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>Channels to chat with other anons?
Try 'd3g' or 'op md2ga' (on east)
>Diablo 2 spam filter
>Old D3 OP
>USWest or USEast?
USEast or Europe.
>Channels to chat with other anons?
Try 'd3g' or 'op md2ga' (on east)
>Diablo 2 spam filter
>Old D3 OP
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>no edition
>not even HP edition
I know I have no right to complain since I was waiting for someone to make general.
how active is d3 these days? will i find many people playing through the main campaign or is everyone playing adventure mode? (i dont have ros)
You won't find anyone doing story mode. if you wanna go from nothing you will have to clear it solo. Most people just want to get boosted on new chars. People are doing adv mode and rifts. If you don't have RoS you should get it if you want to play D3.
>want to make fun build
>realize it's shit
Every time
Who else here is on hardcore useast ladder?
Kick+traps sin is my goto fun build.
Quick, without looking, what rune words make a Spirit
i unironically play diablo 3 because diablo 2 feels very dated to me
thul ral thal ort?
Finally someone who knows what they're doing.
Is it work maxing block on a kick+trap build? Claw block is so good so I'd never consider max block for a trapper, but there aren't any claws suited for kicking.
Newfag here, when i try to connect to battle.net it starts downloading a patch and kicks me back to the main menu saying "you were disconnected from battle.net. Please reconnect". Who wants to spoonfeed this baby?
Tbh with you senpai I wouldn't want to get into melee without high block. It's just so good to have against these dick bosses and little shits like dolls.
thats not even a rune
im going to say Tal Thul Ort Amn
i don't really like weapon block
>Weapon Block does not benefit from Dexterity or increased chance of blocking.
>You will only block while standing still or attacking. Weapon Block does not work while walking or running.
>Note: Whirlwind is an attack and weapon block will still function during the attack.
>55% block at level 15
>57% block at level 20
bro why you hidin it
But it blocks magic and gets >50% block with a single hard point.
Lo, behold.
keep rockin' baby
only worth it for pure trapsin or wwsin imo
playing D2 for the first time and choosing amazon and looking at the jav n' spear spec
Anything cool I can build from that?
better hope someone hooks you up with eth titans
Can't you make a strength in a claw? There's your crushing blow lul
lol why
don't even need that, you can solo hell with a regular white ceremonial javelin with +3 skills
eth upped titans wrecks light immunes
you realize it replenishes, right
don't use it retardedly
>hurr I can't use my main skill more than once per three seconds because I retardedly went for a non-repairable weapon for a minuscule amount of physical dmg that hardly matters
At least they kept the OP, unlike 2 or 3 other dudes.
So you literally have no idea how to play javazon and just spam shit like a retarded monkey hoping for the best.
i'm 100% certain you never used eth titans, otherwise you wouldn't complain
What realm are you on bruh, I'm EU. This just dropped.
based psuedo-intellectual
I play it every single day with a non-eth non-upped Titan's and I do just fine baby, Closing in on that 1000 Baal kills in fact.
I have, in fact an eth Titan's was the first Titan's I found this ladder and I went and looked for a non-eth because I was tired of watching the quantity like a hawk and holding back when it started to dip below 80 or so.
noob :^)
am frenzy barb,
nord's, demon limb weapons
duriel's shell
dwarf star / %life steal rings
goblin toe
chance guards
+1skill/mf ammy
what is the next, cheapest upgrade i could possibly acquire through nm baal/fister or jewing out garbage
Just get two eth upgraded titans and switch if you run out
sure thing man and while you're looking for those 2 eth titan's with decent damage rolls ill just kill baal 1000 times with my non eth non upped who gives a fug about a damage roll titan's. or any javelin really it doesnt have to be titans. with titan's you just have to repair less often
if you play correctly you never have to repair at all
I think what you mean is use positioning to get more pierces to get more LF procs. If thats not what you mean then I dont care if that IS what you mean then Ill just say you can do that AND use LF more than once per three seconds if you're good, but only if you're good.
If you could get the best possible gear ever for any class/build at all, which one would be the strongest?
t. spammy adhd retard
I try to keep my APM up, guilty as charged
summoner necro
theres no way to survive the tele bomb
>teleport into a field of 10000000000000 irresistable damage outskilladin memehammers
>yeah, rip
your whole once per 3 seconds thing is off
you kill a pack of enemies, and by the time you arrive at the next one you'll probably have a full stack again
if you actually run out of javelins your damage is just way too low
at most one of them hits you if you didn't tp on the paladin just for the fucking sake of it and you're not going to get oneshotted if you also have said perfect gear
When I run from Worldstone Keep waypoint to Baal I kill things the whole way I dont have down time. I would never accept having down time I would just play a different class **OR** use a different weapon that let me attack more than once per three seconds.
>more than once per three seconds
there it is again
Anyone on EU wanna trade for 3 slot armor? I can't find any for my Threachery.
pls understand
eth Titan's gates your LF to a number per a duration. non eth removes the gate. What do you lose? 0.1% damage
>What do you lose? 0.1% damage
Much less than that to be honest desu senpai because the physical damage component of Javazon build is next to nothing to begin with and the upgrade to ethereal from non ethereal adds just a little bit of damage to next to nothing damage so its hard to quantify. Or else why wouldn't everyone use javelins if their pure physical damage is so good? Because its not its garbage and should never be relied on to kill something.
