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Tirpitz deserves some love too edition

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First for Iowa.

reminder that Bismarck is best girl

>that resolution


>running into torps with sonar
even with the terrible video quality I can tell it's you just from that

Why doesn't Tirpitz in-game have that qt coat of arms at the bow? It's one of the things I love the most about the German premiums (minus Tirpitz) in the game.

For your viewing pleasure:

>Both threads currently about Alabama on the official forums are experiencing database errors on the last page to prevent viewing and posting while the previous pages are fine

what a (((((((((coincidence))))))))))!

480p is plenty for a webm

>that UI mod

People actually use that shit?

Nice popping of the Haruna though

I think he meant bitrate. In order to make a webm of that length fit beneath 3MB, you gotta starve the shit out of that bitrate.


Yeah that webm looks like shit but had to compress it a fuckton to get below 3mb.

Eugen a qt

For the user who was wondering.

Hey would it be crazy to post your webms.
I-if you have them anyways.

Thanks user.

Post more Iowa.


t. Gross Currywurst on fire in 3+ places

>those icons
>those aim assistance mods

What a nice thread, and Lunatic is already inside it.

did anyone have their takao captain skills reset?

Congrats, you got a new Takao.

Check your captain reserves

I w-want that UI.

I l-like those icons

It's in aslains

I'm going to assume that in another 15 seconds, you got completely blapped by that NC and Bisko.

Why do you think he doesn't do more than that? :^)

wh-what about the cancolle icons?

Oh, my bad. He's broadside to TWO Biskos, a NC, AND a Bongspite at optimal citpussy violation range.

What did he mean by this?

there's a reason he has like a sub-20% survival rate in CAs
and it's not because of the CAs

I love you /wowsg/!
Remember to not let a bad day of botes get you down, whether you're not happy with your own play or the MM seems to have it our for you, it's still all about having fun with botes and friends, and that's what's important.

no fuck you WG ruined everything muh bama ((((


i want to kill myself after reading this
tfw no qt gyaru gf

>tfw no qt gyaru hotel gf

This kills me inside everything I see it.

holy fuck
thats a cute musashi
usually she looks horrible, especially the in-game art

Every time*
Holy shit, I can't even type.

Comedy gold



>forgot Ocean existed because it had been so long since I got it
>now I've had it 4 times in a week
I wish they had removed this shitty map

Now they're just giving up the pretense and locking every thread that mentions Alabama.

>Oh cool a game about naval warfare
>wtf is this, a single map which reflects real-world naval warfare?
>fak u WG
You need to go back.

Fuck you

t. blueline baBBy

I main destroyers and ocean is fun. Without islands to provide natural chokepoints, people get less wary about torpedoes. Smokescreens give you all the cover you'd like when you want to shoot, and there's nothing stopping you from outrunning enemies. The only class I can imagine struggling on that map is cruisers.

I will not rest until HP_Lovesauce is removed from [BOTES]

>Smokescreens give you all the cover you'd like when you want to shoot
Tell that to the enemy Moskva divison

What did he do?

Oh hey well what do we have here.

250 AA flags

I could never had wanted anything other than this!
What luck!

>play DD on ocean
>get lit up once for the entire game by a Moskva radar
>don't even survive the full duration and I still end up with 1.4 million potential damage
T10 is fun and engaging

>5.6E6 worth of a universally useful consumable
and you complain? I hope you get 250x JW1 next time.

Just wish I got something else desu.

Still better than all the fucking CV flags I ever get from those. And I never even played a single fucking round of CVs.

Have I worked this out correctly: you've only used two premium DCPs since containers were introduced?

No, I have used way more than 2, just looks like that.

>only container I've gotten was an extra 250 on top of the 250 you get to start with
>burned through them long ago because I'm playing like 15 games a day and I use them on literally every bote
They're far from the worst thing, but I'd be glad for just another super container at all desu. I'm getting all 3 every day and I've only had one since they brought the system in.


I know it's been discussed to death but really, the only fuciing T8 American ships given to these fuckers?

