acceptance edition
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Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
fuck the fucking fps death edition next?
Who cares. Beekeeping in DF isn't worth the trouble right now anyway. All beekeepers that show up at my fort are automatically conscripted.
Shit, didn't notice how far down the last thread had slipped.
So yeah, add stuff like this onto the item_weapons entries as a default improvement (check out the item tool scroll sections) and put these into the reactions, end result is that the handles and shit show up with the relevant materials. [IMPROVEMENT:100:axe:SPECIFIC:HANDLE:GET_MATERIAL_FROM_REAGENT:helve:NONE]
my giant slug didn't do a damn thing about these snail men wandering into my property. gastropods can't be trusted.
Fuck, I bet making the floors out of rock salt doesn't do shit huh.
Gastropods are inherently nepotistic. How do you think they survived this long into earth's history? Perfectly happy to throw other species under the bus so long as it benefits them. Why do you think the dinosaurs went extinct?
With a name like this I really wish I could use this in a digging machine of some sort.
"""dangerous terrain"""
does anyone know if there's a way I can get the shell off of this dead guy's back? I've already lost a dwarf due to the lack of shells available on this map.
You can't.
nice map.
I can never figured out what the hell your fort design is
welp, that's one way to go. having a floor built over you by your friends, dying of thirst.
Me neither.
dumb bitch that found urdim's body didn't give a fuck
I've been standing in this spot for well over an hour, it's the entrance to a dark fortress or goblin fortress or whatever they're called . They just keep coming, they try to get inside and ignore me as I cut them down one by one. Will it stop only once the pit is empty and devoid of life?
cursor over it
Otherwise, no way.
>gastropods can't be trusted.
eminently quotable
tfw only have ten militia dorfs
Here's a cleaner version of the 16x16.
This thread is too young to die.
Too old to lock in the basement and hurl rabbits at though.
>always try getting a fortress started in max evil max savage areas,
>always get decently far ahead but then one thrall or other undead makes it in with a refugee or such
>fortress ends with frutration when all essential dorfs are killed
I don't know how to do it
Have them flee inside over cage traps, and low pop numbers.
Set up regions where the only entry route is controlled and covered.
got a metric fuck ton o gold, what should i do? make gold crafts and trade them?
That and use them for nobles.
Try to arm a militia or a well fortified base before so.
Is the benis bearded?
I think this guy is boteposter
I forgot about that dude really quick.
I mean, it's not surprising, but y'know.
Get some fortifications n shut up before you go gold crazy
>30 idles dorfs
I've lost control
build them some taverns temples and libraries dude.
at least then its productive idleness.
The vomit is a nice touch and good attention to detail.
Not him, but I JUST got back into Df after a break, taverns/temples/libraries weren't in the last build I played. What do they do?
The wiki would do a much better job than I would at explaining.
Taverns basically act as a meeting hall for your dwarves, where they go and get served booze by a tavern keeper, can socialize, dance, sing and have fun. They can also attract outsiders from your fort, such as warriors and performers. These outsiders can apply to become residents of your fort, and if you accept them, they hang around, and become just like your own dwarves.
Temples give your dwarves a place to pray and commune with their gods, and gives good thoughts.
Libraries mean your scribes can write down stuff and make books and scrolls and shit, which can then be read by dwarves in search of mental gymnastics. Also they attract wandering scholars.
got anally raped by an undead invasion
was thinking of going straight down to the caverns for my next fort, for dat wooden spear warfare against the trogs
I lost control of a macro. Tried pausing the game, it muted my game and then saved and tried to make a new world.
How to cancel them if I spam ctrl p and lose control again?
these fuckin toads won't stop bothering my statues man
Make a statue of a large toad getting killed in a horrifying way, to scare them off. a Scare-Toad, if you will.
Worse than literally anything else
They come in the giant variety as well.
>It wasn't strictly necessary, as usual, but we're adding a few more cover identities to be used by agents sneaking into towns to collect information (they can also use the existing artist, scholar and warrior professions as cover). In order for the agents not to stick out for the player, their cover professions need to be held by real counterparts. So there'll be prophets, pilgrims, monks, peddlers and petty criminals. They won't get many mechanics, but they'll be around. The stuff we do add for them have a secondary purpose to set the stage for the myth release -- the prophecies are stored in a way which aligns with the myth generator we wrote (though that's not coming in yet), and it also relates to an expanded language framework (that's not coming in yet either). It should be good to toy around with those ideas a bit first before we get to the full implementation.
Seems like we're gonna have to be careful around those bards and mercs.
if I lock traders behind a drawbridge can they starve? if so, can I have their stuff, without conflict?
Can you have their stuff? Yes. Without conflict? No.
I think deconstructing an occupied depot accomplishes taking their stuff without issue, I'm not sure I'm speaking from loose memory, but exploits like that feel cheaty.
the worst.
Nope. Only citizens can starve.
The best way to get rid of traders is by using drowning chambers connected to pumps. Also make sure to dig a tunnel connecting to the edge(using fortifications) through which the water can leave.
No, but they will go insane after a while. Then you can have their stuff. If any of them turn stark raving mad those will eventually dehydrate, but they're just as likely to go berserk or melancholy.
holy fuck
Why aren't there slings in the game? That'd give a good use to heavier rocks and lead.
