League of Legends General - /lolg/


Old Thread: >>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:


Girls on discord are a mistake. Only possible exception might be vladfag

Xth for KAtarina
best girl

>tfw will never look at Vlad from this angle


>open new client
>3 earsplitting dings go off at once
>finally navigate my way through sound effect hell and into champ select
>yasuo flames me for banning him
>the actual character, not the player (for once)
>teammate rapidly switches between picks
>pc begs for the sweet release of death
>try to use the search in last 10 seconds
>dodge because of lag

stellar work lads

Who /abusing OP caitlyn/ here?

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Is there an option in 4chanX to automatically hide the first 250 posts of a thread?

>not enjoying the salty ass champions who get angry when you ban them.
It's glorious

>finally navigate my way through sound effect hell
I feel u bro

Game accept sound is fucking awful right now.

new thread new midriff

can you guess this one?

MF is a slut. Mating her is pointless.


oh you are the worst type of player





>the mods and janitors will never be as vicious as they where at the beginning of the year
>people use the excuse of "You can filter me xd" as a reason to not self-moderate and ruin things for others
Nice la

Could look at me from that angle.

My D is gonna be in your mouth tho.

Oh no gotta repost my blog post

>q up for ranked
>Get my comfy spot in the Jungle
>My top lane is a mastery 7 Quinn with ignite
>This nigger solo kills the enemy renekton 3 times
>He flies mid and kills the enemy mid laner
>He flies to enemy red and kills the jungler and steals the buff
>He flies bot and gives bot Lane a double kill
>He takes the dragon afterwards
>Question my purpose as a jungler
Yeah I didn't feel like being useful anyways.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Aren't they gonna put old christmas skins on sale? I wanted snowdown sivir?

i'm ron burgundy?

but she is pure!


git gud faggit
But real talk, enjoy those games since they're so rare, there's no shame in getting carried every once in a while

I love all these dodges, waiting to play now for 30 minutes haha lol :)

You can thank autofill support. Either the support dodges, or he tries to play non-support and someone else dodges.

be glad you weren't alpha testing it where you LITERALLY could not lower the sound of champion ban quotes

even if you turned the sounds all the way down they would scream at full volume

the audio from the champ skill previews is still full
i think



respond quick

Abys or rod first? playing kas vs syndra.

Roa into Aby

bitch is too op atm

Blue team

kayle has highest winrate for top right now
what should i know if i wanna try playing her

Im ssad they fucked over the Yordle lore

Just make them the underdog race with sexual dimorphism...how hard can it be? Apparently too hard.

>solo kills the enemy renekton 3 times
as quinn if he didn't do that you should be reporting and flaming him

quinn is renekton's hardest counter like that matchup is physically impossible i think it's 30-70% statistically

>people use the excuse of "You can filter me xd" as a reason to not self-moderate and ruin things for others
Holy fuck this, I don't know where this shit came from but i'm seeing it all over Veeky Forums now.
>tee hee, it's a good thing I tripfag because it means you can filter me.
Step one for me if I ever got mod powers would be to perma every trip user in Veeky Forums, it would easily cut shitposting in half.

always get rod first, get an early null-magic mantle if you want

what if kayle e was an auto attack reset?

please no

RIP elohell

uh hello lolbabs?

>so used to people trying to outplay me in ranked
>go to normal draft
>people are completely braindead and i can shit on them with only the slightest amount of brainpower required

what the zog

i barely reached gold 1 last season so im not even good


also I feel like Kayle needs some attention, but every skill in her just feels right, she needs a change but I want her to stay how she is
do you know what i mean?

play nasus instead

just farm
her "strong early" is a meme so don't be too greedy

lane roll
1-2 Top
3-4 Jungle
5-6 Mid
7-8 Adc
9-0 Support

What if it also set them on fire for 3 second DoT of 50/60/70/80/90/100 + (3% target's missing health [+1% for every 100 AP]) that also granted vision of them? (primary target only)

Good luck

brilliant, also add 20% true damage if you take 3 hits

What's the trick to getting S on Garen and Sion?

I've only had one S on garen towards my mastery 7 and it was a stompy as shit game where i went like 14-1 with 250 cs

do i just need to wait for someone to pick something stupid and rape them with garen?

is there a hidden score for damage dealt/taken?

