PlayStation Vita General 2858 - New Magic Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>Fate/EXTELLA Trailer Featuring Archimedes

>Triggers for Remote Play Add-On Coming in Japan

>World of Final Fantasy patch 1.02 launches January 12 in Japan

>Danganronpa V3 second introduction trailer

>Blue Reflection details

>Kamaitachi no Yoru: Rinne Saisei opening movie

>Atelier Firis DLC Set #1 launches December 16 in Japan

>Salt & Sanctuary’s Vita Version Given Tentative Release Window

>Chaos;Child: Love Chu Chu!! Japanese limited edition detailed

>Valkyria: Azure Revolution ‘Five Grave Sinners’ character trailer



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

Post your latest Vita plat!
Post your latest Vita screenshot!
Post your favorite Vita wallpaper!
Post your waifu before you get KEKED
Post your latest Vita purchase!
Post what Vita games you're currently playing!
Post what Vita games you're currently looking forward to!
Post skittles!
I love you Vitagen!



>Posting before gamelist

Let me guess , Estelle's computer crashed again.
You need to fix it mayne


At last


>posting worst girl from worst series

Post tsunderes done right

For the love of god user


Anyone have any advice on how to clean a vita's (1k) charge port?

That's not mayuri at all

Is she farting flowers?
I'm only asking because if she is that image is fulfilling like, five of my fetishes


Use your tongue and clean it's entry point by caressing and touching outside of the port


Maybe some WD40?


Willbell is my wife

Thank you™ kind user™ from planet earth™

Nothing wrong right

I love flat
Honest and true -- flat is justice and life for me.

But that body is so weird.

>Not Firis

What are your other fetishes?
Thanks lad

Magic user

Kirino has the best doujins.

Taiga just had a dumb Tripfag on /a/ who promised us she would strip tease if we made Taiga win Saimoe of that year.

Taiga ended up winning, but the tripfag never gave us the nudes, we were tricked ;_;

Should I get a vita?

Nah he said the world didn't deserve to see such tremendous beauty, might have caused another big bang, you should thank him

Truly a goddess.

Loli / Flat
Magical Girls
Arched Backs
Farting / Smelly Body Odor
Red pubes

Unexpected windfall.

What should i get?

Good to see that the shares have no point in rebirth 3

Yes please.

Wait, I thought the tripfag was a grill ;_;

Which version do I get?

Oh great, the worse avatarfag is back again.


If you want the best looking screen: 1k model
If you don't mind a slightly significant downgrade: 2k model

2K since you can get them new.

Old 1K Vitas are 90% semen stained.

>slightly significant

You're sending mixed signals.

bhikkhuni anime where?

In your heart.

My brain fucked up.
If you don't mind an insignificant downgrade in exchange for better everything else, get a 2k

>Old 1K Vitas are 90% semen stained.

I hope you're at least happy

1k for OLED if you care about that
2k if you care any slim and better battery

I meant used, instead of old.

I'm happy to be with you

oh well

Vitagen finally woke up!

>Play Vita while sick
>Powering through darkest dungeon
>At some point fall asleep
>Inside darkest dungeon
>Trying to find the boss of the dungeon
>Little girl is being chased by the boss
>Fight monster and nearly die
>Laying on the ground physically incapable of moving
>Accepting death due to saving little girl
>She comes over and holds my face thanking me
>Tells me her name is Vita
>My Vita thanked me in my dreams in the form of a little girl after I saved her from a monster

Anons I never considered myself a fanboy of anything but now I'm having second thoughts.

So Blue Reflection only has 3 party members? That makes me worried about the length too.

It's not fair, why can't Gust games sell better so that they have bigger budgets?

Thanks i guess

I would say this is a meme but I know for a fact there is an OLED like that in the Bay Area

And how would you know that?

As somebody who regularly cums on the screen of his Vita, I concur.

Oh my god, it's a nightmare to acquire these rare materials.

Don't make me say it.

3 party members with a bunch of supports you can choose from.

Ultimate materials are what killed any joy I had in playing kiwami. If only ultimate oni only dropped that tier instead of both it and the previous tier.

Admit it. So I can bully you, you baka

Why only 3 party members worry you about the length?
I think the game have 12 main girls

Apparently you can acquire them from Tenko or something.

I've played some 50 games online so far, and only got 1 of those things.

So the Tenko Farming must be a lot more efficient.

What is the ultimate fappin Vita game?

>form of a little girl
She was always a little girl


Moero Crystal
You go into a girl's mini-dungeon and internally strengthen her body to the limits, then you rub and scratch her until her affection rises enough for extra stats

Think Tsunako draws porn of her characters?

I fap to pretty much any Vita game where you can make girls barefoot.

But I'm sure that Harada does

Only 2 out of 9 Toukiden rooms are without passwords.
It's kind of depressing that most people just lock themselves up in rooms with 2 people, instead of playing with a full party.

And then she squirts to it.

Since you're a foot connoisseur, do you know any games that have high socks or stockings?

Im one of those assholes in Freedom Wars.
I was always locking myself in rooms and running invasions by myself all day.

Other players are either bothersome or scary.

Freedom Wars even had accommodations for reserving x amount of seats for passworded while leaving the remaining seats free to join.

Toukiden sort of lacks this feature.

How high do they need to be?

>Old 1K Vitas are 90% semen stained.
I want a cum stained vita now


Good morning! How's everyone doing?

fuck, this dungeon is longer than expected in Cold Steel

and holy fuck those dragons hurt

Knee high

Thats actually not a bad idea.

I miss when Elder Scrolls games were actual RPGs and not these 3rd Person Action affairs.

Damn, future Daru finally lost weight

They didn't nearly put as much effort into future Okabe

Now imagine fighting them in nightmare.

Better than you. Was that garbage microwaved?


For those of you who have played FFX, on the standard sphere grid what do you usually do with Kimahri?

No I made it myself, it's pretty easy to do actually, if you have the right ingredients...

Lick kimahri

>on the standard sphere

Just Rinze and Yuina it seems

I haven't played it before

The expert sphere grid just offers more freedom in general.

Yuna and Auron routes

Didn't the first game say Okabe really didn't look much different?

>Now imagine fighting them in nightmare.


I honestly didn't use him.

Standard has more total nodes in general which is nice if you want to kill all the dark aeons.

Do NOT touch Etch-chan!

Even when I'm overleveled they're a pain and I just use an S-craft on them to make the fight short and not waste my hp.