/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Babylonia Release Gacha]
- From 12/7 to 12/21
- 5* Enkidu (Lancer)
- 4* Gilgamesh (Caster)(Bride)
- 4* Medusa (Lancer)

>5* Demonic Buddha
50% NP Charge, Increase Overcharge by 2 (1 time)
>4* Room Guarder
Star Attraction +300%, reduce 300 damage
>3* Seeker of Miracles
+15% NP damage up when equipped on Divine Servants

- 1/2 AP all Orders
- From 12/7 to 12/14 everyone is getting 2 Golden Apple per day
- Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- FGO Special Anime will air on 12/31. TV Project series confirmed for next year.
- Da Vinci-chan Code event Japan only
- Final Battle Raid event later this month, you need to clear Babylonia to participate



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


Every thread until Ere-chan

Sita when?

If you have autism to make an alt come play chink go with me! It's nostalgic but at the same time makes you miss the new changes.

give her a name

CERN has a Shiva statue in their HQ.

They worship Shiva, their trying to summon demons from other dimensions using the LHC to satisfy Shiva's desires of destruction.

Best boy.

Will rob a bank to whale for

when's Riyo gonna show Gudako's own servant?

Yoshiko Kawashima.

She wont be limited, right?

Best Fate pairing.

I just now realized that the logo for the Avenger class looks like some crummy mascot from a football helmet

This is your wife, Tiamat!

Sing along with her!

King of Rapenan

you poor naive goy

Did some reseach, it was offered by India.
Don't talk shit about The Organisation

The Fuyuki Avengers play the Einzbern Homonculli this Friday night

Fags are not welcome. At least if it's not with Billy.

>believing the "official" story

Good goy

Sorry, wrong pic

Imagine how incredible it would be if Rome Part 2 had Nero and Nero Bride helping you beat Mother Harlot and then Nero Venus comes to save you at the end

incredible for shitposting

Fucking Matsuryuu leaking new servant

>not talking shit about The Committee of 300
>when they are responsible for all the shit that happens

On another note, a SciADV collab would be awesome. Would never happen though. Though I could see them making a SciADV mobage. 5pb are almost as Jewey as Type Moon.


Nobu a CUTE.


Shit taste senpai.

That is 100% straight, it can't be gay because Enkidu doesn't have a gender

Ana is the best and cutest Medusa.

>Solomon was summoned by the commitee

Oh fuck.

Sorry, wrong picture.

I'd love to see that if we got a proper Japan wank order, but it won't happen


How does Hakuno manage to look more like his own character than >malemaster?

Why do you all have such awful taste in pairings?

>/x/ is here
Good, also next VGL we need a /eagg/ refugee camp player

I hope we get Tomoe in next event

They should at least show her during Babylon

Ore no uta o kike!

I could be wrong, but don't some versions of the Mahabharata have Duryodhana as an incarnation or something of Kali? I feel like that'd be something Nasu could use for an Indian Order.

lu bu is the best chance you've got for now

Not even close

Sorry, but I love Gil the most.

>Gil gets off his ass at the end

Good lord. I wonder if some 5* will end up getting buffs after they haul ass in their order.

He can kill concepts that technically don't exist
Why does this sound so familliar

Kay and Gareth (girl) for new Camelot characters. Kay has already appeared in Garden of Avalon, he just lacks the official design.
Archimedes because no way they won't use him.
Moses was in Fragments but didn't have a combatant role. Tiberius probably gets in too.

What is vgl?

Why don't you go back to Pixiv, and save the proper pictures?

jesus avenger when?

I'm lazy.

Percival when ?

God, her head is smaller than his hand. And the knife.

I used to work at CERN for a training, what is this meme about? It's not the first time I see it

user Nasu already invented a whole class for the messiahs of living religions and bringers of salvation.

Kartikeya seems more likely honestly

>yfw we get rotk chapter with 5* rider lubu and 4* 3 brothers

>there are people in this thread right now that don't use pixiv++

Attention please.

