Busriding shitposters have reached critical mass.
>average thread
>someone posts actual real experience
>shitposters intimidated
>abandon thread for unspoiled 100% still shit threads
>thread dies
Justify this.
Veeky Forums is dying
>post or discuss a non-shitbox
it has to die to ever have a chance to recover
Youre saying you want it to be nothing but shitposting?
t. assmad chebby fan
Shut the fuck up.
Is this heartbreaker being buttmad that we don't believe he's driven all these hyper rare supercars and racecars?
I don't think the shitposters killed it. I think Facebooking normies killed it, and the shit posters are just trying to drive them out. I don't know if it's working. The generals are thriving pretty well.
What I want is irrelevant it's just something I've noticed happening
No I'm just someone who's noticed that not only do all the threads where real useful discussion of cars takes place die, but even shit threads that get decent posts die soon thereafter.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums has always been shit its on Veeky Forums after all
you sound like one of the Facebookfags that want it to be like a car forum and actually care about this shithole
I miss the bench racer touge threads that notamiata made
Freindly reminder that autoib cucks ragequit and killed themselves.
>m-mass exodus
you sound like on the reddit fags that think Veeky Forums is just for shitposting
>Veeky Forums is just for shitposting
thats a fact tho
Shitposters drove out all the decent posters.
Bait is the only thing remaining.
I warned you fuckers, but you didn't listen.
>literally admits he isn't a decent poster
why don't you take a hint and leave?
This is why no one likes you reddit.
t. /b/tard
go away Facebook no one buys it
Veeky Forums is shit
Nice try alphonse
bk2 reddit
>tfw you called out alphonse
he wasn't me tho.
quote him and i'll screenshot it.
Ok, quoting him.
Everybody who was even remotely half decent left. This place has nothing to offer, as said.
Facebook normies don't shitpost like Alphonse and friends constantly.
Normalfags were a mistake [spoiler]even when Veeky Forums is one of the more "normal" boards out there and I know spoilers don't work[/spoiler]
No, that was my first post in this thread.
>taking that long to photoshop something
I bet of you banned all video game related shit the shitposting would disappear immediately.
Video games amplify autism and eat the brain away to the point of drooling retards being entertained by repeating BTFO and posting memepics.
Playstation is better.
Are there even any image editing apps for a tablet?
Honestly ovg was one of the more chill threads when not having trip fag drama. They would actually talk about setups a bit because it's a slider to tweak toe or rebound instead of turning a wrench, and you have to tune to be competitive in sims and semi-sims.
>Honestly ovg was one of the more chill threads when not having trip fag drama.
Just scrolling past the thread made me nauseous. Not quite as bad as that fucking autistic "Pick A,B,C" autism story thread but close.
I don't care of you got a $200k racing simulator, that shit belongs in Veeky Forums. It's got nothing to do with cars in real life.
you sound like one of the benchracing shitposters tbqh
Shitposters are gonna shitpost. Even moreso now and in the future than before because this isn't your father's secret tree house anymore.
I'm too busy driving a "real car" to give a fuck about benchracing. Just like the people that actually drive the cars you faggots constantly compare.
it's pretty ironic how this board blamed summerfags for bad content and now that they're gone we have this
>inb4 gmfags btfo,ferdfags btfo
the car hobby is not an elementary school so you can stop being autistic and fanboying over one brand while hating all others no matter what.
these are the same people who get triggered when people make jokes about leaky fords and bitch over gaskings calling their corolla a ricer
yet youre on Veeky Forums bitching instead of "driving"
youre worse than the benchracers youre just a shitposter
I just got back from hooning, but whatever. I don't drive every second of my life you know.
Don't you got a 24 hours of autism race on Gran Turismo or something?
in conclusion: Veeky Forums is a normie board. it's not Veeky Forums enough to scare away the faggots with pepe.
>Busriding shitposters have reached critical mass.
It was worse six months ago, with Alphonse threads weekly, mods banning anyone who argued with anime threads, and >gm fangirl threads being spammed religiously. This is only like, half as bad at worst.
yet youre still shitposting
>uses hoon and austism unironically
oh youre from facebook do you even have a car
>waah waah why isnt Veeky Forums a srs place for discussion like reddit
go away
Veeky Forums wasnt around back when the video game threads started even tho it should probably be on Veeky Forums now
i drive cars and shit posting too. are you too stupid to do both or something? liek if youre doing the sex you can only one position? lol
apparently Veeky Forums should be some super serious blog site where you only talk about what you did that day
fanboys will fanboy anything.
I, for one, will be glad when Hiro merges Veeky Forums with /n/
if only it would actually happen
Id be all for it
Nobody on either of those forums owns a car so I guess it would make sense.
how recklessly do you drive that (assuming its yours)
i would take it out late at night and wake all the rich ppl up and drive it like i stole it
It needed to be here because there's a considerable overlap between simple racing and car enthusiasm in general. It would die anywhere else from a small population. Same thing with Dew Trail even though I wasn't into it, I knew it had to be here or it would never be able to exist for any length of time.
>$200,000 sim right
Why would you consistently violate gr6 and gr3 in a place besides /v/? Content shouldn't matter if you just enjoy shitposting.
>report alphonse shitposting
>get a warning
*sim racing and *sim rig
mods are fags, what else is new?
I thought /tv/ was a designated toilet board, they actually have mods? I read complaints of rampant CP and cuckold porn spam there fairly often.
I stopped posting on Veeky Forums about a year ago. Now I pop in once or twice a week for 10 minutes and just get bored and leave. It was always bad, but over the last year it's somehow managed to get even worse.
I don't like cars. But here I am.
Says the one who ruins the board every couple of months and hasn't been permabanned yet?
You are the problem. I'm only here for the truckerfag threads.