Previous thread.
This edition is dedicated to my very fertile wife, Orianna.
Previous thread.
This edition is dedicated to my very fertile wife, Orianna.
I have a season 3 TSM icon.
I started playing this game mid season 5.
2nd for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is a cancerous circle jerk, don't get roped in to it.
Hopeless, user.
>they ruined orianna's lore
don't remind me
every month that passes league's lore atrophies into garbage
it was a bug giving out alpha client icons
Who got Orianna pregnant!?!?!?
Everyone who replies to this thread would let Renekton use their poopholes to pleasure himself
What's her new lore?
But user, orianna's new lore was one of the few that was actually kinda good.
I mean, slowly decaying because of super aids instead of dying at once poof in a flash is a lot more tragic and painful. Her slowly turning herself into a robot to stay alive is a lot more heartwrenching than just a brand new robot with no relation.
You are the Jinx in this scenario.
Vel'koz casts his ult after he knows that Jhin's W is going to land but before it finishes. Jhin's ult is up.
How do you survive?
>Ekko is League's first time champion
>Camille is League's first robotic champion
What's next?
Asking again, did someone find the best build for Knife-Legs already? Yes,i know she's Fiora 2.0.
I've got you in my sights
Don't be gay
she is a genius tinkerer but also has a heart of gold so she went to help people in zaun after and accident, got gassed, and had her body replaced into a robot
now she can't decide what her identity is and left home not after using her brilliant skills to save her dad and leave him financially set until she returns
t. silver shitter that got banted on
This Orianna nigger actually thought she could pick Ori support and I'd be like "oh okay lets win!!" nope im not gonna fucking sit there playing caitlyn and try to win with an Orianna support. This is what happens.
zhonyas the velkoz ult and then after it finishes use my gunblade active to kill jhin while velkoz uses basic abilities on me, then my maw will proc giving me the shield to survive his damage so I kill him aswell
>forgetting about Laser Man of Revolutions
>inting in silver v
Where the fuck are my clothes?
Nevermind I don't care.
>orianna's old identity is embodying the idea of being unable to let go, the personification of a shell to replace a loved one's affections after they pass due to tragic circumstances
>orianna's new identity is some freshman philosophy student referencing the theseus paradox and that's it
So how's that bad? To me that sounds good.
Ryƫjin no ken o kurae!
Bard is a cute. CUTE!
flash up toward the bush and heal to escape jhin root and run out of laser range and walk away
>Post mains
>Rate mains
t. riot shill
>only 3 mains
dude lmao
>tfw no adc gf
Instant 0/10
>dependant on an item that got nerfed
>dependant on her botlane and had a really cool passive get gutted mid rework
>dependant on his support
all in all I'd say you're in a bad spot
>veigar in the bot lane
I dunno, maybe vg is right about mages...
Leona was challenger, veigar masters, everyone else d1-3
Big, fat tits are best thing in the world and they make everything better.
>theseus paradox
Never heard of that.
Her old lore was being a psuedo replacement for her creator's daughter right?
I guess it gives her more of her own identity but I think the old one was overall better.
kill yourself
FOUR out of FOUR
mary-sue combined with poor writing
just because orianna got more lore doesn't make it better in quality than her old lore, in fact I won't be surprised if that's all she'll get until riot decides they want to ret-con it again
>Big tits
I can't create the image but:
Renekton, Yorick, Karma, Lee Sin
Outback, Undertaker, Warden, Muay Thai
Old lore was more tragic and didn't contain a plot hole such as building a brain but unable to build a heart. A brain is like million times more complex than a heart.
Zyra support 92% wr.
Lux support 76% wr.
>all this ahri hate
I can understand.
So it added to her old one?
don't listen to those niggers I bet they are a bunch of Sion or Graves mains, Ahri is the best main
I don't understand it either, she hasn't been good for a while. Just turboshitters that can't dodge charm probably.
Every girl needs big tits.
>meme champion with shit fanbase that rivals luluneet
>absolutely dependant on old rylais and people still play her and feed their asses off
>hehe y no le knot
>guys why do you hate ahri
>tfw twitch is starting to get picked/banned so can't play him every game bot
not them but personally mobility and burst
losing lane to ahri is worse than death
also cancerous fanbase of waifufags
>absolutely dependant on old rylais
Spotted the shiter
>Constant closet furfag shitposters
>Obvious favoritism by riot
>Annoying to play against.
I wonder why.
>depend on old rylais
This is complete bullshit tho, she was dependent on DFG.
>Absolutely dependent on old rylai
??? I've never gotten that item on her.
if you think you matter in a teamfight with the current state of rylais as ahri, please only do 5man pre-mades to spare randoms from you mediocrity.
I miss DFG plus charm amp damage so much
no it didn't.
Charm didn't have an amp before DFG got removed.
cause initiating with charm on their adc and 1shotting him is irrelevant :^)))))
spotted the turboshitter
I miss ghostblade being viable for more than assassins already.
The arpen changes are whatever but I miss the attack speed
What is a waifu?
>le blind man
also she's not gonna make it past ban phase anyway, everyone's terrified of her.
Pic related.
So you're saying Rek'Sai needs tits?
>Lee Sin top
Literally a shittier version of Renekton if you take him top lane.
For a champion that has so much mobility camille has pretty high base stats. Aside from her hilariously low mana regen.
If she ever gets past ban I'll just play my akali against her. Bait shield with q and go in. Camille will be forced to ult and I can just w away.
the only way you're able to land a charm is if you're playing against a turbo shitter or you've blown your ult. Ahri is a champion I only ban if I see someone prepick her on my team.
japanese for wife
typically used in regards to 2d/fictional characters.
Often used by cum stained virgins who will never find love, so they delude themselves into being in love with something that's not real
How do you even make these?
Why aren't you maining cancer ranger /lolg/?
Can I still play my boy Rumble in the jungle this season?
this isn't even that impressive
>a common jungle that shits on camille and makes it so the top laner doesn't have to pick a direct counter to the outplay granny
just out in droves today, aren't they.
>In blind pick
I like your hoospah.
I'll read her new lore and respond back about it.
who made the jungle as retarded strong as it is right now why did they make it even more impactful than it was and when will they nerf it?
Same shit as Lee.
High mobility champions with high stats and good dueling are just "Can you not be on the same side of the map as them" checks.
>implying team comp matters in Silver V
you can
I think he's better top now though
Every other champ you listed was a top laner. Figured you meant Lee as well.
>vladimir is next on the free champ rotation
is he fun?
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>that many deaths
Is Blitz any good or should I use someone else?
Delete that fox.
>Ahri is a champion I only ban if I see someone prepick her on my team.
My nigga.
>Gets bootyblasted over nothing
>Ints with the diaperman to get his cry over with
>japanese for wife
>being this much of a newfag
Fox News was a mistake.
Forgot to rate.
MASSIVE faggot or real cool guy
>renekton and skin choice
>yorick and skin choice
the good autism
>the last two picks
Chill mage main who hates assassins and is devoted to his waifu Shyvana.