/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, December 12th:
627 – Battle of Nineveh: A Byzantine army under Emperor Heraclius defeats Emperor Khosrau II's Persian forces, commanded by General Rhahzadh.
1098 – First Crusade: Siege of Ma'arrat al-Numan: Crusaders breach the town's walls and massacre about 20,000 inhabitants. After finding themselves with insufficient food, they reportedly resort to cannibalism.
1901 – Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal (the letter "S" [***] in Morse Code), at Signal Hill in St John's, Newfoundland.
1940 – World War II: Approximately 70 people are killed in the Marples Hotel, Fitzalan Square, Sheffield, as a result of a German air raid.
CK2 Monks and Mystics Announced

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V9

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/1fmfcubzlrpxm6l/Napoleon's Legacy.7z?dl=0

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

stop spamming



This thread is a shitpost. It is possible I shall report the thread due to following your advice, but I shall not state whether or not this is the case explicity as such is against the rules

Why do you keep making new fucking threads just because you weren't first? It's obvious your phone and computer posting seeing as how you replied 6 seconds after the thread was created.

That looks pretty cool, hope they don't fuck it up and let shit like Muslims with plate mail

What's a good learning charachter for CK2?

It looks like the OP just wanted to edit out a certain mod from the OP image. Is that why we get these fucking duplicate threads day after day? Some autist has a beef with one mod?

Literally read the wiki

Literally best texas

You don't know what spamming is


Napoleons Legacy MP lads

dropbox.com/s/1fmfcubzlrpxm6l/Napoleon's Legacy.7z?dl=0

Checksum: ZLFF


In case you're wondering, it does have most of HPM integrated into it

Wait for me


Pretty fucking shit/10

don't start, give me about an hour and a half


Absolutely based t.bh
How long will you wait though, im on my way home.

sorry we already started

10/10 allahu Akbar

That's pretty cool, I wonder what mods like GoT or the warhammer one will do with it.

>new IP

shut the fuck up you stupid little shitposting cunt

go back to your den and jerk yourself to death

>mp cancer back to /gsg/

>Hour and a half

cmon m8, be reasonable

3 hours

K two hours


Wait for me lads, I'll be home in about 5 hours

nice one

Now that ck2 has an inventory and you faggot's can finally join monastic orders, what's missing?

A good game

>Livonian order existing in 1638
>sandwiched between three blobs

How can you succeed as Andalusia?


Actual fucking republics and not dumb jew republics.

What is the difference between a republic and a dumb jew republic?

It's really simple, just git gud
No really, it's heavily based on luck. Get Morocco and Tunisia on your side and grab all Tlemcen land before the truce with castille ends, don't let Morocco or Tunisia get any. Then wait for one of the inevitable rebellions in Spain and strike
When I played they got the iberian wedding as I was occupying them and I forced them to break their PU with Aragon in the same war

Playable theocracies is retarded in a dynasty centered game.

One is dumb and has jews and the other doesn't.

fucking nothing
The game has way too many features, it's fucking done already, stop milking it, christ

move on to something else


I miss ultimate mod. No meme, its really good.

I get DTEL, how to fix?

There's plenty of shit that can be done.
Like Naval Combat. Better crusades and better law/punishment system. Shit like trial by combat and the inquisition existed you know.

this tb h desu all of this right here is rightful persian clay

I honestly don't get why more people are posting in this thread

Restart, if its the same, delete your cache

Get here, this one's getting deleted.

Ultimate was fucking shit, what the fuck are you talking about
>1600 space colonist pops in mongolia
>literally everything broken

Its the proper thread nigger.

Deleting cache does nothing for your checksum, don't bother.

Make sure you have 3.04, just restart once and it should be ficksed.

Those regions are completely unrelated to each other and that map is retarded.

Me too. Why the fuck hasn't used made someone the mod get updated so that it works with the updated beta the new patch 3.04 already?

If it was fixed and balanced itd be amazing! New units and techs and start dates are sexy

Where do I get the EU4 DLC? they stopped showing up in my launcher last update

Why would mods delete the more active thread with more posts?

Then blob there if you want. Nobody is stopping you.


It can't be fixed because the game can't represent shit in the 17th century.
I don't know why you are spending the last 2 days shilling that shit here, maybe you plan to revive and scam people for donations again.

Why don't you do it, user?

I have a version that works. The reason why no one has updated is because the devs got banned by swedecuck. He fucked them over because "muh genocide" "muh accurate fascist flags". And they the devs refuse to back down about it. Lots of illegitimate versions have sprung up but theyre hard to find and usually dont work. If i had any skill Id work on it but I dont.

You just need to download the crack again genius

I don't know how.

When I checked the cs.rin.ru i don't think it was updated for last version desu

>not cheese-eating surrender monkeys


Then learn nigger.

>Reduced liquor's price from 6.2 to 4.4
What did he mean by this?

rate my completely historic europe

We literally have it in this thread if you know where to look.

please upload it

The mod was just a scam anyway

me on the right

>bloat in texas
>that shit map
>that france

I can make a 4th thread and get on the first page, but that doesn't mean i shouldn't get banned. R&I made this thread 5 mins after people were already posting here

>the ugliest of the bunch

I believe it.

Is that a converter game? Why is byzantium still around?

Believevable worlds

Exactly what you are reading
Are you retarded or something?

>waaahhh why people aren't using my shit thread, why are they using the proper thread fucking R&I
Just make a proper thread next time and maybe people will use it, no use in crying for mods to delete the thread everyone's using



New HPM when

Really fucking nice and historical

Not my thread.
Also do not pretend that you are not R&I.

>getting so butthurt no one is using your thread that you make a new thread


oops linked the wrong one

desu colonization doesn't need to follow the exact same shit as history, but it would be nice to see the ottoman decline once in a while

It's Meiou and Taxes, the start date is 1356 when Byzantium actually has some provinces left and the Ottomans aren't the complete masters of the area, so they have a fair chance to survive. The AI was pretty competent and even beat its neighbors in a few wars.

france was destroyed on purpose :^)

Ideal V2 army composition?

4Inf 5Art 1Hus

Duno what the ideal comp is though lategame

>starting in 1356

4 art 1 eng 1 hus

All tanks

Thanks but won't that fuck up the art that goes tot he front line?

>no inf

4 tank 5 art 1 plain