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xth for booty


>Faggots permabanning Camille already

I can understand in Ranked for sure but come the fuck on, in fucking normals too? How else are people supposed to learn to play, with and against, a new champion?? Blind Pick is cancer so don't give me that either

I love Lissandra!

kill yourself boodrum

Good night, Ahriposter.

People expect her to be Yasuo-tier.

Though she isn't, more like Fiora-tier.

>Paying 1.5 grand to be boosted to diamond as bronze
>When you will either decay from not playing ranked or feed uncontrollably and drop in rating anyway if you do play

For what purpose?


this. it's fucking stupid because people will say

>lel stfu fag don't want you feeding in my NORMALS game

people are fucking cunts, i sat through 5 dodges in a row because people kept banning Cammie.

She's probably a tier below 5.16 Skarner in terms of sheer brokeness, problem is she takes a decent amount of skill to play right so that might not be reflected in early winrates.

I *know* you.
And I see you always.

people do it for the border and i never question them cause it's my way of making money

i only did some small time boosts last season but got a bit over a grand in the process. it's easy money and it's fun to shit on kids and have everyone on both teams asking if you're a smurf every match, and not answering because they're not worth your time

it hurts

can we be less cancer just for one night?



My fellow user

>lose a 4v5
>faggots sit at our nexus BMing and spamming "ez"

>I'm about to play against a Darius as Yorick
I'm so happy, I eat Darius for fucking breakfast

who are you

I dont think its the skill thats her issue right now. Its new toy syndrome.

She literally came out today and I've seen only one game where she fucking stomped the lane opponent. For all I know she's as successful as Kled (Probably not, she's got an extremely scary kit in the right hands)

What did he mean by this?


>Everyone saying camille is nasty good
>I'm feeding

Redpill me on fotm builds for her because I guess I'm doing it wrong, I thought hydra/trinity/tankshit was the norm?

>jungle eve feeds her ass off
>goes into each lane and basically gifts enemy a kill
>everyone is flaming her
>i don't say anything because i figure she's just having a bad game
>check her op.gg after the game
>last fifteen of her games have been losses and she fed in all of them

It has to be intentional, right? How do you feed fifteen games in a row if you're not trying to? And if you aren't doing it intentionally, when do you just realize you're a detriment to every team you're on and just stop playing?

She NEEDS to be flashy, either in skills or just in general (movements, animations) so the younger and bigger population will drawn upon the new, fun and powerful® champion

She's being shown as "win asured" for most people, so money flows. Then retards play her as a godmode tank with infinite damage and proceed to feed, lowering her winrate, while the non-retarded playerbase will keep abusing her for a while
She will also force each match to change, making the game look less stale and fun for (most) people
Finally, Riot will decide "she's not balanced enough/we didn't wanted her to do X" and proceed to nerf her a little (for X patches) or shift her power around

This time it looks they're doing it on purpose. Sometimes not, but this time for sure.

You can do it user. Keep fighting.


>Yorick is at full health
>With a large wave of minions
>And his ult up
>And a bunch of ghouls up
>Darius still tp's in


Part of me wants to just take the bost.
The other part wants to be taught how to fish rather than being handed the fish.
That part is sub divided into the self hating part which says 3 lanes feeding is my fault somehow, and the other part says I just need out of bronze to the place where people have some idea how to close out a game rather than dancing in mid until the evemy split push our nexus' tonsils in.

I'm at a loss user

Where is the "i don't want to sleep anymore" poster?

It's like when people gamble and get down. They start doing stupid shit that they usually wouldn't do and get into kind of a panic with the mindset of "I have to win".


>Hear a knock on your door
>Open it
>See this
wat do?

I hope he is okay.

Question reality.

I can't tell if I'm sufficiently detilted yet
I had a loss where I was carrying but our riven did everything in her power to throw, up to and including teleporting to try and backdoor while the enemy team destroyed our base

This was like an hour ago and I already did my detilting regimen of 8 mario maker levels though

Haven't played in a while, is Rumble still playable?

>Playing Karthus
>See bot get low
>They use heal
>oh well
>It was the jungler
>Wait what
>mfw putting two and two together

who is this semen demon

>People are still banning Camille instead of just picking Poppy and giving her the hammer.

He's still very strong but one of his items that was abused was nerfed. Albeit he wasn't as affected because he actually can still use it efficiently like a few other mages.

I dont think Poppy is her best counter...

>8 mario maker levels though
My nigga. If something extremely autistic happens I break out mariocart for some chill 50cc races.

>one trick Yi
>he's good but not good enough for jungle, the most influential role in the game

>one trick GP
>ranged matchups are almost always in the enemy's favor, I have to play absolutely flawlessly to win lane when they can just mash buttons

>one trick Irelia
>she got me to platinum but you need to snowball hard and good players know how to counter her predictable gameplay

>one trick Lee Sin
>I'm not good enough

Can someone tell me a fun but actually good champion to main outside of bot lane? Everything I'm good at seems so easily counterpicked and overshadowed by more meta choices.

For me what helps me de tilt is swapping Between mario maker and binding of isaac.

