>american drivers
starts at 20sec
>american drivers
starts at 20sec
If this was California I'd bet the drivers were a bunch of liberals who were too busy crying over the fact that trump won
But it's in Kansas
So I don't know what the fuck happened
GG no re
Not tailgating means I have to pay more for fuel that isn't freedom
dude weed lamo
k, keep me posted
they had like 3 other lanes to go into but stupid retards just stomp on the brake
This is truly scary. How did these people get theirs licenses?
> Liveleak
Youtube plz.
Fucktard drivers are everywhere, but especially america.
In america, driving is a right and not a privilege.
Why the fuck are they just sliding around and fishtailing? Is it coated in ice or something?
Maybe it's just 'murrican cars. Even without electronic aids, I've handled high speeds in wet weather...
> They just keep slamming into the wrecks
> instead of going around
> Or, heaven forbid, slowing the fuck down
>americans driving manuals
your elite wet weather skills are obviously too good for a bad snow storm
All these people driving in the PASSING lane for literally no reason
Smartphones is what happened, retards stare at their phones instead of looking where they're going.
People were paying attention to their non-smartphones too.
>dat dindu family slamming in to the wreck at 60 MPH
>sheboon starts crying after
>fucking kek
It's not even skill, it's just proper fucking suspension design and non-pigfat car.
It takes zero skill to hold a lane at 80MPH in torrential rain if your car isn't pigfat and the rear suspension isn't a girder.
>scene of sheboon crying and being hysterical every time she gets screen Time every few mins.....most likely significant amount of time has past between each scene yet she is acting overly dramatic
>Why the fuck are they just sliding around and fishtailing?
Probably noticed crash too late and abruptly jerked the steering wheel.
Still, those weak ass blinkers.. no wonder you cant pass yearly vehicle inspection here unless every smallest light has CE marking.
You should be able to detect cars up ahead even without the blinkers on.
They are all so obese their cars handle like a Supra with a fiat engine
>everyone massively too fast
How even? Not a single patient and thoughtful driver?
It's not even the stopping distance. Half of them are simply not watching the road at all and only brake in the last split second.
>In America, driving is a rights and not a privilege
But that's wrong, dumbass.
It's absolutely a privilege or else the DMV wouldn't be able to suspend your license without giving you the option of an attorney and a jury trial
Yeah but in the beginning you get the benefit of doubt, otherwise licenses wouldn't be almost vending machine tier easy to acquire.
Meanwhile, in China
really hate when people jerk off their shifter
we get it, it's in neutral, don't have to make it cum
>had to stop after 1:30
How can someone be that bad at driving, is he doing it on purpose?
Also he'd have failed his driving test in this country before getting out of that parking space.
oh god, not that video again...
can someone go into detail about why his shifting is bad
You don't have a driving license so I'll tell you.
(If you have turn it in until you know how to drive).
Slams gear into place = tear the syncro into oblivion, joints and axles gets sudden torque which leads to cracked drivetrain
Miss gear = over revving the poor engine
Full throttle that consumes 10x more fuel, and then cruise in neutral which lowers his speed so he has to engage the gear in the end anyway.
Holding hand on gear stick while in gear = wearing down the gearbox if he puts any force in any direction since the gear stick would force syncros to grind for no reason.
Dragging the gear stick left and right like a retard for no reason.
TL;DR Neutral is the position that is used when going from one gear to another, NOT to be used as a cruising gear.
While at a stop you can engage neutral and engage E-brake/handbrake since that doesn't wear down the clutch, and it doesn't blind the people behind you with those rear lights.
TL;DR 2: If you drive an automatic and can't handle a manual, you're not fully educated and thus is a danger to others.
TL; Should read: If you're american, you're not educated enough to even drive a car.
tl;dr this post is enough to diagnose you with autism
Great retort, but it's not 2013 anymore, the usage of autism as an insult is outdated.
Come up with something new.
Chill, sperglord
hes right, you know.
go back to killing yourself
I'm sure you're angry because you think that would work here.
This is not /v/ so you could at least try to act a little mature.
No u
T. Mohammed
>Veeky Forums is srs bsns
I used to be paranoid that I would be that kind of person in these videos.
Then I realized you have to be literally retarded not to slow down when there are blinkers on your side of the freeway.
>it doesn't blind the people behind you with those rear lights
trusting morons to not ram you the instant your brake lights are off is a terrible idea.
>not putting on brakes as you see people closing in on you, then stop when they have stopped as well.
You'll learn the way of the road after a few years.
Yeah, when you let off the brakes little miss snapchat behind you totally won't hit the gas.
Sorry, but that must be a third world problem that drivers aren't educated enough to read the stop signs correctly.
Always read 2-3 cars ahead, anticipate the coming moves is a below basic rule in traffic.
wow there's no careless retards where you live? where is this holy land of angels?
god they are trully retarded
why aren't they looking at the fucking road ?
they are some but not 15 in a row
Isn't obvious that it is in Trump Country?
>Being this biased.
What a fucking retard. I want to kill that woman.
>old lady
They just don't know any better (anymore).
>driving is a rights and not a privilege
>But that's wrong, dumbass.
