should we raise the driving age?
Should we raise the driving age?
post yfw 15 yr olds and 80 yr olds can drive around in life taking death traps
You should be able to drive at the same age you're legally allowed to drink. And you should be allowed to do both at the same time
Seriously, I'd be perfectly fine with 20+ being the minimum driving age
I was a total fucktard back in my teens, lucky I didn't kill someone.
17 is perfect age to be allowed on the roads
adequate mental maturity PLUS at least 7 years of driving experience already
im 18, almost 19, i still drive like a retard
on purpose though
This kid, I would never give him a license, fucking douchebag.
Most of the world's licensing laws are way too fucking lenient
Australia at least cucks you for a little while and makes you put a sticker that makes you a target to try and pull you into line
Abso-fucking-lutely. 18 should be the minimum. I'd advocate 21. Kids in cars are fucking retarded. I'd also require a second test and graduated license class for driving a non-stick-shift car, because the automatics only encourage fucking retards to fiddle with other shit like phones or the radio when they should be watching the fucking road.
No. Stop being shit and actually introduce some real driver training. Stop just raising the age and treating it as do e
I think the problem is, at least in America, that the tests themselves are retardedly easy and it's completely possible to become a licensed driver without really having a grasp on the crucial skills or the experience to apply them.
Do other countries/states test on highway driving too? 'cause when I was getting licensed it wasn't even mentioned
>Fucking faggot gets rich riding a razor scooter somehow
>makes YouTube videos of himself playing on a trampoline
>People eat this shit up
>Gets rich by doing fucking nothing
>buys a GTR at age 16
>Wrecks it, breaks his leg, fucks up his face, all by speeding around a corner and losing control
There's some nice karmic justice going on here. I hope that little shit never walks right again.
Eastern states of australia has bullshit licensing processes, takes 3+ years to go from learners permit to full license.
Possibly but there are other factors.
The tests to get a drivers license need to be more involved and learning to drive a manual should be mandatory.
But ultimately we have an issue with 16/17 year old kids driving because they make incredibly poor decisions, not that they lack driving "skill". Texting while driving, driving while high as a kite, driving while drunk, fucking around with friends in a moving car, driving on the wrong side of the road, racing other people on crowded streets etc... These are all really poor impulsive decisions which kids are going to make time and again because they're kids. Getting them better driving skill won't really change that.
You can't fix stupid. I mean over here, it's 18yo, it's a long training, sometimes spanning over several years, it's expensive, almost prohibitive and yet people still drive like absolute retards.
Youngin detected, like it or not there's no reason to be driving under 21.
On a tangential topic, we need to move away from cash-fines for misdemeanor traffic offences. I live in an oil town, and people who can afford to routinely drive 20+kmh over the speed limit and run lights, because at the end of the month they just walk into a license centre, and pay off all the tickets. Fines aren't a penalty to people who drop out of high school and make 6-figure incomes doing manual labour. So the privilege of disobeying traffic laws becomes something you can just buy if you have enough disposable income.
Instead, there should be a stricter demerit system, and once a license is revoked for infractions, the driver needs start over with a learner's permit, and work his way back up.
Fuck off grandpa, not everyone drives like a complete idiot at that age
What the fuck are you talking about? 18 year olds have jobs and schooling to drive to.
Go to bed, grandpa
18 year Olds can ride a fucking bus.
Assblasted children detected. A 2-ton lump of steel and glass filled with explosively combustible materials and capable of travelling fast enough to liquefy bodies on contact should not ever be left in the hands of people who can't be trusted with alcohol or firearms.
>we need to move away from cash-fines for misdemeanor traffic offences
but gubberment wants money
Like you alcoholic fucktards are any better. I'm the most cautious driver I know, including people triple my age. Never even been remotely close to an accident, and will never have an accident that's my fault because I fucking pay attention.