I know you're being ironic but I'd love to that broken shit happen.

No! She's fine. Stop forcing memes

Babs complain about Camila Q, but her W is totaly busted. % damage, %heal, huge slow, degenerate ability

Pick him against champs that can't kite, like a heavy melee line up.

What should i pick

everything in her is busted, you literally can't outduel her if she's engaging.

Annie but make sure to ban syndra

I was talking about garen btw. I don't play sion.

to get S on sion:
1)play support
2)dont die
free S

>tfw degenerate is just a meme buzzword now

thanks faggot

She's boring to play

I'm not him but same thing tough, with his E buffs Garen's early is strong as fuck, you either can stomp any other melee (there's only a few ones who buttfucks you).
Just run in the middle of the tf applying lethality and R'ing the villain or any other low health fuck.

>placed higher in 3s than i did in flex or soloq
hoo boy
guess i'm challenger twisted treeline this season

Sion ult turning scales with MS

Yay or nay

>get the trashier teamcomp
>complete with Ez adc and Garen top
>enemy bot is so bad Ez can just E into them for harrass

lets not forget

>first champ of 1V1 ME BRO inescapeable (tm) wall
>literally anyone with any amount of mobility can escape his arena

>science scissor legs lady can keep your summoner from using flash to escape her bigass arena

Jarvan getting a giant fucking arena where the walls are massively huge, and anyone caught outside by said walls being raised being knocked up and away FUCKING WHEN?

Wall thickness going up with HP/AD WHEN?


that sounds like only something a coward would recommend.
>nay tho i dont need sion ults turning on a dime

you can drift anyway, and sion is already doing well enough

>Sion ult distance and turn speed scales with MS
>Game plays Initial D when you ult

I'd buy it.

god damn
fuk promos so much

Didnt they buff the dunking damage

buy what you fucking retard, the game is for free

Why did they kill Rengar /lolg/? It feels like a piece of shit, works like a piece of shit and they will surely nerf him to hell and back.

Okay Okay what about this instead?
Activating Righteous Fury grants Kayle Righteous Guard
Righteous Guard Blocks incoming Magic damage for an amount of 100/200/300/400/500 + (10% of Kayle Max HP) for 5 seconds.
It also acts like sunfire cape dealing magic damage in AoE for 30/35/40/45/50 + (20 per 100 AP)
Righteous Guard lasts for 5 seconds
In no way did I steal this from Dota2's Ember Sprint :^)

D-don't you mean with?

Calm down senator. J4 is a relic of the past like you

Pick support and remember Sion's golden rule:
Never use your passive.

The %max health damage hurts, but the % heal is complete shit unless she goes Titty + Spirit Visage in which case its utterly absurd.
But there's still the fact that her healing is based on her TARGET's HP, which makes it about as effective as a BoRK that's only available every 7 seconds and absurdly easy to dodge.

But as soon as I read her W I instantly thought of rushing Tiamat into Spectres (or Kindlegem against AD) and then Titanic into Spirit Visage and Deadman's Plate.
It's pretty awesome. Throw IBG in for maximum tank ekko memes

they made it deal damage to enemies caught inside the arena

which if he doesnt have the team on his back/400 AD, it's not a huge improvement

Why are you trying to buff the most broken champ in the game?

>iceborn shaco with no jungle item
>bork teemo
how the FUCK do you lose to this
>bork corki
>liandrys fizz jungle
>iceborn fiora
nvm i think i know

Why it's your mama Steve, PLAY THE TRACK

They made it AoE; everything inside the crater will take damage.

im not armstrong

i never dedicated my autism to ranking past gold

/lolg/'s opinion on Sion in the current meta ?

user, Katarina is ADORABLE.

I love top, I hate everything else. I used to queue top/jg but I just can't trust these laners. From a solo carry standpoint, should I go down botlane or mid?

busted support, mediocre top, jungle and mid_____

one buff away from being pick/ban

Stay as far away from botlane as possible

if you are good he is good
if you are bad he is bad

he is not broken but he is really strong

He's the best sup in the game.

Great support

He's strong, good but not broken. I hope that Riot never touches him because he screams balanced to me.
Default skin is best skin BTW

The most adorablerest qtierest girl that ever girled on the rift hello
but if I see u makin eyes again we're gonna have some PROBLEMS HERE PAL