 50%.
You can get the health back by using a Human Effigy item on yourself.
>I feel like this will be harder than bb and ds3
The start can feel somewhat punishing but barring the DLC content, it's definitely the easiest Souls game.
DaS1 and BB are the only games out of the 5 Soulsborne games without a death penalty.
DeS cuts your health in half on death, or to 75% if you sacrifice one of your two ring slots.
DaS2 cuts it by 5% per death, up to 50% in 10 deaths, or up to 75% if you sacrifice one of your four ring slots.
DaS3 calculates "dead" health as the base, so dying removes your 30% health bonus.
Lifegems are kind of like slow Blood Vials, but you also get a renewable Estus Flask by talking to the Emerald Herald in Majula.
>Does darksouls2 flask work like in bloodborne?
No. They work like DS3 flasks but you don't drink them as quickly.
>Or am I using these stones the wrong way?
The stones are not flasks. They're regen items, much weaker but more available.
>And why is my health locked after i die,
You're going hollow. The more hollow you become, the less your max health will be. Consuming a human effigy will reverse this. There is also a ring eventually that caps the health penalty at 75%.
> I feel like this will be harder than bb and ds3, i am scared.
I haven't played BB but I'm not sure it's harder than DS3 on the whole, just different. I'd say on average the levels are harder but the bosses easier.
>While it's a little hard to miss, it's very possible.
That's true but that's why I was guiding him towards the Forest of Fallen Giants in the first place...
i have ~800 hours and i mostly do meme runs and sl1 fights with different weapons, i still find the game interesting because i learn new things from time to time
It's very reliable once you get the timing down, it really depends on whether people are panic rolling or not. A good player won't panic roll and will instead watch you and wait for you to actually begin the attack animation before they roll, you'll know this if they get up from being knocked down and don't immediately roll even though you're right on top of them. Most players panic roll though, most players are bad at the game. It mostly just takes practice, you mostly want to get the timing down so that if they're on the ground you're expecting them to immediately panic roll away and you time your attack roughly around the same time they start the roll.
But yeah like I said I gave you plenty of options there. A greatsword with a straight sword (often lothric knight sword) as the 2nd weapon is pretty popular these days. Otherwise gave you plenty of options in my previous post to choose from. I like using a RH halberd and a spear as my second weapon personally, great for running people down after parrying or backstabbing them. It's very hard to get away from a competent spear user.
>it's definitely the easiest Souls game
I find it funny how I've heard this said about literally all of them.
>DeS is the easiest Souls game because every boss has some crippling weakness or easy cheese, and magic breaks the game in half
>DaS1 is the easiest Souls game because you can just use Drake Sword pre-Sen's or full Havel's and a big weapon post-Sen's and mash R1 through the game, don't even need to ever roll again in the post-Lordvessel areas; also shields are OP
>DaS2 is the easiest Souls game because lifegems and Agility, also a shitload of overpowered NPC phantoms/shades
>DaS3 is the easiest Souls game because rolls cost no stamina and have infinite iframes, and you can just stunlock or visceral most enemies even if you can't backstab them
>Bloodborne is the easiest Souls game because you can lifesteal with Rally?
Anyone wanna help me with Pontiff Sulyvahn?
I'd just like to beat him quickly and get that over with, not a fan of his fight at all second phase drives me bonkers. I'm on PC if anyone wants to help password is dsg.
Get good
The second phase is easier than the first phase though.
Different strokes for different folks, I s'pose. Literally everything is viable in PvE so it's generally not worth discussing. There are plenty of meme builds you can do in DaS3 if that's what you're getting at.
Try summoning.
I beat the Pontiff at level 5 or so by just summoning all available phantoms. You can cheese a lot of the bosses with summons, even without the infinite health glitch.
To be fair, the healing systems in pretty much all games needs some tweaking to really be perfect, but DaS 1 was probably the closest they got.
I'm half asleep actually. I should probably quit playing but I'd like to get this done. Suppose I'll just help other people if I can and learn the attacks.
I suppose that's worth a shot there's two here I could use as distractions.
>DaS 1 was probably the closest they got
I disagree, once you got good enough to retain your humanity and knew how to get the rite of kindling you could trivialize much of the game.
IMO DS3 is nearly perfect but phantoms and invaders shouldn't have their estus halved.
I agree, I think the way you gradually lost HP with each successive death until you became human in DaS 2 was neat.
Coop bro here again.
I'm gonna tackle Farron Keep now. I only need to extinguish the final flame to open the door to the Keep Perimeter area. Then its onto one of the best bossfights in the entire series, atmosphere-wise.
I'll be at Old Wolf bonfire in 5. Pass is still dsg if anyone wants to join.
I also liked that, but mostly for the pyro flame that scaled with your hollowing. You could make a really good danger pyro in DS2.
>playing in the arena
>I'm the only one approaching, opponent just backpedals
>I get a few unfavourable trades, he has higher HP
>I just stop attacking and stand completely still
>he starts clapping, then sits
>it's a draw
what the fuck is wrong with people?
Anyone? Is this a bug?
>playing in the arena
Found your problem fampai
>IMO DS3 is nearly perfect but phantoms and invaders shouldn't have their estus halved.
Phantoms should. Invaders shouldn't. This would fix a lot of shit about current invasion system as the only way to outheal the host is by running back to enemies and abusing regen gear.
that's "high skill reactive play"
arena is a concentration camp for all the shittiest elements of souls community
which is why i never play on it after getting double gold with my character aside from occasional free for alls with my casters just to make people extremely mad
These guys have no idea what they're talking about. DS2 pvp is the best in the series (though souls pvp generally sucks)
The meta is built around counter damage and magic vs physical buffs. Poise isn't worth stacking anymore but physical defense can make you basically immune to weapons under 400 AR.
Some things about the meta:
1. Counter modifiers apply to ALL attacks, not just thrust. So 150 counter modifiers on Katanas mean they do 1.5x damage whenever you hit someone during their windup/cooldown phase.
3. Physical defense is a flat reduction. Elemental defense is scalar. So each point of defense or AR matters much, much more for lower AR than for higher AR physically.
2. Elemental buffing multiplies any existing elemental damage. Since elemental defense is scalar, that means low AR weapons reap huge benefits (2-3x damage) from infusing + buffing. Pure physical doesn't become better until you get some late-game buffs.Late game also allows for much higher elemental defense (dispelling ring, etc.) so that makes physical even better.
3. It's way too difficult to stack poise and poise is way too easily destroyed to really worry about it. It's only purpose is to give yourself less severe stagger against 1H small weapons (daggers, rapiers, etc.). There's a huge difference between 1H and 2H poise destruction though, so anyone 2Hing a weapon is going to be able to do full stagger no matter what.
4. Poison > Bleed in all cases. Bleed is extremely hard to execute and only does 200 damage. Poison will do ~1000 damage over time.
>damage difference between parting flame and normal flame is AT BEST 100 damage, and that's against pus of man, enemies with weakest fire defence in the game
>around 30 for vestiges in pvp, around 5 damage per tick for fire surge
>in exchange for way stronger black flame, damage bonus if you hit someone with vestiges point blank and ability to get free estus flasks
Invaders should have equal estus to host
>Counter modifiers apply to ALL attacks, not just thrust
This sounds absolutely retarded, what the fuck they were thinking?
Counter attacks have always applies to more attacks than thrusts, it's just more noticeable when you're using the Leo Ring and thrust attacks.
Black flame + combustion is stronger than parting black flame. So unless you go full pyro with parting black flame followed by off hand combustion, default flame is better