Stay mad that you're old as fuck and will never be a happy 18 year old driving around on a sunny weekend with your girl again :^)
cuck who lives in a communist shit hole detected
ill enjoy guns booze hookers and gambling at 18 tyvm
I'd say yes. My sister who's 16 drives my dads Ford Excursion, which is big as fuck and not beginner friendly to begin with, like a fucking lunatic. Taking tight corners way to fast. Honks at people when red light just turns green. Surprised she hasn't parked up a tree yet.
>at 18
So you're not American then? Who's the commie now motherfucker?
>Who's the commie now motherfucker?
the person not allowed to drink at 18
Post yfw america should adapt north european driving laws
>15 years you get to drive 50cc bikes
>16 years you get to drive 125cc bikes
>16 alternatively 45kmh limited tractors, light build 550cc "cars" limited to 45kmh or road tractor ATV's (some require B-license) or 125cc bike license ATV's
>18 you get a license to drive actual car
>18 you get limited KW motorbikes + upgradeable bike license (upgraded when you turn 21)
>Driving schools have actual courses, driving tests have multiple parts, driving test written exam is actually made so that retards don't pass (without getting lucky)
>Driving school teaches general under bonnet components (battery, oil, fluids) as well as lights, brakes and laws regarding lighting use on roads
>Initial license at 18 only lasts 2 years, within this period you are not allowed too many tickets and must take a second part of driving classes (driving in icy conditions, emergency braking etc. basically hooning it on a track)
Nowadays they actually implemented a third set of classes, but everyone agrees it's useless and a money grab, even the driving schools and their employees. But bureaucracy under that kike merkel isn't so great.
We also have yearly inspections, which are like 30€ if you know how to find offers, easily passable but ensures no deathraps get on the roads.
Americans have a nice road network, too bad it's filled with incompetent retards.
Oh yeah, and you're not allowed to take the tests in an automatic unless you're somehow handicapped and have a doctors note about it (which gets marked on your license too)
He was in a friends car, not driving.
>I'm the most cautious driver I know
You've got some homework to do.
Thank God for the arrows pointing at the car, wouldn't have spotted it without their divine assistance.
Here in NZ we have a massive whinge about >AWWW WE LOST 3 PEOPLE THIS WEEKEND, FUCK ME
but then we have shitty license tests like can you park next to a curb and stay at the speed limit.
The learners test is still a fucking scratchie/multiple choice.
Don't get me started on the fucking asians, either, 9/10 times some fuckwit pulls out in front it's some dusty fuck on borrowed time or an asian with conjunctivitis. Half of the itises don't even know who gives way to who or where to look for inbound traffic. It's absolutely unbefuckinleavable.
Glad to see that people screaming YOUNGINS CAN'T DRIVE are the ones who can't even read a post, let alone a traffic signal or road code.
He said the education is the problem, not the age. You can be 40 and a shit driver, or 10 and a shit driver. The complete lack of driver training (Not testing) is the problem.
this. is dosen't matter how high you make the age, or how much harder the the tests are. The idiots find a way.
we should get rid of airbags and make all crash bars and medians out of solid concrete. Suddenly people are terrified of driving, they're paying attention again, because if they don't they die. And the ones who aren't watching the road? they die, darwin's game plays its course. Also the need for crumple zones and airbags is gone. Cars can look good again.
If you want to make people even worse drivers, yes. Once you turn 20 your ability to learn starts taking a dive and you need more intensive, deliberate training.
Just actually teach people how to drive instead of giving them a quick class like
>go pedal
>slow pedal
>slow pedal for turns go pedal for straight bits
>make sure this dial matches the white rectangle sign
Beware of the pent up immaturity repressive cultures tend to foster
People, especially men, will do it once they get the chance, or they won't do it ever. Your only choice is to keep them locked in a padded cell until 50 or ruin their lives with HRT.
Or maybe you should take a good hard look at your traffic laws and realize it's a flawed system
People aren't breaking the law for no reason. They're breaking the law because the law is impeding them more than it helps them. And if the crime is victimless, the victim is the perpetrator. You are punishing adults for not obeying daddy and little else.