I can give my old one for free
>eth Titan's gates your LF to a number per a duration
which you'll never reach anyway
>What do you lose? 0.1% damage
the damage increase is pretty significant when fighting light immunes, and you'll have no mana issues at all with just ~5% ml
Javazon confirmed to be the thinking man's build
Are you serious? I will take good care of it.
>the damage increase is pretty significant when fighting light immunes
>wasting time fighting light immunes
how are things down there on the bottom of the ladder?
cant enter, need game on normal
>he doesn't kill everything
meme all you want, you need to kill a couple light immunes in most cs/wsk runs
>hes not going to see level 95
Anything above 92-93 is autismo supreme or bot.
never do it
only souls in the throneroom sometimes but my merc kills them infinitely faster than I would with an eth titan's verses non eth
Thanks m8. Now I can finally reset skills.
>averse to playing the game efficiently
on second thought, you would be better off with an eth Titan's
I have a 4soc wire fleece, should I just put 4 ptopazes in it and put it on my summon necro who's still using a stealth? It's not like I can actually afford any runewords that need 4 socket armor.
you're literally retarded
eth titans are a definitive upgrade over regular ones
you don't need eth titans, the same way you don't need titans at all, but not using them when you could be is plain retarded.
the only time i would ever use regular ones over eth is in 8 player games where i have to carry everyone so never
just picked up the d3 battlechest after several friends bugged me for months to do so
what should I expect, aside from disappointment?
old d2lod HC player
and is it possible to build a hammerdin?
Finally got my enigma, time to farm with my hammerdin
>the only time i would ever use regular ones over eth is in 8 player games where i have to carry everyone
wait a second, so non-eth would be better in player 8 games? hhmmm.. HMMMM.. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??
>and is it possible to build a hammerdin?
not the guy that you replied to but:
that you have to throw more javs in 8 player games because you aren't one shotting mobs?
AKA, eth are better for one shotting mobs and replenishing stack as you run, non eth are better for rushing people because you spam
>AKA, eth are better for one shotting mobs
lol no. you aren't picturing how little damage the physical component of lightning fury is. it is next to nothing. and lightning fury itself doesn't even do that much damage until it starts piercing upwards of three mobs. THATS how you one shot stuff, not based at all on weapon damage.
Not that guy but:
Eth is better for a player who one-shots mobs because the quantity becomes a non-issue and the option for physical damage against lightning immunes exists.
Non-eth would be better if you're playing alone on /players 8
Yeah and? It's still more damage and you don't need to repair if you oneshot mobs
If something is better for players 8 then it stands to reason that its better for players 1.
why are you one shotting things in players 1? because of eth titan's? then doesn't that extra damage become even more important in players 8? no, because you don't one shot things in players 1 because of eth titans you one shit things because lightning fury is so good, and why would you ever want to gate lightning fury behind a replenishment rate?
tfw health inspector user will never leave
i already told you, you'll never have mana issues and you can kill light immunes faster
eth is plain better than non eth in that situation, it's a small advantage but it is there
there's a reason why non eth titan's aren't even worth pul while even low eths are worth 2 ist
>there's a reason why non eth titan's aren't even worth pul while even low eths are worth 2 ist
I suggest to people wanting to try javazon to not fall for the eth meme at least for pvm I mean come on this guy went to the first jav guide he found and it said eth titan's and so he went to d2anya and bought an eth titan's and he never bothered to check what really works for himself. he says it right there get a cheap titan's for a pul and never think twice about it your rune wallet will thank you and with the right supporting gear your zon will cut through everything like butter just the same and to think you may actually be useful in a multiplayer setting too
>this retarded argument is still going on
Eth or no eth it shouldn't even make a difference, LF does enough damage that you shouldn't have to spam it all the time.
Anybody want to trade a Jah for a Zod?
fuck off lowballing fag
Can you get amp damage on a wand?
on hit maybe
not as charges
>mfw dual wielding strength scimitars vs bosses
Watching hell speedruns that require extremely painful feats taught me so many pro strats for this game.
>The black runeword can only be made in blunt weapons because it references blackjacks which are blunt force weaponry
>the black runeword can only be made in blunt weapons because clubs are the most primitive weapon
Jesus christ, Raimi.
if I make a melody in a +3 gm bow will it stack and increase +skills by 6
I'm ending up with a ton of off-beat uniques that I can't bear to throw away; especially since I'm poor as can be
Normal Bonehew, Jalal's Mane, Bloodfist and two tokens on EU
Run as admin
Upped non ethereal of course my dude
Do you think the stat requirement is worth the benefit of upping them in hardcore?
Well if you use Stormshield and have max block then you'll meet the stat requirements naturally. And I definitely think those two things are worth having.
I only upped them because I have 7% mana leech ring and its just nice to have a liiittle extra mana leech. I completely do not care about the physical damage. If you don't have mana leech then I don't think there is really any point at all.