you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have this kit
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have this kit
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this kek
are you one of those faggots that follow "rich alpha male lifestyle" blogs/instagrams
if so kill yourself my man.
this has nothing to do with Veeky Forums
>non tinted windows
>black tie
looks tryhard af bruh
Id never waste money on a HK or suits anyway
That kind of shit is the most beta-cuck thing you can ever do.
becuse it's a pain in the dick to own a pistol in canada
glock is the toyota camry of pistols
that is a lot of words to admit you are a poor beta cuck
because I don't need it.
you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have this kit
Civic because of the owners
Low-res guns tend to misfire. Just like my shitbox.
This guy nailed it
Let's see your actual kit OP.
nice h-150 belt, i have those too
>the "first one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft" starter kit
I'm not that much of a big guy
guns are the true hand fedoras! sad!
>t. noguns vapefag
Porsche: I don't want to spend that much money on a car.
Hugo Boss: I don't support Nazi brands.
Gun: Guns are stupid.
found the liberal pussy
For guys compensating for tiny weiners
Guns are for pussies unless they're shotguns being properly used for either Hunting or Sport Shooting.
If you need a gun to feel safe then you're a limp dick Faggot
>Suit and Tie
Agreed you gotta look sharp some times
found the trump voter.
How's that blue collar job going?
>Agreed you gotta look sharp some times
what does this even mean? I wear a suit and tie Mon-Fri 9-5 because i work an office job and it fucking sucks.
people who hype up wearing a suit are underage kiddies and trust fund wankers who attend meetings at daddys company pretending they have a clue what they are doing.
if you don't have an office job there is no reason to wear a suit unless you are going to a black tie event or something and lord knows none of you broke boys are going to black tie events.
I agree with everything you said, but I think the pic was implying you should be someone who's important enough or has cause to wear such a suit.
I don't think it meant just randomly wear a suit around everywhere.
Don't have one, all the illegals took 'em.
How's the crippling student dept going?
All paid off within two years after college. No big deal if you know how to manage money. But you'd probably need to take some college classes to learn that..
>crippling student department
Is this an organization that goes around hitting college students knees Nancy Kerrigan style? What's the pay like?
Unlike cars, a really expensive gun and a standard gun has negligible little difference in performance.
>Guns are for pussies unless they're shotguns being properly used for either Hunting or Sport Shooting. If you need a gun to feel safe then you're a limp dick Faggot
Real gentlemen only use fists right? Let's see if the couple of crackheads that just fancied your car thinks the same
Fucking lol. Git gud faggots. Sig, CZ, Beretta, or gtfo.
Sig Sauer
>not working with your hands
Office work is boring desu
Maybe i just love tools or something
I write software by day and wrench by night. Working with your mind pays better than working with your hands.
>poorfag trash
Don't care for Porsche, don't need an EDC pistol and even if I did HK would be third behind glock and S&W
Suits nice but i'm not autistic enough to wear one 24/7
>super 120's
Not wearing at least super 150's
Having a hard time making partner m8?
So you were willing to spend money on a Porsche if you had the money, but you wouldn't buy a Boss suit because it's a Nazi brand?
You do realise Porsche started out designing what would eventually become the Beetle (a project Hitler ordered himself), and by designing tanks for the Germans? Right?
>I don't think it meant just randomly wear a suit around everywhere.
youd be surprised how many people do that. esp for instagram.
I have proper suits from Anderson and Sheppard and am not Beta enough to need a gun.
>paying hundreds extra for a boat anchor logo and the only bore axis height able to peer and fire over Trump's envisioned wall
>hurr real men use their fists
A real man uses his wits. Resorting to violence is only a demonstration of failure.
>tips le fedorao
Yeah see how your 'wits' fare when you get jumped by a pack of wild nogs. Wits don't work on the deaf. The only reason to not carry a gun is insipid ignorance of reality, you goddamn tipper. If you can't stop bullets with your bare chest and your skull can't stop a brick, carry a gun.
996 turbo
At the Gates long sleeve tshirt
Couple of Turkish 12 gauge shotguns
>I am being attacked by an illiterate criminal interested only in attacking me
>I know, I'll TALK at it
People like you die every day, and you deserve it.
>jumped by a pack of wild nogs.
you watch too many liveleak videos.
and lets be honest you don't go out much and if you do its only for your minimum wage job.
and if you live in a low income neighborhood you are no better than the people you speak of.
back to /pol/ underage faggot.
absolutely haram/10
Dress for the job you want.
i'd rather have a truck with an assault rifle
>not wanting to wear a nazi brand
I bet you felt so smart writing all that common knowledge. You really showed everyone!
Serious question: I'm looking at a few 2011 911 S Turbo's which seem to be a good value at $70-$80k, but how is maintenance on them? Are they reliable enough to be a daily driver? There's one being sold by CarMax which is the most expensive example but if you buy from them you can purchase a full warranty which might be worth the extra money but I'm not sure.
I can afford the Porsche and most maintenance but I can't afford a massive issue resulting in $25k+ in costs.
How old is that pic? I sincerely would have thought more than 83 CIA agents died in service over the decades.
The male equivalent of Kardashian fangirls. Pathetic desu.
ask on rennlist not Veeky Forums
Because the P2000SK exists and manages recoil much better.
Dae anybody else go offroading/camping and bring something with?
I have a .38 special for camping b/c wildlife goes bump in the night
Thanks, m8
I don't like suits. Could afford a Porsche, but don't want to as it will be a moneypit and I don't have a steady income. And not a huge fan of striker fired pistols.
They're reliable enough if you keep up on maintenance, though costs obviously won't be shitbox-tier. And if something breaks, Porsche tax is a very real thing.
remove kebab/10
Is not being a faggot a good enough reason?
Makes no sense.
Cayman is better
I don't need a man?
Guns are for pussies
I have the bottom two. Too poor to get the Porsche.
Real men change their own gears, real men chamber their own bullets.
probably let your girl get fucked by other men too huh? you cuck.
There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber
>Real men
lel, surely you mean pick up truck
You don't have $140k cash accessible?
That's right. This thing is pdk only? I guess that'll be the reason I don't want it now.
I left the wage world years ago and started my consultancy. I get around in my undies most of the time. Life is good
>pickup cuck
>real men
glad to see /k/ contaminates the entire website
gave me a chuckle
ma nigga
I don't eat sleep or shit without my motherfuckin pistol
nice problem solver right there
I'm an engineer who frequently has to go into the field. I drive a truck, carry a VP9 or M&P 9C (keep a 10mm Tanfoglio Hunter and Tikka T3 lite in the truck when I go into BFE), and suits are stupid to wear outside of the occasional formal meeting.
I do want a 911 though. Maybe in a few years I'll be able to afford one.
What field are you working on? I'm a telecom engineer and frequently have to drive to the hoods because a fiber cabinet got vandalized. Both me and the technicians who accompany me carry, I carry a G19 with gold dots, and I've been considering putting an AR-15 or something under the seat
Agricultural Engineer with a minor in Mechanical Engineering.
Odd pick, but the jobs are steady, pay is good, and work is generally stress-free. While I do live in a city, I'm more worried about getting gored by hogs in the field than I am some rampant nogs.