Speed limits are artificially low and do not adjust to conditions. Stop lights that function brilliantly during high density hours operate more efficiently as four way stops as traffic density drops.
One person on an empty straight goes 1 mile over the limit. Ticket. One person stops at an empty, light-controlled intersection where all paths for cross traffic are in fuel view, and then moves on. Ticket. Two people arrive at a stop sign and leave in the correct order, but their vehicles do not come to complete stops, even though they would have spent the same amount of time at the sign. Ticket. Ticket. Someone on a completely empty road, sans cop on the side, changes lanes without their blinker. Ticket.
Unfortunately, it's the ones who think texting at 120km/h and yoloing to their BFFs are taking out everyone else.
I've had this braindead bird jump out of her car, texting, slamming her door into me on a bike and be done for 'careless use', which was like a $50 slap on the wrist, while I had to pay for excess because insurance cucks are cucks, as am I apparently.
NZ did something similar, they dropped the ticket cost by half and raised the demerits by double-ish.
20k over used to be 300 bucks and 15 demerits, or something, now it's the other way around. People would rather not be disqualified for 6 months than pay a fine and it worked.
that's why the medians are concrete. To keep the tards out of oncoming traffic. To keep us safe, not them.
Definitely. Just no cheese-cutters, please.
>Penalties are practically worse
>Dissent against traffic laws in small towns where they barely mean shit already grows to the point where cops don't enforce them if you have in-state plates, or live in a state that's close enough to make contesting a definite possibility, because they take care of their own
>revenue is decreased so cops start going letter of the law on travelers to keep their municipalities funded
>The US is now borderline lawless and in a perpetual state of civil war fought with traffic tickets
>the cities are hell, everyone in a red car loses their license for 1/2mph over tickets within one year, sportbikes follow soon after, followed by all other motorcycles, yellow cars, and VWs with nice wheels
>Canada invades the destabilized US and succeeds
>russia then anexes the new combined state and goes on to rule the world
good going
>Tard hits a concrete median
>bounces off it
I like my local roads. We have a ditch for a median. In that ditch is a fence of very thin wire that would cut you in half if you hit it at speed.
Nobody is going into oncoming traffic with that thing unless you count assorted body parts.
What if I told you, I don't like in Candidcuckistan or Freeterrorca?
Cheesecutters make a terrible mess, someone has to clean that up.
Kids do stupid shit, but age isn't a substitute for experience either. I feel like pushing back the minimum age would mostly just postpone all the stupid shit we did as stupid teenage drivers.
At any rate, I see plenty of grown-ass men and women (especially women) doing utterly retarded shit like texting and driving, so age clearly isn't the only issue.
Sadly, I expect the problem to solve itself with autonomous vehicles before we find a good legislative solution.
Some places impose fines as a percentage of income rather than a static amount. (We'd probably need some minimum/baseline to address "broke" (on paper) dindus and the like)
Another fix could be graduated fines, scaled by the number of points on your license or something.
I like the idea of forcing new drivers to ride mopeds/motorcycles to instill some appropriate mortal fear/respect for the road. Parents won't go for it though, lest their special snowflake(s) be culled by their own stupidity.
Ah, the parents, yes. So then they don't get their kid a license for the moped. Yearly we have plenty of fatalities, bunch of dumb kids die because they have no concept of physics of self preservation and everytime the local edgeboard laughs at their mangled corpses. It's the best. Only the best survive.
That's how we get so many racing drivers from this country.
Teenagers drive better than most black people 2bh
Any saying "Raise the driving age" is retarded.
I learned to drive at 14 by taking my parents car in the middle of the night and hooning.
You shouldn't put curfews on driving for youths either, night is the absolute best time to learn to drive.
The main issue is really people who aren't interested in driving, if you're driving because you need to, not because you want to, chances are you shouldn't be driving.
