I bet you faggots think you can't think of anything wrong with this
Why wouldn't this work?
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That's a long ass boost pipe, you'll lose a lot of pressure that you could have with a shorter one. Would probably be better to do something like split the supercharger in half, using the 125cc to spin the drive pulley and have a driveshaft kinda thing between the halves, spinning the compressor on the v10 side.
someones been watching Roadkill
thats just a stupid amount of added weight to add when you can just run the SC off the V10 anyway
>Hasn't heard of the boost caboose
look up the various videos of people saying how disappointed they are with their new exhaust mounted turbo install to get an idea of why this doesn't really work
Rotary would be better suited for this tbqh
on this subject, chibi-rotor when?
if you are going to add all that extra weight with a multi engine machine, why not go with a smaller petrol motor and supplement it with a fuckoff crazy electric motor?
My gut tells me a hollow eccentric shaft wouldn't be very strong
Seriously. Just trailer that shit OP
the reason they have superchargers on large engines is beacause it really takes torque to spin somthing with the displacment of a tennis all up to 5 litters at 6 times atmosphere
Not if they're big pipes
Imagine the lag on that fucker.
Apex seals require oil. Not running them with a gas/oil mix would wear the shit out of them when not in 'power mode'. Just injecting oil during 'cruise mode' would create all sorts of issues. It would require twice as much maintenance as a traditional rotary. Piston engines do this with a oil system that still lubricates the non-activated cylinders, as oil isn't supposed to be in the combustion chamber.
Good idea on paper, but not a practical one.
Best dyno queen since 1000hp supra's
Like this?
Rotary =|= radial
Dude that is fucking retarded. That little engine wouldnt put out more boost than an industrial strength leafblower.
What is that? Does it run at a constant RPM? Because that would make a difference compared to cars.
I mean they make those turbo back exhaust kits which is similar but in reverse. But there is a reason that hydraulics are used over pneumatics in so many situations. Air compresses and lags. When you drive a truck with air brakes, there is a slight delay between pressing the pedal and the brakes actually engaging compared to regular hydraulic brakes. The air in the lines has to compress first before you get any real pressure to the brakes and the same would go for the supercharger to engine in that case.
Plus with the 125cc engine, that is just a lot more weight and parts.
Fixed it for you OP
That animation IS a rotary. A radial looks similar, but the engine is stationary while the prop spins with crankshaft; in a rotary, the crankshaft is stationary while the prop spins with engine. Compare pic related, the radial, with the previous animation, the rotary.
Turbochargers and superchargers in aircraft, unlike a car, DON'T increase the maximum power, instead, they allow you to maintain sea level max power as you climb into thinner air. The P-47's turbo-superchargine system (most radials have a supercharger built into the crankshaft itself, so radials are rarely naturally aspirated) allowed it to have up to 50 in Hg manifold pressure, and that's before activating water injection.
Also forgot, many planes have a constant speed prop; basically, the prop's pitch is changed to change thrust, so the pilot can keep the RPM of the engine constant.