Tsukihimefags and Notesfags aren't welcome with your outdated or noncanon works.
KnKfags are. Welcome, brothers. Likewise the sane Tsukifags who are waiting the remake to see how Nasu will change his story and world building.

Seems like a fake video from 2006.

Plus Hawking telling shit about black hole.

Plus they are the villain from Steins gate.

Surely they're saving Sita for the Epic India Order full of a bunch of dieties that will never be playable and the war between Poo brothers


Why is King Hassan so cool?
He's just an over-the-top edge master, but I can't help but like him.

Not to mention Avenger makes the least sense possible for him

Fuck Claudia Hortensia. That woman failed Kirei Kotomine in every way a wife could fail her husband. She was his last chance at a normal and peaceful life and she fucked it up. Worst girl in the series who also made worst daughter who is herself a stain on the Kotomine name. May she rot in pieces.

Is caster gil worth grailing to 90
I mean it'd still leave me with like 9 grails which is still almost enough to 100 shuten and vanilla gil implying i'd ever pull them anyways

Because while his design isn't original but it's new for fate

The gothic look isn't something that belongs in fate before


It's the truth, a guy caught CERN employee's trying to sacrifice a girl to Shiva before they we're thrwarted by a witness. Those fuckers are using the LHC for shady shit and they'll probably cause the apocalypse if left unchecked.


lewd the kouhai

How would fgog write an India Order?

All known Indias have to appear such as Sita, Rama, Arjuna, and Parvati.

You also get three or four new ones to introduce

And he already likes (You), imagine in his last ascension he takes off the mask and it turns out he's Kirei with King Hassan personality, that'd be great.


Is this art the reason Japanese men don't fuck their women?

Her eyes and voice are gross

>God Of War

Nice try Lü Bu.

Good, I hope they do

Don't bully Mrs. Kotomine

She doesn't have much to live so I'll lewd her enough to have children with her to take over.

Oh this

/x/ go home

Because he looks like an over the top edgemaster but underneath that he's a pretty cool guy that just happens to have EDGE as a job description.

Him using a loophole for Cursed-Arm even though he was fully ready to submit to death in that moment was a defining moment for me.

>imagine in his last ascension he takes off the mask and it turns out he's Kirei with King Hassan personality, that'd be great.
No, fuck off.

add Indrajit and Lakshmana for a start

Based male master

It's pre God of war guan yu lancer with no red Hare

Guan yu with red Hare is grand rider

Every fatecuck would be beyond butthurt for it

Shaka Zoulou come and wrekt shit. No Indian are relevant. Also 2 english servant who save the day.

If you like him or plan on using him often, yes.
He's good with NP spam and crits since his buffs last for 3 turns and the cooldown isn't too bad.

We saw him without armor in this order. He's an old man with one leg or something.

His NP, Azrael, is literally him asking God to no longer allow his opponent to exist. Also, same VA. That's Demi-Servant Kirei beneath the helmet. You can either rejoice or end it all.



Genghis Khan when

>Grand Rider
>not Genghis Khan

This is reddit tier fan fiction

Fuck off

Id take influence from Mahabharata but America order was literally either a rip off of it or a preview of it to come.

Basically I'd do America order but no fucking around and let the poos release their full power

I'd introduce Hanuman, Ganesha and Shiva/Krishna as the big bads

5* Maya as the helper, 5* Sita as world unlock, 4* Sarasvati world unlock 3* Parvati free servant

why is Nero such a qt

>Also, same VA.
How much do you know about that VA, friend?

>You also get three or four new ones to introduce
Yudhishthira, Duryodhana, Gandhi and Ashoka

Ask Tiamat she can make you as many as you need

I didn't know Kirei haters even existed. I didn't believe they could exist.


It's unclear if he is actually Ziusudra or if he was just disguising himself as Ziusudra.

It's not I hate kirei, it's what you said

What you said was retarded

He doesn't desire destruction though. Hes part of the destruction and creation process. There is no desire.

Parv will be a 5* regardless of anyone likes it or not

>Nero had to barricade people into her theater to prevent them from escaping this