Or make the new drivers use manuals, because at least then they can't spend all that time on their phones when the cuckomatic isn't there to do all the driving.
T. Hypocrite Boomer.
what does the snap say
>should we raise the driving age?
No, you should have proper training and education rather than "POINT AT THE V8 AND YELL FREEEEDOOOOM, SON AND I'LL GIVE YOU THAT LICENSE IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!"
t. yuropean
The quints have spoken
hum you might want to recount that
The fact that Americans think its hard to text and drive with a manual transmission scares me more than their propensity to text and drive with any transmission. How are they so incapable of driving? It can't just be lack of education.
Phone companies should also disable texting completely when the phone is in motion.
My problem with raising the age is that there are people who have to enter the workforce at an early age in order to support themselves and their families and car would be needed to help them get around where public transportation is too rural or not sufficiently timely.
Sounds like Sweden
The only thing that could be equal or better is Finland.
Best license courses in the world.
because you can keep failing the driving test and eventually pass it by complete chance since it's only 15 minutes (even if you failed like 10 times prior)
and this is acceptable somehow.
It might not do anything,
Might be a special case but, I wasn't really into cars growing up, and we didn't have money for a car, nor was I working as my parents were heavily against me working instead of studying for school or w/e, not that I minded. But that being said, I didn't get a car until this year at age 22. I have very few hours of experience, and know I drive like shit. I do what I can to improve when I realize my own mistakes, but there are somethings that can't replace actual driving experience.
For someone like me, raising the age limit does nothing as I didn't even get my learners until 18 and after that I just sat on it, no car to drive.
That being said, getting a license is abysmally easy in Cuckfornia, I did a small online course, wherein you take stupid as fuck 'tests' which quized me on stuff that was explained 10 seconds ago, so super easy stuff. And with that, I was able to provide it as a supplement for actual drivers Ed before taking my test for my learners.
From there I did a 3 session behind the wheel training which amounted to maybe 5 hours total driving, took the test at the DMV and boom, I was handed a license.
As much as I love my vehicle now, I probably shouldn't be on the road, luckily I'm slightly less retarded than the average millennial so I haven't hit anyone or anything yet, no tickets etc, but looking at my experience on paper I shouldn't be allowed to drive. Much less take the grapevine back and forth for holiday.
But that screws over passengers, and especially bus/train riders.
Handsfree integration helps a little. Maybe Google/Apple could work with the car manufacturers to set up some sort of area sensor that would allow a phone to know that it's being operated from the driver's seat and disable functionality accordingly.
Google a Swedish driving test.
It might humor you how shallow the driving tests in USA are.
I went to Sweden to study (free) and needed a license and I just asked for a driving license in English and they had it and even though I've had my license for 5 years, reading the Swedish tests was like I was 15 again.
If I could describe their driving style and tests, I'd say Pedantic and defensive drive style.
It's not a I'M IN THE RIGHT, I'LL GO BECAUSE IT SAYS GREEN, but more of a, let that retard pass even if it's red for him since I don't have time to deal with a broken car and possible time in hospital because I couldn't let one retard go on his way so I don't have to deal with his sorry ass in court, wasting my time and money.
When I came back to Florida, it felt like being in war with the other drivers.
Heard Finland and Japan have among the hardest tests.
What's so hard in Finland compared to other countries?
>dad got me a Turd Camaro when I was 15
I hate being part of the stereotype, but what can I do.
So people who work should take the one hour bus ride instead of a 20 minute drive?
You just confirmed my theory that says tripfags are retarded
lower it but haze the shit out of them
.ie Finland style
Yes, to 20.
>Tfw I'm from Sweden and am still shit at driving and I pretty much only know how to drive in my own town because I know the roads inside and out
How goddamn easy is it to get your license in Burgerland? Here you can start driving with your parents when you're 16 but can't get your license until you're 18 and there's an assload of different courses and classes and tests and driving tests in poor conditions you have to pass, along with knowing what's underneath the hood of your car and knowing how to drive eco friendly and a bunch of stuff
>A 2-ton lump of steel
>GTR is unironically 2 fucking tons
>should we raise the driving age?
