Darango is a coward edition.
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Darango is a coward edition.
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Poll Wikis Main Website Steam Group Staff
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Buying Saradomin Chaps
Seriously, who runs from a fight after begging someone to come biff them?
He brought Snake (lvl124), 99 magic, ancients to gangrape him. You'd be an idiot to stay and fight.
Darango is 107
Snake is 124
Graveyard of Shadows South (where they were) is 16. Do the math, shitter.
Not only that, but it's not even a multicombat zone.
tfw you run from someone who can't even hit you
dead game
Why are you posting watermelon loot you mac and down syndrome having faggot
>trying to prove he's a big boy after bitching out of a fight
NOT FUCKING LIKELY - dat nigga wearing steel, what a hard kill
What's the point of the bank deposit box?
The full bank screen has a "deposit inventory" button.
Both require 3 clicks to unload, but most of the time the bank deposit boxes are not located nearer than the booths.
Isn't this kinda stupid?
get out of the fucking coal mines reeeeeeeeeeeee
fuck you reeeee its mine
praise latent
Use the item on the box to deposit instantly, like when you have a full load of coal from the mining guild.
>no bitterness under admins
>latent's trip is mentospepe
why do you fags keep doing this
Oh, I didn't know about this feature.
I don't have the OG shit saved, I just dug up an old bred. Soz babycakes.
Thanks Bitterness.
Have you ever been scared over something that literally can't touch you? I have. Hi, my name's Darango and I, am really bad at /v/scape. When I started out my career as a newfriend, I was totally clueless. So I turned to Wiggins, he seemed like a great goy. Boy was I wrong.. This fucker was the biggest jew in the land but he had spunk and I like that. So I followed him. After setting out on my own, I tried some skilling stats and found out combat was the only thing for me. I did some slayer here and there, not much though. I don't like taking orders from that noob Vannaka. So I went on killing things like cows and goblins, collecting coins here and there and shitposting up a storm. Let me tell you, I'm probably the most inefficient xp obtainer in all of /v/scape at this point but now, I'm super strong. I'm going to challenge the server's best pkers starting with the lowest levels I can find. I think I'll start with Kneegrow, he's defenseless and I'm fully geared. Success. I have won, soon to be like my idol Wiggins. The battles will only get harder from here, next: Dr. Killshot. He's 14 levels lower than me but has kill potential, I'm calling him out. After agreeing to my fight, I make him wait for my farm run because I'm a spastic shit cunt who doesn't give a fuck about other players. It's time. I have arrived in the 16 wildy, solo combat zone, I'm safe. *looks around* A wild Snake has appeared! I run for my dear life, this man is 19 levels higher than be and TBQH I don't think I could have beat Killshot. He competes with the best and my account is still shit.. Fuck, oh well.. Better luck next time. -Darango out
You are welcome.
stop blogging, darango
I know.
gud post
someone else take over bumping so I can sleep
happy 5th anniversary lads
Hey, can you like, delete this.
tfw this isnt a jabroni thread
shaking hands with wiggins after he picks his nose
For Mango
why were the clue drop rates nuked?
because fuck you
Seriously nobody fucking plays this anymore.
It's saddening.
Share your thoughts as to why they might not play anymore
Have we swapped generations? There's tons of newfags right now. The midfags from last year are dedfags now/quit/normalfags that barely play and have turned into the oldfags. The originalfags are either completely dead or log in once a week, the few that are left. Rip /v/scape, you peaked in 2015.
Rip all of my early 2015 comrades and everyone that became full normie. Rip most of the 2014 originalfags. All we have are shitters now who I don't even recognize. I miss when we had relevant players that were funny and interesting online constantly. Another thing I noticed is that everyone has a stick up their asshole nowadays taking themselves way too seriously, people used to be lighthearted and funny. The nostalgia for when this game was fresh and juicy is making me depressed. Nobody fucking plays at all anymore, we used to have a constant roster of relevantfags and everyone had no life. Sigh. It's almost not even worth playing anymore because none of my old friends even do anymore and if they do they play once or twice a week.
We're not young and reckless anymore, we're normies with responsibilities and jobs/uni to attend. When I first joined all the relevant people were still teenagers, now almost all of them are 20 or above, mods and originalfags even older. I think the game before this year was mostly easygoing shitposting then everyone got to know eachother and it became really serious and personal. There was more of a focus on drama recently but that seems to have died. Everyone's gotten older and left /v/scape behind. That and the fact that the game is extremely repetitive, people maxed their accounts and got bored.
We still get 35 players/day, it's just that I don't recognize any besides 2-5 at any given time. Maybe there's just nothing left to do here. Almost everything fun has been exhausted.
>tfw nothing interesting will ever happen again here that will rival the glory days
>the best days are behind us
>2017 will probably yield absolutely nothing fun and interesting
>all of my past friends from here actually have lives now and won't be logging in more than once or twice a week from here on out
>no pleasure in playing this at all, tfw time to move on
forever underage here, i'm 19 now
nobody make threads on /v/ anymore, that is literally the only reason
>Tfw you were like 16 when i met you
>Tfw even you never play now
i'm on right now : ~ )
who quit?
don't remember, date on the screenshot is october 12th, 2015 though
Can someone tell me which shampoo i should get to treat dandruff? head and shoulders is fine?
You don't need shampoo if you're bald.
Yogurt (probably)
reminder that the current newfags will someday become oldfags, and they too will bitch about muh newfags ruining muh sekrit club just like the elderfags that were here since odelscape that have long moved on whose names now disappear like the wind
>it's a nostalgia episode
reminder that current newfriends will quit before achieving meme status
this desu
If you ain't with /TheBoyz/, you're nothin but a fuckin grot
I'd rather be a grot than a homosexual
its a shame you never had the choice and now you're both
It isn't a matter of choice, it's something you're born into. People of the same mindset just tend to hang out together.
then why are you all alone?
Because I haven't fell for the liberal gay propaganda yet, unlike most of the other australians on this server.
>admitting to being australian
What even are these posts
Reminder that if you're not a part of /theboyz/ you're missing out on all the fun!
Couple of good looking roosters there
Who wants to join my pk club: Dem White Boyz
You're not gonna make it kiddo, take it from me.
Who would you say on this server takes themselves too seriously?
God bless America. God bless us all.
Latent is a tundra boy because he freezes you like an artic blizzard.
more like a tornado at sea cause he's a dusty ass washed up faggot
>After years, they still talk about him
It's typhoon if it's at sea.
or a hurricane, depending on which ocean its at
tfw newfriends think they need to be assholes to fit in
that's cause everyone who still plays is an asshole with a handful of exceptions who seem to be unattached to the community in certain aspects, such as those who don't mingle in clans and those who never use the thread
The jaypinda and later chuckus clan singlehandedly killed vscape
G'day sheilas and gents
when will cutetorture stop pretending to be australian
oh shit boys she has migrated to other games
good try my friend but CuteTorture only posts with a verified CuteTorture tripcode as seen above.
kek you're ugly
>'s statement still relevant
help me
b u m p
Tfw got my cape recently due to a helpful glitch
Daily reminder I am still stuck on wave 61 and nothing is spawning
fuck off with the vore greggo
There's that meme again.