Veeky Forums greentext stories thread
Veeky Forums greentext stories thread
>be me looking for car
>always going to asking what they think of X, i found on craigslist.
>multiple reponses saying "shut up and get a civic for 3k"
>finally finds a 2008 honda civic with 160k miles for $3k
>post on Veeky Forums
>"too many miles on that car find a diff car faggit"
/r/ing the one of the crown vic thread discussing how many hooker bodies would fit in the trunk
I may have misinterpreted the point of this thread, but these screencaps were pulsing with desire to be uploaded and seen by your lewd eyes, onii-chan.
God prelude is such a fag
nice blog post.
holy fucking shit dude
mine is a 4 door.
the thing is, the car odometer is only 5 digits.
and i know it went 00000km once.
these all suck
Holy shit, why am I laughing so hard at this?
I'm still convinced the only people who glorify anal are virgins and/or have micro penises.
>miata is off the road for 2 weeks while I change the clutch and clean the engine bay
>put it back together
>first trip out take a back road through a neighbourhood with twisty traffic calmers
>coming up on the final one
>get a little spirited
>probably only 10km/h over the speed limit
>look in rear view mirror
>car behind me goes through the same obstacle way too fast
>get this almost every day other drivers seem to think I'm issuing a challenge by taking turns too quickly
>other car comes out of traffic calmer and guns it
>disco lights
>motherfucking undercover cop car
>apologised, told him the car had been off the road for the clutch job and got a little over excited
>>don't do it again
>do it every time I go down that street
>not loving your girlfriend enough to give her a prolapse orgasm
>not using all holes like wise american injuns used all parts of the buffalo
Why do you hate women and the wisdom of nature, user?
guess you've never had anal with someone who cleans and prepares properly, if a guy can take a giant dick in the butt, so can a girl, same hole.
>be 22
>still can't drive
Technically,I've driven a few times,just never on the road because people in my 3rd world shithole drive like absolute mad men and I have this irrational fear of getting into fucked am I Veeky Forums?
depends on your country. If it's India, you're completely fucked and the only safe place from drivers is generally inside buildings or while riding a cow.
I'm 18 and lives on a crowded 3rd world, early days of driving (on the street) is indeed shitty because other driver is a hell of a cancer, once you get it you're not just learning how to drive, but to predict and read other driver too, so now weaving past through them while going fast is pretty much possible for me, retarded, I know. Still, only accidents I ever had is because I swerved a jaywalker
keked i forgot about this
bump for this request
Oi we had a Charade like that when I was around 6 years old, only in red. Muffler fell off when we were on vacation in southern France. Great sound.