Why do BMW drivers have a bad reputation in general?
Why do BMW drivers have a bad reputation in general?
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Because they drive like assholes?
Because they spend so much buying the car itself but cheap out when it comes to buying the optional indicators package
They attract low class people who've ran into a bit of money.
I think audi drivers are starting to steal their reputation, at least where I live, they drive like shit.
This, audifags are the absolute worst drivers, always tailgating like the motherfuckers they are.
What makes them drive like assholes while in a BMW?
My bad experiences are usually with Audis and Volvos. Very rarely with BMWs, despite it being the third most sold brand in my country.
>third most sold brand in my country.
What country you live in? Germany?
Norway. I think it's a fairly recent thing, though. Mostly because they have started offering good electric and hybrid vehicles which get some pretty large tax breaks.
1. Volkswagen
2. Toyota
3. BMW
4. Ford
They drive like assholes anyway, they simply prefer BMW because it reinforces their desired presence as a car of people that drive like assholes.
It not just BMW drivers I've noticed.
I live near a really rich area of my country and every time I see a big fancy german SUV, they never have snow tires on. The sedans and coupes usually do, but never the SUVS.
Is it becayuse they think "muh suv, dont need no snow tires anymore"? Its annoying because I got hit by a bitch without them some winters back. Whats the fucking point in buying a lifted AWD suv if you aren't gonna go the length and put on proper fucking tires?
7 Series drivers are okay.
Though they're moving on to Audis now.
Write your own material Gaskings :^)
Anyway, where I live the worst shit drivers are boiracer shits in riced Golfs and misc VWs (usually younger guys) and middle age crisis cucks whose wife won't let them buy a muscle/sports car rolling on luxo barges or large engined sedans.
Because you suck and we hate you.
they're driven by middle management types
turks, eastern european cretins and other subhuman savages.
So now that we have the 2 (and 1) series, who are worse shithead drivers: 1/2 or 3/4 series drivers?
t. BMW motorcycle rider
Because they're so inpractical to own due to poor reliability and expensive costs that the only ppl who buy them tend to be obsessed with status/appearance moreso than other drivers, and are thus greater narcissists.
They've done studies and the most aggressive Stop light intersection cutting behavior and stuff is by BMW drivers.
The brand attracts narcissists who drive like assholes on the road to prove their superiority etc.
My country's shitty drivers top 3:
>volvo (mostly the v40's)
The v40 is a popular normie lease-car with a little bit of power so alot of people drive like maniacs with these things on the highways
Dunno about other anons but where I live they're super popular and even poorfags somehow get a loan for them just so they can say they drive a bmw.
They're shit because
>a ton of people drive them ie normalfags think they're rich
>99% will get the auto transmission
>what are indicators
>generally drive like they passed their test yesterday
>until you pass them or get on the outermost lane
>then they fucking floor it and turn it into a race
>won't stop tailgating until you change lanes
Almost as bad as vans fuck.
Because they are
Because every time there is a traffic jam on the highway its always some asshole who was screwing around and drove him bmw off the road or into a median.