How is it there?
How much do you need to make to live comfortably and save some money on the side?
Does having "tech experience in SF" add value to your CV once you come back to a less prestigious city/country?
How is it there?
How much do you need to make to live comfortably and save some money on the side?
Does having "tech experience in SF" add value to your CV once you come back to a less prestigious city/country?
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Used to be in the bay area for a decade or more.
It's gotten fucked with comes and living expenses. Sr. Devs need to make upwards of 200k.
I got the hell out of there last year, no one really cared about having SF on the resume. And rightfully so. The only question was 'can you perform?'
There are talented people everywhere, so don't think your experience is special.
*commute and living expenses
Goddamn autocorrect...
200k?! so a 120-130k salary is considered low?
Also how much did you retain after taxes?
Yea it's low. The federal and state will take I'd guess at least 35% because you're considered a 'high earner', even if your spouse works at mcdicks. What a joke.
And because you're probably in the AMT category, you're going to get dinged extra.
Living in that area, all normal tax income amounts cease to make sense. Especially considering the cost of living, at least 3k per month in rent if you're in the city itself.
I don't mean to sound hard, but CA can be a trap. And new people missed the big property bust in the late 2000's so they pay heavy for housing.
AMA, old washed up retired developer lol
3k in rent? Sounds very high, I looked on craiglist and if I'm willing to share a flat it seems I can get something for half of that price.
It's a tough situation, I got an offer in a promising startup (great team, great product, top notch investors backing it). But I also know SF is super expensive :/
SF techie here, doing repeat customer retention design stuff. Live near Balboa park.
Everything these guys said is correct. Once I finish up at this company, which should be going IPO or selling within a year, I'm exercising my options and leaving this city. It'll be the first and last startup I will have worked at.
I work 50 hour weeks and holidays are a given. We lucked out and got an apartment for 2.5k a month. My wife is struggling to contribute financially at all despite minimum wage being $13 an hour.
I was born and raised in the bay area, it's gone to shit. We may move to Colorado to live near my extended family. Seems far more livable there.
You may be skeptic of the numbers we post. But it's better to ask yourself: do you want to live in a shithole for 1.5k a month when you work 50 hours a week or more?
Yes that's how math works. If you share rent with another person, it drops by half.
But make sure you come into the startup with zero expectations. In other words, assume the shares will be worthless. If you still want the job, then do it.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not skeptic of your numbers, I've heard it's extremely high.
What makes you think the bay area "has gone to shit"?
I shared an apartment in SF for three years and I swear I will never, ever do it again.
I think once people hit their mid 20s they can't put a price on their own home. Living with wildcards is an awkward nightmare.
>What makes you think the bay area "has gone to shit"?
Chronic development issue, poverty, and the snowflake attitude that has developed.
The city itself is still a fun place. It has a nice atmosphere. But the anti-development sentiment here has effectively destroyed the livability of the city.
I remember reading an article written by a prominent San Francisco housing lawyer claiming that increasing the housing supply would actually RAISE prices in San Francisco. Only in San Francisco are people snowflake enough that they think that they're exempt from the laws of supply and demand. Of course, the mayor is corrupt as fuck but keeps getting re-elected because he's Chinese.
I have to step over homeless people and human feces on the way to my office. It smells horrible in much of downtown. The other day a tweaker lunged at me and fell to the ground, laughing. They're on the streets for drug problems. They're useless and can't recover but the city keeps taking care of them. San Francisco is the nation's last stop for the homeless. Yuppies who don't live near homeless infected neighborhoods want to support these people because it makes them feel good. Once again, snowflakes.
Back in 2012, my wife and I almost moved into somebody's living room for $1200 a month. It was a fucking living room.
The BART is shit. It's noisy and expensive. The muni is slow as fuck. Traffic is horrible and people insist on driving everywhere. I can go on.
OMG so many feels. You're definitely due for a move, meng. Get the fuck out of there and you'll feel much better.
SF is stuck in a reality distortion field.
I don't really plan to settle and have a family in SF, sounds impossible anyways. What about working there a couple years and getting out with some money/xp. Is it not worth it unless you're the actual founder of the startup?