False. Two years ago, the seattle WA area had some black guy use the racism defense successfully to get his driving rights back despite all the car-related assault. So driving is a right and not a suspendable privilege because keeping him from driving was a racist way of keeping him down and poor.
>So I don't know what the fuck happened
Not raining.
Not iced over.
Daytime with full visibility.
No visual barriers or trees blocking view.
15 cars right after the other. boom. crash boom crash
The drivers are obviously not paying attention so they are probably all on cellphones or even watching video in their cars while driving.
>scene of sheboon crying and being hysterical every time she gets screen Time every few mins.....most likely significant amount of time has past between each scene yet she is acting overly dramatic
Got to prime up the evidence camera recordings before suing for a lot of money. Lawsuits, especially racism lawsuits, are a way of earning a living for some people. The chance to get in a juice lawsuit is like a chance of winning the lottery. There are probably people who pray for such opportunity to score money.
they payed 100 buck to the dmv sames as you
That first highway pull
This has been an american phenomenon as far as i have been alive (70's) so it is not media or entertanment.
Those fuckers just dont look where they are going.
we have some extended americans in my family and despite living elsewhere for over 25 years they fit the american stereotype perfectly especially when it cones to driving. There is just something special about that nation.
One example does not a general rule make. If the kind of case somehow got to the Supreme Court it'd be shut down immediately.
You're that old and don't even know the basics of statistics?
I can't wait for Trump to nuke the rest of the world.
>mfw i went to that HS
98% of American drivers are shit. absolute shit.
I'm not going to make any probably false claims that I'm some Mario Andretti, but I make these motherfuckers look like sponge bob taking his 100,000th driver test.
The problem lies in the fact that I could have passed the driving test in Fl after driving a riding lawnmower 2 laps around the yard and a kindergarten reading/comprehension level.
also most people on the american roads are soccer moms or teenage girls driving their 6,000lbs land yacht they call a Escalade 85mph down the freeway oblivious to everything. Vehicles are merely seen as nothing more than convenient transportation here. instead of rolling death machines capable of killing multiple people in mere seconds.
I once avoided a pileup like this
Funny thing is I was driving an old sub$1,000 shitbox and everyone involved had expensive new cars
>0 visibility
>continue to drive the road speed limit
Is this how people of average intelligence behave?
>show shitters need to stay in the right lane
>in merica speeding is fine as long as you are in the left lane
I am not even kidding some retards actually think like this.
It would be fun to watch a stancefag come along and get completely rekt by something like this
It seems like a bad idea to me to be telling people they need to get out of their cars when they could get slammed into at any second.
How many bridge blockers do you think have gotten run over because of their temper tantrum?
I mean they deserve it, and the delayed ambulances, if they don't go through the proper channels to organize a protest and let people plan around it.
unintentional b8 is the funniest
>Isn't obvious that it is in Trump Country?
You're right, I don't see any degeneracy.
>what happens when you go from driving camels to corvettes
reasons as to why I pay out the ass for insurance every single month
>Multi car pileup in broad daylight most likely owing to distracted drivers
>No degeneracy
What are you doing on Veeky Forums.
this is why cell phone use while driving should be considered a DUI
I don't know about that, but it should certainly be held as an equally serious crime.
The funny thing is, litteraly every other country bans phone use(as in holding it is illegal) while driving
But I guess americans are too stupid to put them away
Muh freedoms.
Using a cell phone while driving is illegal here in Georgia but I don't think it stops anyone, they just put it down for a second if they see a cop or get blacked out windows.
Blacked windows are illegal in most civilized countries as well
Yes and they're illegal here too retard
The issue is enforcement
I'm just going to stay in the right lane for the rest of my life
Lord have mercy on that thing.
How is it an issue?
Everyone but the first car is tailgating or playing with cellphone. First cars stops dead to let someone turning left into traffic who didn't have right of way.
I'm not sure which is worse.
At 0:20
"Turn your headlights on."
"I don't know how."
Pretty much sums up most drivers' skills.
>extended americans
They're probably so fat that 'fat' doesn't fit anymore.
>non-pigfat car
Lots of pigfat vehicles doing just fine here. A poor craftsman blames his tools.
>average day in russia
>turning headlights on in the fog to begin with
>not having the headlights on at all times to be more visible in traffic
>Tfw my friend texts/imessages/spotifys as he drives
>Used to be a pretty good driver but I guess decided he was "mature" enough to be able to do these things while driving
Never riding with him again, my heart was beating a million beats a second just from how slow he was reacting to things and how bad things could have gotten if there weren't perfect road conditions
I feel like normies just don't understand that you can trust everyone else to drive perfectly, and sure give definitely glanced at my phone while driving once or twice to quickly change a song, but extended typing is retarded as hell on all levels
How is this a question? The problem is that the cops don't enforce the law, obviously. When police don't enforce a law people tend not to follow it as closely.
def this
There was a study done somewhere, I can't seem to find it, but there was a reasonably strong connection between our brains almost ignoring brighter lights on the horizon level of our vision.
That is, that automobiles cresting a hill with headlights on, aimed directly at us, were more frequently unchecked by quick looks.
However, headlights (daytime strip) for me everywhere.