Theres also this newish game ive been playing which is basically a roguelike megaman called 20xx. Pretty neat.

R8 me



flat or scaling ap blues?



I like 20xx but I'm hilariously bad at it, so it doesn't really help. Also, for some reason Binding of Isaac is running at toaster speeds on my computer, even though it's obviously a toaster-compatible game.

Would you gangbang Syndra?



You're probably a chill dude to play with.

Why though
Thanks, 8/10 too

nobody wanted to share their secrets with me edition
>Your main
deepest secret

Where do I make these?

reposting greentext from last thread

>enemy Camille laughs at my demacian self cause her early is strong as fuck and she is broken as shit
>just let her cause I know my justice will shred her just in right time
>retard shit laughs at me whenever he zones my farm
>he enter the nearest bush of my tower
>jumps on wall, stuns me and ults me
>the motherfucker just ulted me in MY OWN TOWER
>I'm not gonna let this happen.
>turret hits and silenced to death
>snowball from there since the fucker doesn't know what to build

Today was a good day.

I honestly can't think of a fun meta champ right now, I think you need to pick one or the other. You can play shit like Jayce Poppy Heca Kennen Rumble for free wins but I'd rather put my dick in a blender desu

yes, i play on NA

just lost a match where i took both mid and top inhibtor by the 18 min mark
just round up every player in plat2-diamond5 into a gas chamber already

Would take too long to explain, basically the champion and skin choices does fill too many negative stereotypes which makes you look fucking cancer play longterm, shortterm your maybe fine

People aren't Bad at roguelikes they just need to unlock the items
There's no shame in playing a round on easy to get the 3 unlocks which then buoy your next run. Also if you get any of the weapon upgrades they're amazing.

As for isaac I've no clue how that's even possible. Vanilla or re/afterbirth?

>a roguelike megaman called 20xx.

>no qt spider waifu champion



Just keep playing your champs, Cowsep/Tobias Fate/Irelia Carries U have all been Masters or higher, you can do it too. But if you just want easy games then look at tier lists I guess.

accidental ult kills are the greatest
i managed to catch a rengar low in the jungle once bc i wanted to help bot lane secure a kill


Fuck it
Just pick Urgot


If you're against an AP laner flat, if you're against an AD laner scaling.


But Fiora is maximum cancer too?

>People aren't Bad at roguelikes they just need to unlock the items

I hate that the new rogue-lite genre that's been emerging for casuals has taken over the true roguelikes.

>tfw no stone soup or IVAN posting
>you will never accidentally anger a god and have them turn your legs into balsa wood until they later show pity and give you iron arms as compentsation

every day for the past 10 years I've had an urge to commit suicide. I've tried a number of ways but they always seem to fail probably due to my subconscious desire not to leave my remaining family with the debt of dealing with cleaning up and eliminating my dessicated carcass.

I already posted my deepest secret yesterday, I'm not posting it again

>"remove the ranked border" means switching it off permanently
>next season he gets master
>proud as fuck
>no border
>whines to riot
>riot puts it back but its too late because its automatic
>has to play the whole season without border
>next season he goes down to gold again
>rinse and repeat
boy i wish

>tfw no qt spider to egg you

I pretend to be a cute lesbian online and i romance girls for several months. currently at 5 different girls.

You know nothing of pain my child.
t. one trick Shen

I have to commune with the spirits of ancient Shen players to win a lane against whoever cancer they throw at me.

I've won my last 2 darius lanes and I couldn't feel better.

Fuck off mate it's not even a roguelite, roguelites are shit like the mystery dungeon series.

>tempted to load up ZAngband again but I always just savescummed the shit out of it
>and then died to a gaze of death because I was a kid and didn't know about important resistances to get

I replied here Id just re-post but spam and I'm on my phone atm.

I love these images. The one with the champ portrait and the score and the flaming is great. Do you have more?

in b4 Riddler

Breddy gud.
How is Mundo nowadays? He kind of vanished from the face of the earth at least in my games.

A shame Elise isn't a qt spider because she is neither qt nor a real spider

don't FUCK with me kid

I use to stream my face dressed as a trap and i was getting popular but it was just horny people watching so i quit and now i stream with no face and no one watches. Its better this way but i miss people to talk to. I dont leave my house anymore

7/10, I have a feeling you like rushing in without considering whether it's the best idea though

Tank/10 featuring jhin and that champ that I always want to try but never get around to

I'm considering trying Ahri to play instead of Aurelion when Lux isn't available midlane. Aurelion is really hard to play and I'm pretty terrible at him.

Check it out if you've a spare 20$ user. Really fun. They're constantly updating and adding new bosses n shit

Only this one

I've talked to him a lot of times about Shen builds.
He is a chill and cool dude, but sadly I only got to dia promos and stopped playing there, Im not even close to how good he is at that champ.

i have this one

>"where is my team"


why are you still complaining
frick off outta here


hey qt

let's ear some ice cream?


holy fuck

It's not even close. Poppy's W completely nullifies Camille's entire gameplan in lane and in teamfights.

There's no way in hell she can outtrade Poppy without her E AS steroid even with True damage

I crossdress often