
Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

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Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

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BP check: backpack.tf
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Betting: saloon.tf
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Comp Wiki: comp.tf
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Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB (embed) (embed)
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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daily reminder that unusual weapons are a mistake

oh my god! i love tf2

I uncrated another manmelter strangifier today
a key well spent

I spent all my keys on crafting hats.

I spent like $30 bucks opening halloween crates and got nothing woth over a dollar.
Opening crates is a waste if you want to profit, and gas been for a while.
You might get lucky and unbox something worth a key or two. Buts thats rare.

Post builder texas man

Sally the Safety Serpent sez...


I am phone posting and don't have the roll image.


What map?

Looks like 2fort

How ofthen do you buy unusuals? Stop being so rich

Get a job. Most of Vibri's unusuals are under $50.

It's like 1/4 of salary in my town.

Move to a non-third world country.

Why do you think that anyone there need me? They are already got billions of muslims.

One more can't possibly hurt. Also, lose that attitude. Once you move to America, you're American. So many immigrants don't understand this, which is why we're all praying for that wall.

I usally buy 70-100 keys at the beginning of the month and buy a really flashy hat for a class. Once I get bored of that hat I normally use it as overpay for another hat, so on and so forth until I am down to a nuts and bolts dread knot or something.
Then I either raffle it or sell it to geels bot and raffle off the shit I buy with the keys.

Then the cycle starts anew.

It might be a giant waste of time and money but hey, I'm having fun, I try to buy from people who are clearly not big traders so they get some profit and people enjoy raffles.

well whatever makes you happy I guess

Never had an unusual, probably never will since the appeal kind of died after they released the aussies and so fourth, not to mention unusual weps


Here we go again


I am fat fuck









why do you not play faceit ?



post democracy man



what in the goddamn is this meant to be? anyways gonna apply it later since i need to go out

please do not pussy out, lad




wrong fortress game

are we all looking forward to tomorrow's christmas event then

ok sorry

ofc no. who cares about this shit

Which is the best unusual effect and why is it the phosphorous effect?

I hope you are meming

No I'm not, it's actually the best effect

I have a large mousepad, maybe 60cm. I can easily 360.
>holy fuck this is awful advice do not listen.
>Spamming behind a wall is retarted because they can literally just move a way.
>The onyl way to get good at soldier is to jump a lot and have good dm especially up close. If you actually get good you can easily pop people up and airshot or just keep hitting people with directs.
Yeah but you're the retard here pal, you're supposed to do both. Shooting into a corridor is very useful.
>Also wtf is autoheal, just heal people.
Not needing to hold mouse1 constantly, it's in advanced settings too now that I think about it.
>Use a reasonable sense so you can actually turn around
But I can. Are your muscles actually this atrophied?

Neutron Star/Nebula/Orbiting Planets
I want this mix.

I'd rather buy a new car


Maybe a bit too much. Maybe just Neutron Star and Planets.

Nebula is so nice though.

>tfw there are only 2 of my dream unusual
How do I find the people who have them?

If they've been logged on bible.tf and have a price, you can probably do a little trade history sleuthing.


anyone wanna play faceit ?

what up FAGGOTS
wanna hear about how my epic 6s buddies had a blast playing mixes today?
oh wait, ur probably too UNCOOL to even comprehend the meaning of those words in that order
whatever, do you still trade? i would be pretty sad if after years of playing this game all i learnt was the value of some cosmetic garbage and how to scam 12 year olds online
anyway, gonna trial now , cya later alligat0rz

>wanna hear about

>pyro in screenshot

cool status = not cool

I like the idea of exploring pyro's burn marks

i want clovers to leave


Hi. I posted this Sonic Heroes TF2 crossover fan list yesterday. I've improved it since then.

Scout, Heavy and Medic make up Team Sonic. Scout moves fast like Sonic. Heavy's great strength makes him a match for Knuckles. Much like Tails, Medic likes to support his friends.

"Awh, that freakin' egghead tricked us!" - Scout when he falls for one of Eggman's traps
"Keep hiding inside robot, coward!" - Heavy when he sees Eggman
" The best medicine!" - Medic after killing many of Eggman's robots

Sniper, Spy and Engineer would make up Team Chaotix. If you underestimate either of these odd bunches, you'll end up on the floor before you can reconsider. Spy uses stealth tactics like Espio. Sniper is like Vector, he's mellow and reliable. Engineer is Charmy, people wave him away as useless, only to get stung.
"Blood, I can clean out of my suit, but this?" - Spy in swamp levels
"Take a picture of ya head Eggman! It'll last longer than the actual one." - Sniper at first boss fight
"I'm no expert, but this thing might fly!... Actually, I am an expert. It can fly." - Engineer at the flower in Frog Forest

Demoman, Soldier and Pyro would be Team Dark. They are all destructive classes, who inflict grievous damage on anyone who gets in their way. Soldier is like Shadow because he moves quickly, and can destroy enemies in the blink of an eye. Demoman is like E-123 Omega, he views his enemies as obstacles instead of actual people. He kills them without forethought or remorse, fueled by his consumption of alcohol. Pyro is like Rouge (NOT because he's a girl) because he's a specialist, who prefers to use other techniques than fighting people upfront.
"Soon as I blow that Eggman to pieces, I'm done with you two lassies." - Demoman to his teammates upon starting the first level
"Oh yeah! This airspace belongs to America!" - Soldier when him and his team fly through bonus rings
"Mmmph!" - Pyro

So that's it guys. Please let me know what you think. Improvements maybe?

I'm going to spend 50€ on this game.
From 0 to suicide how much will I regret it?

What the fuck did I just read
Very. Git gud at sharking instead.

shit wrong screenshot
shoul've cropped it off
the screenshot looks pretty epic for a 6s screenshot anyway


As in Clover users?



>hatless hats interfere with the party hat

>[...] hats interfere with [...] hat
makes sense


I didn't know that you couldn't wear hats when your bald. Thanks, now I know!

I didn't know bald people are actually wearing a hat.
Thanks user!

what's wrong with knives?

nothing, knives are useful to cut food or fight with bears
virtual knives in the other hand...

>its a powerhouse stalemate


i see what you mean

all 3cp maps are stalemates

There's only one 3CP map.

Yes, and?

*uncloaks behind you*
hon, nothing personnel, kid
>Spy You

who are you quoting

*it's a dead ringer*


Okay, here's a classic movie one.

>team scores
> >10
Can they stop balancing games around putting one decent player on a team and pretending its balanced?
this makes for some of the most unenjoyable matches i've ever played

having a team of average joes against a team of one or two pubstompers and a bunch of noobs is actually pretty good for both teams.
The average guys need to use teamwork to stop the pubstompers while not neglecting the rest of the opposing team, while the noobs get a huge morale boost and a bit of help with their game, and the pubstompers probably get some kills in their strange rocket launchers
it's win/win

The legend is back

>gorge game
>round 1 is okayish and has nice class picks, most of the characters are being played
>we win legit
>round 2
>enemy team just builds 7 sentries and call it a day, turtling them 24/7


it makes it unenjoyable when the averages are incapable of working together, or when they all fail to understand that the black man kills sentries

then you're probably in the other team user.

How much do you guys think i can get for a cool killstreak woodland warrior festive rocket launcher (minimal wear)?

I'm trying to win it in a giveaway.

Good luck trying to sell that

Yo babes

Its time for another full set raffle. Nothing really fancy this time but I like this set even if I wouldn't use it myself. Might work the skull into something one day since its a misc.

Anyway, as usual you get everything pictured as well as some additional wrenches.

Use it, sell it, whatever
