Veeky Forums, i got my truck a girlfriend but they won't breed
i'd like to get a couple of go karts
snowmobile maybe
what do?
Veeky Forums, i got my truck a girlfriend but they won't breed
i'd like to get a couple of go karts
snowmobile maybe
what do?
strange usually black breeds like crazy
i know
i figured i'd at least have a jetski by now
Have you tried giving them a nice synthetic so they can get things started? Perhaps play some music so they can get in the mood
Should've gone brown. They don't believe in contraception and they're all Catholic
They different manufacturers?
I tried that once and they'll refuse to do any breeding whatsoever
theyre not going to fuck in public. get a garage for them
that silver POS is watching. maybe they're into it
>two blacks of the same family
I know Niggers can be degenerate but come on bud, gotta get that truck a white girlfriend and it'll give you a whole lot of toys real quick.
But you may never see the truck again, when it randomly leaves
>promoting racemixing
Bad idea senpai that's how you get genetic automibile abberations like the Fiat Multipla.
I'm just suggesting that if he wants quick results
>Fiat Multipla.
Pretty sure that one was the result of incest and a loathing for motor vehicles
Maybe team them how to park. Do you honestly use the concrete block as a guide?
Maybe a new air filter or maybe no filter? Who knows if they want it really safe or plain raw
does ford produce go karts or snowmobiles?
you're better off hoping for a fiesta
i'll take a fiesta
hell, i'll take a tempo
i just want them to spit out something
>buying a shitty Taurus over a marauder
the marauder i wanted was $18000 and i didn't have the cash for it
There were cheaper ones.
yes, but the one i wanted was $18000
Maybe the car is too young for the pickup.
Wait a few years and try again.
although she might be cheating on him
Problem is they are both fords.
So they are gay.
Youll have to adopt.
Definitely cheating. Different manufacturer and the new guy knows how to park, while that's on neither side of the "parents"
what's wrong with using the block as a stop?
also, my truck has been scraped several times by assholes. they peeled my front plate off last time. i'm kinda using it as a block for the "new" car