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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
TDM Teams
Ohio and Chile
Official Veeky Forums PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
I was fighting Goto on 23 and he literally spawned a single skeleton the entire fight, beat him nearly to death and then he had some kind of AOE bodyslam that hit me like 7 feet away
Who drops War Ensemble and DoD green? I know black candle is goto
I saw one user mention that opening the UD box when it's bronze gives a blueprint. Is there any truth to that or is it just random? I tried it today and opened when it was bronze and got the Knight lance blueprint. Or did everyone else also get it?
What stat do fists profit from, STR?
Rank 4 Striker or Attacker?for climbing
Did you guys notice how things only happen if you look at them?
If you get spotted and look away the enemy forgets about you, really fucking weird.
Are you guys sure idling for more than an hour will open the fighters you kidnapped for rescue, or did you just accept it after being told by someone else?
Because I just idled for 11 hours, and nobody came to rescue this guy, and we all know everyone jumps on rescuing fighters the second they pop up, not to mention from someone like that could have netted them over 30k coins, 40k SP and over a hundred TDM points from my 5k diamond score.
Power leveling fists takes forever and is incredibly liberating.
5 more levels to go.
>all that money and SPL
tell me your secret pls
if you're in the waiting room people can't invade lol
i'm with you brother
Can someone explain to me what Mushroom Stew actually does?
Random premium decal, doesnt go away when you die
How much more fisting until you're a fisting master, senpai?
Randomly generates a decal. Has potential to create a super rare decal.
I think you can buy em after you create them via mushroom stew.
Where do you get MILK black metal?
>Jackal's song plays as you enter an empty base
such a waste
>if you're in the waiting room people can't invade lol
I know, that's what I just said. That's why I asked where people got the idea from that idling for over an hour will let people rescue fighters you kidnapped.
Diamond rank rewards you with 10k coins and 10k spl for every successful invasion, platinum 7k, gold 4k, silver 2k, get one of those ranks than raid, raid and raid, never leave the waiting room, and raid, than raid some more, don't log out, but keep raiding, then raid, then stay logged in, and don't go into the tower, then raid some more.
You mean it's absolutely permanent and never goes away? That doesn't sound like something that would be in this game tbqh.
1/4 of the way to 18, sitting at 17 atm
Imagine the hell of enterring a base of nothing but people decked out with Jackal gear.
A base filled with Jackals.
Punch well, fist brother.
Well consider it a gift from suda then, because its a perma item friendo :)
UD box?
Where's copper wire mountain
Imagine if an autistic guy didn't spend 14 hours exploiting the jackals
We would actually know what they drop
>Chile 2
>Argentina 0
Just like real life.
What's the radio number for jackal song?
looking up from the theme park zone the tower is clearly more then 40 stories high and i'm already 20+ stories up already, considering each skyscraper is hundreds of floors up and the tower easily has 5 on top of each other where did this 30 floor meme come from
That damn Uncle Death's box whatever it's called.
30 floor meme?
there is 41 total atm
Floor 21-25 maybe even higher.
it's fucking rare
When do i unlock fighters that can level above 26?
Also, i literally just spent ages leveling up 3 other fighters to max, gave them the best equipment i got, then placed them on waiting room defenses
Only to get invaded by some fucking level 70 guy or some shit and have everything get one shot
What is this garbage? Might as well not waste my fucking time setting up defenses at all if people can just outlevel me and oneshot my shit. Stupid as hell
>I don't do any damage to floor 21+ enemies
>People tell me to grind tier 3 weapons
>Tier 3 weapons require materials that I can't get
I did 20-31 with Machete E+4 and 2* armor
I wonder how many invicible shrooms I need to fight U10 without stress
stocking up 4/10 so far, then popping my last prenium ticket and going to town
reposting from last thread
Is it possible to get the katana on floor 31? I swear I've been grinding this room for what feels like an eon and all I've gotten was the cleaver which is amazing in and of itself
feels good man
The "idling for an hour will open you up for rescue" is saying that your PS4's powersaver settings can kick in and turn off the console.
And now you know.
As for leveling passed 26, CLIMB THE FUCKING TOWER SENPAI
Literally how?
My E machete+3 needs like 4 or 5 hits to kill one enemy
And don't get me started on the GOTO-9 boss
Climb the fucking tower. Don't focus on defense until at least rank 4 fighters so you can cheese people with shit like fire wands and flaming swords.
press R1
But how am i gonna climb when everytime i log in my kill coins and sphlitium are gone and i can't buy any equipment anymore
Made it to floor 7, encountered a level 40 hater, got fucking one shot. It's stupid desu
How fucking rare is scratch metal? I must have killed over 100 scratch tubers without any drop
killed regular enemies with my machetes and saved the npc dropped spears for bosses
spear+stingshroom=dead goto
22, got 2 black MILKs out of about 10 golden chests there
Its there, any premium decals can be removed from a fighter without being destroyed, is returned to your album if its on a defender that gets kidnapped or you are stripped and sent back from a failed raid, as well as still staying on your fighter if it turns into a hater and you go and kill it.