Post PLM porn.
WTF i love pyrite now
If the traders die in your territory for any reason the civ that sent them will treat it as if you killed them yourself.
Also don't listen to these other nerds talking about water pumps, all you gotta do is build your depot in a room you can seal and then throw corpses down through the roof so you can give them some tasty miasma. just Auschwitz those dirty knife ears.
Expanded language framework? Toady, you're spoiling us.
fuck off to bay12 ponyfag
How do cliff indicators actually work on the embark screen? I embarked some place that was
and assumed there'd be cliffs in the south, but it's all flat.
>being so obsessed with cartoon meme horses that you can't appreciate aesthetic geology
awesome drawing dude, you got any more?
Ability to grip someone by the head and hold them harmlessly out of reach when?
reminded me of this
There are catapults tho
Parental abuse when?
a fresh meme to stimulate the thread
>not the dead dwarf tile
one job
That's just not the same.
I wonder if dwarves are physically capable of making slings work as well as humans.
>implying update
Is this looking symmetrical? is it looking even somewhat good?
>Is this looking symmetrical?
>is it looking even somewhat good?
Thank you.
They won't starve, but I believe they might go insane after they're stuck long enough. That takes a LONG time tho.
A better bet is to unleash some captured monsters on them and hope for the best.
Without conflict?
No, the civ that sent the caravan measures with how much Wealth the caravan goes away, and with how much Wealth it comes back. If the latter is less than the former, the civ won't like it and will consider it theft.
This is why forcefully taking stuff is a bad idea, be it through the trade screen or just murderfucking them.
Hell, this even counts for caravans getting killed by creatures outside of your fort, which is an annoyance.
Take care of your caravans unless you want potential war. Granted, this doesn't count for dorf civs, only elves and humans
Newbie here. Last time I played was few years ago.
In theory I should be able to survive at least few years on just plump helmets right? I keep getting out of seeds until my farm plots dies off. My farmers, cooks and brewers get deadly bored. No idea what's going on with that.
Cooking and brewing the plumps destroys the seeds, that's your problem.
A medium farmplot should be able to sustain a 100+ fort.
>snails killed dinos
Salt will be given
awesome drawing honestanon, keep up
>caring about symmetry
>using a non-square set
Dang... I need to get the farms running for longer time then before getting them to eat up then.
by medium you mean 5x5 or 10x10? I have no real point of reference here.
>Using a square tileset
I'm not that experienced with it, but I believe 10x10 should be more than fine.
Just keep an eye out on your food stocks and adjust if need be.
I recommend simply buying some plump seeds from dorf caravans from time to time.
Or just turn plump helms off for cooking and just eat them raw.
i personally cant play without square tiles.
I also cant play. I've tried a few times and am here lurking because i love the concept of the game.
>There are peddlers
>There are monks
>There prophets ready for the myth update
>there will be criminals
>All of them, and warriors, artists and librarians can be infiltrated agents from other civs, trying to steal your stuff and killing you from the inside
This is totally not gonna help my paranoia with vampires man
when the combat system understands how holding someone in the air and being unable to atack someone from your backside works
Also, you can already jump onto someone, have them fall in the river and hold them underwater from different z space so they drown
quite cool to me
I hear you thanks a lot.
red is darker
also, what letter style is that, I like it
desu, If we gave dwarves more freedom to unleash their stress, they would probably end up beating their families before throwing any tantrums
Better leave stress like that until psychology is fleshed out
>that file name
Armok Vult
>It is sad, but not unexpected
I feel you senpai. why cant you play, may I ask?
This is so rad tho
Visiting your old forts in adv mode was fun, but ultimately there was little to do unless it was destroyed by a FB
Now imagine all the rumors you'll get from artifact thefts, which you can then track down.
Hell, I imagine we'll have political murders at some point using the same disguise system.
And imagine this: they could just run back for payment after the deed is done, allowing finding out who gave the order, or continue living in the fort and leave everyone guessing. Imagine the latter scenario, and dorfs start to throw accusations. Imagine the FUN that could be had
We used to have loyalty cascades. Soon enough we'll have civ-wide accusation-cascades with not just dorfs murdering eachother in a fort, but armies being sent
Pft, I've sustained forts with just 2x10 plots of plump helmets and some cave fishing.
Pyrite ores are the traps of the mineral world.
was a quick edit.
Courier, Bold, Size 20
Try watching someone play the game. I'd recommend DasTactic and Joel from Vinesauce
Overhaul + Square tileset. Is it even slightly good now?
>why cant you play, may I ask?
Mostly because im retarded. Im sure after a few more goes, something will click and i will have a moment of clarity where i see and understand everything and finally understand how to play.
Fortress mode i have little interest in, but adventure mode is really close to my dream game. Like an elderscrolls game with its depth of lore, but so much deeper gameplay. i could negotiate with bandits instead of having to fight. literally anything i want is possible. shit like that.
6/10 would explore with a slight sense of adventure
Well done on the sucessful square set transition/
No. Only cooking destroys it. Brewing preserves the seeds. You can survive forever on the sweet helm plumps
Brewing doesn't destroy seeds.
My mason gives no fucks about ghosts.