>What about working there a couple years and getting out with some money/xp
But you won't get out with any money, and you can get similar xp elsewhere. Startups are spreading everywhere new due to the advent of online VC sites like angel list. Read this:
If you really want to game the system, I honestly suggest living out of a van parked in either golden gate park or in sunset. I have a friend who does that and he pockets 3k a month in unspent rent. He showers at the local crunch gym and eats out every day. The only winning move is not to play.
Ehhh, it's tough to say. I walked away with over a mill, but I got lucky and it was a combo of job and private investment.
If you're young enough, it may be worth it but my advice is to be aggressive. Don't just do a job like a robot and hope for the best. Make sure you self promote. You are the goddamn best! The new zuckerburg! Makes sense?
That's a miserable life. No amount of money is worth that.
wow good job.
that's what I'm afraid : playing the startup game for someone else dream and end up with 50k after two years. I mean it's better than 90% of what people make buthe still.
So basically, you anons are telling me a job with 120k in SF is average and I wouldn't be able to save much of it.
Sounded like a great deal (im not American so this kind of salaries sound super high), I have to ponder wether it's worth to leave my country/family/friends for that.
I grew up in the bay area and have lived here for most of my life. From what I understand and what I've learned, there is no place like it in the tech sector.
I'm learning software engineering for that reason, and this is a cool place to learn as well. I go to meetups at probably the best coding bootcamp (Hack Reactor), I go to hackerspaces and have free access to their equipment. I went to an all day robotics event the other day with free food and beer.
There's the easy access to getting in on startups as one of the first 20 employees - which is almost just as valuable. There's still enough room at that point to make a name for yourself within the company.
I email with the Google employee that lives in a truck.
Again, from what I've heard, this is still a place unlike any other when it comes to entrepreneurial environment.
That said most of the companies I've had direct contact with are shit.
Bart is disgusting and lol many of the janitors are making well over 6 figures (I can provide a direct source, or you can google if interested).
But I've never dealt with or seen actual homeless person shit in SF. I live in the ghetto part of Oakland (my grandpa owns and rents out a loft. My roomates are normal etc but this is very much the frontier of 'white people' in Oakland) where it's much worse.. and it still isn't that bad. There's mostly just a lot of wetbacks.
It depends on where you want to live. I hear sunset is fairly cheap. My friend has an apartment on filmore that is $1600.
And there's always downtown Oakland and Berkeley. There's Redwood city where a friend rented a room in a big house, with other guys his age, for $800.
It's not impossible.
had an internship a year ago In this field also I do live in SF and im going to college currently
Any other user in SF working in tech?
I got a job at a start up in SF last year, did a quick month and had to go back to school. Great company culture, but I could not imagine doing it for any longer. During an errand I was fucking HEADBUTTED by a homeless tweaker. There's so many there, and you can find human shit and puss every other block. The traffic is pure shit as well. I will not be going back.
What is up with all these bullshit threads about SF lately?
120k is NOT low in SF. I have plenty of young professional friends who make way below that and live incredibly comfortable. I have a friend living in soma with a huge ass place, i'm talking a window that spans like two stories in his goddamn room with an income of 80k. I personally am renting outside of downtown and paying only 1k in rent and I have never once felt financially unstable with an income of 60k.
This 200k average bullshit is insane. I mean OBVIOUSLY it's insane, there are people who live in SF who don't work in fintech or software. You know... like grocers and the fucking chinese food place down the block.
It only means a big part of the population is living as wage slaves.
About the bigass loft in SOMA with a 80k salary, I'm a bit skeptical.
Is SF the Technology Harvard ?
I don't know what you're asking. I'd say Stanford is the Harvard of SF, whatever that really means.
he doesn't live alone, but he has his own room and there are only 3 people living in this big ass area that are each separated by what is functionally a full floor
oh OK I see. I'm 30 so I'm not sure I want to live with stranger roommates though. Which means I'd have to pay a shitload of money to rent my own place in SF.
no, MIT is the technology harvard