lmao, fucking niggers
Lmao, fucking niggers
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>that music
What the fuck? Is this what niggers actually listen too?
Stupid person being stupid, I'm not surprised.
looks Dominican
anyway regardless this nigga is stupid as fuck.
>less than 30 days to 2017
>not being pagan
lmao enjoy being cucked by desert jews
god damn it this fucker is still alive
maybe i should drink bleach to become pagan aye?
>less than 2505600 seconds to 2017
>not being an atheist
kek enjoy being a fucking retard
>auto 9thgen civic.
Shame he probably survived.
why do people think bright aqua plasti dipped rims look good on anything
Too bad he didn't die.
Baltimore here
This is what they all listen to, usually walking around with their cracked phone blaring. There is no diversity in black music choice, they all listen to the same exact thing.
>The jump cut from that "WOOO" to the picture of the wrecked car
>Vtec kicked in yo
My guess is he changed it to KM/H because he's barely passing any of those other cars
t. someone that generalizes all black people
Shitty bait.
What a dumbass. Driving like that requires concentration, not one hand on the wheel and horrible booming basketball american music
most*, as in the majority of them
Fellow Baltimorean here, can confirm. Ours are some of the worst in the country.
>those fucking wheels
is it bad that that's what sets me off the most?
aqua wheels never look good in any situation
prove me wrong
no just deny christianity
atheism is a religion of contrarians. men don't live without faith, be it on a fairy tail from a old book or a fairy tail from a new book
>He took the post with the picture of a guy wearing a fedora seriously
Stupid niggers.
Stay mad, bitch nigger.
I thought civics were limited to slower speeds.
Some people can't handle the speed. Their brains can not process their surroundings fast enough to react to basic shit like walls.
Faggots like this are why you still see 55mph limits.
>US policy
>do they have a pulse?
>y: give license
>n: give license
Atheism is the religion of unclear ideas
"I don't believe in a god"
Then what?
"Idk i just like, do stuff man"
All men live with faith but not necessarily in the supernatural. Many other things can not be proven to be material reality, ie: ethics.
110-120 is typical of passenger vehicle limits.
And it does say MPH, if you freeze the video at the right time it clearly isn't a K.
That is just how things look with phone lenses, phone cameras have a low FOV and it gets tightened even further for anti-shake. Making things appear to move slowly.
If you have Half Life or HL2/Source game toy with the FOV in console. Set to 120 and you feel like warp speed, set it to 60 and shit looks really slow. Even though you are moving at the same speed.
that's what I meant bozo. Every faith in morals and law is no better than in a god
That dumbass had a nicer car than me.
Law is material reality. Morals, to an extent, are also material reality. You can expect most humans to have similar innate responses.
Ethics are not so. There are men who live without creeds, acting only upon the material world of innate morality and enforced law. Some of them even call themselves christians, since, after all, the majority of their unforgivable sins are against the law even in countries that are not abrahamically inclined.
*tips fedora*
I have one, and I honestly never drive it, choosing to stick with my old 2001 passat. Visibility in that gen is terrifying, and at night all the screens are blinding. It feels heavy as well. Just because it may be newer it isn't "nicer"
Also, note the presence of an actual temperature gauge. Civic gives me MPG's on four different places, but not temp.
t. extremely buttmad whiteboi
the day of the rope is coming my friend and you're first on the list.
>he thinks that nigs will overpower white society
no where in my statement did I mention white people getting culled. Just anime loving degenerates such as yourself.
Not even a reaction when he is about to crash
>refers to him as whiteboi
>the day of the rope is coming my friend and you're first on the list
>no where in my statement did I mention white people getting culled
Come now. You can't be that stupid, can you?
Gas yourself.
>Jungle tunes
What a shame, endangering other people like that and he gets off while other people die from innocent crashes.
Stay mad you anime loving degenerates.
>He's claiming that I'm mad
>was literally threatening to kill people over a comment on a Laotian fingerpainting forum
Nigger lost his car (Obviously) probably is going to prison as well.
Maybe not. Look at this:
75k bond. Likely to get a loan, and no manslaughter conviction since he ran from the scene, likely to avoid a DUI.
>Those staples
Did this dumb fucking ricer remove the airbags?
Fucker got exactly what he deserved.
Anyone got the full video showing the crash?
To live?
Probably the camera was forcefully shut off at impact, and sadly nobody has the reaction time to get it on dash cam.
have the next best thing, wrecking cars in controlled settings.
Some dash cams let you save the video a few seconds after the event, and besides with a big enough SD card you can probably just get home and watch the video before it's rolled over. I also think the kid probably got into the accident a few seconds after that video, cause he would have to upload it first.
have you ever been in a crash?
that shit happens in the blink of an eye, I once missed a turn, I hit the guardrails on the in- and outside of the curve 3 times, and I hardly remember anything happening.
In retrospect, we probably should have picked our own cotton...
Tbh sometimes its better not to react.
Not as heavy as 7th gen. But one can get used to it after a bit.
not gonna lie, was kinda bummed that the video ended so abrubtly.
no yells, no crunching of metal. lame desu.
Saw an eclipse do that. He didnt even try to countersteer. Also looked like he tried to power slide on to the hwy at that time.
People that react and accidentally get in a much bigger crash from lift off oversteer is something ive seen.
The only dangerous part was the nigger behind the wheel
And also america's complete refusal to treat lane discipline as something important
>if yew all go duh speed limit it aint matter
>what're ya'll, japanese? lemme intro-duck a werd into yer vocabularah
>and anoder
>"ferd mustang"
lol I live in st. louis. Its pretty common in north city for hit and run shit.
>driving on 70 for any reason in north city, when you could just take the bigger highways that don't go straight through the shithole part of town.
New Civics really aren't as good as you might think they are buddy.
I don't really think much of themStill think it was the best option in that category, considering it was the cheapest (~17k delivered) non sport manual compact sedan I could get.