Premium stickers are the only item that doesn't go away, so if you keep buying soups, you could essentially get every sticker in premium form, I think there are some limitations like the bottom few in the album. I'm pretty sure all those bonus ABP/EXP/Coins etc... don't have a premium form.
just Kawabe?
damn i've been there a buncha times
Neither do normal decals.I've retrieved the same body several times with the decals kept.
Oh people should be more specific, I turned off power saver the second I got the console.
>when you open the kawabe chest and it gives you a green instead
>20hrs of playtime
>only been raided 12 times
You guys make it sound like you get your shit pushed in when ever you log off
there's like 5 stretching paths and only one leads to the gold chest its time consuming as fuck, do it now though before the jackals get put back in
You dying = a potential goy
They gotta make some money so be careful,stack 4 weapons and farm a couple of floors.
Any floors that has a chest containing candle black metal?
Judging by the spacing in your book they don't because the book is organized normal on odd, premium version right next to it as even.
>like that one song from survive said the prophet
>decide to listen to their other music
>hate all their other songs
t-thanks suda51...
>today a UD box gave me a blueprint with ??????.
>run to the shop to discover the new item..
>surprise it's a metal bat.
That's not fair senpai!
10% of your sp and coins shows up as raid rewards
if you log off with a lot of coins your shit does get pushed in, but half the people here are retarded and don't spend then bitch when it happens
because they want to have tons of money saved up to salvage themselves when they die
I'm pretty sure everything past 124 can only be obtained through login and express rewards.
My brother has been playing this game and keeps getting his ass kicked by melee enemies, it's painful to watch. He says he can't block in time, is the timing weird or does he just suck?
>most low level equiptment costs a couple thousand
>that can be gotten from just running around the first couple of floors just from small red boxes and screamers alone
>Most high level haters dont spawn until you climb past floor 11
if you're having trouble with those guys, im reccomending you get a tier 2 striker, up your masteries for that damage percentage bonus, and git gud
I never used to get raided before I climbed up to floor 15
and right as i hit it ive been getting my shit pushed in non stop
>about to raid someone
>jackals theme starts playing
Why should I climb the tower if I already have the greatest treasure of all in my waiting room?
Mushroom-chan is the best
The first thing I ever got from the box was the Flame Wand blueprint. Aside from Hovering Metal I still haven't seen any materials for it yet.
Tell him if he levels up the hot iron it has an R1 that gives him a perfect parry
It fucks up anything from hammers to machetes and sometimes butterfly knives
She needs those skillshrooms, senpai
holy shit you're right
thats really weird.
To get more mushroom types for her.
Why didn't they make killing your haterfied corpse give your inventory back and salvaging make you lose your inventory
seems like a better way to go about it
reward you with keeping that characters items for risking your neck to go kill them instead of just safely buying them
No one knows?
Level the iron up for the power attack(r1 or l1), and parry the hater with it when he attacks. Honestly 90% of your deaths from haters is from you just not being careful and taking it slow, haters are really stupid and easy to manipulate.
Crouching does lower detection by a fuckload so go behind enemies while crouched, press X and you'll knock them down or outright oneshot them. If you're above the enemy you can press x also if they dont' notice you and kill them..
Use mushroom., Teargas lets you get free surprise hits in if you nail them with it. They exist for you to use, throw them.
I'm in California and never really noticed heavy losses while climbing from raids and I've been raided like 50 times so far.
Die during a raid and get back to me on that
Dude, only a small number of people have progressed to the last ten floors, the number is even smaller when you consider only this general.
Wait a few more days before you ask or find out yourself for the rest of us.
What's a /cool/ armor set with blunt resist for floors 31-40
I meant dying in the Tower considering I said "retrieved"
it didn't start showing up till around 37 for me
Has anyone finished this game yet? Can it be finished?
There's only 40 floors at the moment give it time
yeah for now we only have 40 floors
content expansions EVENTUALLY
Oh god, that's cheeky. Cheers to finding this exploit.
How will defending be possible at all when everyone starts using the hot iron parry?
floor 22
I can usually take a hater on if they're alone but sometimes you pull a hater AND some other mob and dealing with multiple enemies without getting hit once seems almost impossible in this game.
Why is the path to Goto on F11 closed off? I made it to the 12th floor and realized I didn't fight him. How do I start that boss battle?
Thats fine, but it needed clarity, as dying during a raid kills your (non-premium) decal
how do you get into areas like this that are unlocked but the valves to open the gates are on the inside so you can't actually go in.
too lazy to take an actual screen cap sorry
10 18k HP defenders with a 50k up bank
Make em run out of time
It always been impossible. I defeated a room full of knight wearing rapier wielding 4 star defenders. With fists only.
>less than 1% have beaten jackson
I don't think we'll get content unless it's already made, they don't have a cash shop in and shitters first trying it out that might have spent cash obviously aren't around now.
Does it shoot things
Does it not shoot things
Fists are a blunt weapon though so if you want one punch man git the +10 blunt decal with the +7 attack and a permanent +10 blunt for a whooping 37% blunt upgrade.
You start by using the share button.
>share button
fucking no
>fists do more damage than my weapons
explain this
how much base attack do fists have?