People actually paid money for this hahggahhhahaha
>Amazon didn't raise worker's wages because of this
nice try Chris
The newest episode was great, fuck off chris
Who /buyers remorse/ here?
>watch Vulcan movie with Clarkson
>boring af
>watch Vulcan movie with Chris
>10 times better
>paid money
Episode 1&3 were good.
All military specials on any show ever suck.
I seriously hope they tone down the forced American appeal because it's getting really grating
>50th time this user has posted this
>implying I didn't already have prime for discounts and free expodited shipping
>he thinks this is American appeal
>doesn't realize they are just our of ideas
>Americans hate the show
episode 2 sucked terribly but 1&3 felt like good Top Gear episodes
Hammond confirmed best of the three and actually knows how to have fun
Pretty much feels like a continuation of where season 22 of top gear left off, just with a few schticks and the location changed
Guess I may have to watch 3&4 now. 2 was really really bad. I lost interest completely.
3 old dudes cocking about in stupidly expensive cars and blowing shit up. it is what top gear got wrong with the new lot.
next season TG becomes Trans Gender while GT makes Good Television
>its another jeremy,james and richard are forcing bad jokes episode
right now its literally what made me hate the last 5 top gear seasons
Only bongs and krauts watch this garbage
t. Chris Harris and his army of Auntie Beeb shills
They all suck.
Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Hook me up with some Bolivia challenge type stuff, that was great
At 15.50 and only been there 18 months lol
3 will bring you back, hope they never make another military episode that was awful
Why don't they just hire writers?
>krauts watch this garbage
t. Kraut
TG is bydlo shit for bongs exclusively. Their petrol head culture is the most retarded shit in the world. They can't even legally drive their cars to top speeds except on race tracks. It's the most absurd bullshit ever.
Could not even finish watching episode 2. But this was okay
Wait... I thought Amazon Prime was memebership access. Do you have to pay for shows/episodes individually?
This is pretty much confirmation that Clarkson & Co cannot drive. Pretty much everywhere else has the P1 faster than the other two and the Laugherrari much slower.
They didn't drive them, you fucking mongoloid
What kind of car comparison would it be if you had 3 different drivers
Oh fuck I'm talking to a butthurt bong
Stupid fucking Americunt.
3 episodes in and every single one of them is unfunny, scripted shit with overused, boring jokes and lack of fucking cars
nice, off to a great start
>unfunny, scripted shit with overused, boring jokes
That's what they've been doing on TG since the 2000s. Get over it.
Veeky Forums literally cannot distinguish between UK and Americans.
nothing in the original TG comes close to things like Hammond's loud Challenger or Jeremy's car being brown/orange
British car laws are the best in Europe for car enthusiasts and you know it dumb germ.
>B-but muh parts of unlimited autobahn makes up for not being allowed to modify my car, retarded and high tax rules and general no fun allowed
Go suck off a refugee.
1 was solid
2 was utter garbage
3 was OK
The problem is for some reason their jokes come off as shoving it down your throat again and again. The humor is very similar at face level to old top gear, but its executed very poorly and comes off as try hard.
>What kind of car comparison would it be if you had 3 different drivers
The kind from fastestlaps.
Absolutely confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about. You can modify your car, taxes are nowhere near the top of European levels and the entirety of the country isn't plastered with speed cameras.
>Hurr refu-
Not a German.
I like it but it does suffer from a case of trying too hard.
I hope they do some 500$ cars challenge. Those were fun.
too much budget, too much expensive shit
where'd the shitbox challenges and 0 budget left from the bbc go
You're a fucking imbecile, enjoy your shitty "tuned up" 90s Mazda.
I'll be fucking your mother doing 260km/h in my Bimmer.
I don't know what you all are talking about the show is as funny as it ever was when it was Top Gear
Veeky Forums here
Go fuck yourself
>what are different tires?
The P1 comes from the factory with basically racing slicks. And everyone Raced the three on them.
If you take tire grip out of the equation by using the same tires, then the 918 will come out first all the time due to its 4ws and awd. It makes the most grip mechanically.
The laf has a pretty good stability control, and allegedly, it's a lot like a F1 car. So naturally a F1 driver would post a good time in it.
The P1, well, it seems very raw. The potential is there, so if you have a good driver and a lot of practice laps, it will do well. Stick someone in it for 2 warm-ups and 3 timed laps, and well...
What colour was the Aston again?
Sunset orange or some shit, why?
I thought it looked red, but ehh.
polished terracotta scarlet
I just want them to buy shit cars and do dumb shit with them. Those are always the best bits.
No, Prime is all access to members (you don't pay for episodes like The Grand Tour but you do on some other shows or movies... I use prime for free next day or cheaper same day shipping, The movies/shows I get to watch is just an added bonus.
Chris Harris is GOAT. Give some funny guy with him, and you get best car show.
So funny, Lmao. Comedic genius of 21st century.
Lmao at the butthurt germboos.
You'll be doing 260km/h on the way to drop your sister of to poor little refugees.
t. billy bong mc dingdong on his way to deliver his wifes daughter to """asians""" in rotherham