For drivers under the age of 21, they should be required to verify every 6 months that they have current and sufficient auto insurance. That is, simply holding the license also requires holding auto insurance. Otherwise, too many kids under 18 drive with no insurance.
But giving them a chance to live is stupid. Just remove all safety features and road barriers and let nature take its course. Also fuck safety labels. Remove those too.
You should get the Darwin Axe, shitheads.
Third world math whiz detected.
I started at 16 and drove just fine. I actually worked and bought the training myself, which was $170 back in 1998.
My first car was a 89 corolla, which was a piece of shit my parents bought for about $2000. But I loved it and kept up the maintenance like it was a $100,000 exotic.
My car may have been shit, but I felt blessed to be driving at such a young age. I hated riding the bus.
i got my license at 18 and i wish i got it at 16 so that i would have much more experience under my belt
but with that aside...pic related
>I learned to drive at 14 by taking my parents car in the middle of the night and hooning.
Way to prove everyone's point
I did all of this, passed all of the tests on first try and i'm still shit
what now huh? How can you keep people like me off the streets?
Chances are you aren't as shit as you think you are.
This desu, I hated riding with friends because they were all fucking around with each other and me. I'd get pissed and while maybe I wasn't the best driver (drove too fast for my ability), I at least was a little more aware than others. Didn't allow many distractions
I got my permit by 16 and I think I had my actual license by 18. YES It should definitely be raised.
He's a cunt but he wasn't driving when the accident happened, he was a passenger.
We don't have buses here, nor an infrastructure for bikes. I almost got killed by drivers before I had a car and rode a bike
Are you like from DR Congo or something?
Only cucked people will never hoon.
You're half-correct, but it really doesn't help your argument.
>retard thinks yelling cuck and fallacies is an argument
>intelligent and careful people never make mistakes
>there are literally no unavoidable accidents
>people driving around nervously and afraid will increase their skill
>people should be killed for being crashed into despite not being at fault
I swear the 16 year olds on here have the critical thinking skills of a borderline retarded goldfish
No. 16 is the perfect age. They should make driving exams harder and on actual roads and not a parking lot
No, a regular town in Texas. I'm 20 minutes east of Dallas in a regular suburbs
You forget that eurofags don't realize a single state is about the size of all of fucking europe. The idea of public transport in the US it totally unattainable due to sheer distance which drives the cost to insane levels. I could walk for two hours in a straight line and never leave my suburb.
Europeens also take the most ridiculous flights.
They take flights within their own country.
Which is, again, the size of the DFW area.
Truly fucked.
Let self-driving cars proliferate and driving age wont matter anymore.
You see, here in America you're free to brandish a firearm and drive a 1-3 ton metal cage but God forbid you touch that devil nectar, or destroy the purity of your body by having sex.
>and learning to drive a manual should be mandatory
Why? There are so little manuals in America they're irrelevant, unless you're trying to drive a big rig or other heavy road machinery. And despite all the driver training they require for operating a big rig, truckers are still massive retards on the road who speed like motherfuckers and go for 10+ hour trips if they can get away with it.
Yea bullshit. I'm 19 and have to commute to school everyday. Most states in the south west of the US are spread out and have shit public transport. Driving is almost mandatory.
In my country you need to take a 3-4 month scourse which will include you spending at least 35 hours with a licensed instructor on the road and then you get to your final exam which half of the people fail on the first try because you fail if you make the slightest mistake.
>And if the crime is victimless
Speeding is victimless until they embed themselves into another car.
So you want to get people killed without actually addressing the problem.
That was meant for
I hate posting on my phone
Mopeds are GOAT. Will get you where you need to go, will teach you how to read traffic and it's really hard to kill anyone but yourself with one.
And sikk modz for hooning purposes are cheap as shit