No, they STs have to satisfy the requirements to receive Alabama.

>Give Supertesters a new ship
>Give ranked a reskinned Atlanta
Fuck that shit, give the STs a reskin and sell that fucking Alabama.

>I understand your frustration
Like hell he does. SoDak is my favorite BB class and I've been waiting since beta to play her and they do this shit? Fuck it, I'm done with WoWS and I'm done with WG. Uninstalling their dead game.

>reskinned atlanta
>it got smoke
>and useable torpedoes
>things that would make the atlanta actually competitive in almost all scenarios

ponderous is the subject matter

Can we start a shitstorm? We did it for Murmansk, surely we can do it for Alabama.

>SoDak is my favorite BB class and I've been waiting since beta to play her

If you weren't mentally retarded, you'd realise that just like with the Tirpitz, they're putting out premium/reward ships before the main tech tree. It shows that the ship has been modelled, and that they just need to do a few visual tweaks before a main tech tree branch South Dakota can be released.

Also, four South Dakotas were built. Why do you think that we won't see a premium Massachusetts (which actually has a much more interesting history than the Alabama) or a premium Indiana?

Yeah but who knows when that would be? I was hoping Alabama this month or next. Not a year from now or more.

Yes, and I have been waiting for pasta tanks in World of Tanks since 2011. Do I get to win the oppression Olympics that the two of us are having here?

Why do you support shitty business practices? I'm uninstalling WoWS over this because it's shitty business practice. They want to reward their testers for sucking their dicks and fuck over the people that actually give them money and time. Fuck, WG. I hope they go bankrupt.

>Look at this THICC new ship guys!
>wow pls gib
>You can't have it: it's just for our fruity little club, silly scrubs
>omg WG we're starting a petition to Trump to make Ukraine great again if you don't sell it
>We have listened to your feedback and are happy to announce that Alabama is now available in the Premium shop as part of a special bundle :))))))))))))))))
>Victory, let's all buy Alabama! Don't ever think of pulling something like this again WG
>We promise :^)
Sometimes it's hard to know if WG is incredibly devious or incredibly retarded.

>We did it for Murmansk
I wasn't around for that. What happened then?

Bye! Don't forget to write!

>I'm uninstalling WoWS over this because it's shitty business practice.
Do it then.

>Why do you support shitty business practices?
You had no problem with charging the price of 3 new release AAA titles for an Atago? WoWS had shitty business practices from the beginning. Wargaming has always been a shitty company. You're just looking for excuses at this point; you don't care about business practices, you're just throwing a tantrum over a tier 8 battleship.

>I wasn't around for that. What happened then?
WG gave out free Murmansks to open beta testers only to take them all away when they released the game. It caused an uproar on the forums mostly fueled by /wowsg/ to get them back and eventually WG caved. I figured we could do it again for this but this new /wowsg/ doesn't have it. God, I miss the old /wowsg/.
Here you go, user!
You can choose to have more specific icons based on certain boats
I use Akatsuki enchant myself

>>Look at this THICC new ship guys!
This literally never happened though.

First it was datamined and leaked on TAP by Chinese supertesters.

Then it was briefly mentioned in the 0.5.16 patchnotes in one sentence, with no accompanying image.

Then the whole "it's for STs only" was revealed by a mod on the EU forums, and then one day later by a mod on the NA forums.

There has never been a time when WG teased the ship in front of your eyes. People were actively digging for the ship through datamining.

Wait no, I got that wrong. It was a humble bundle chairty thing. You donated your choosing, it could be 5 cents or more so many did it and got premium with a Murmansk and then WG took them away when it was over.

Anyone got screenshots of the new campaigns in the test server?

>WG gave out free Murmansks to open beta testers only to take them all away when they released the game.
You got your history wrong.

Here's what actually happened. WG did a deal with Humble Bundle, where for one dollar, you could get closed beta access to WoWS for the NA server only, and a Murmansk. The original page on the Humble Bundle website claimed that players would be able to keep the Murmansk forever.

However, a few months later, WG assumed that everyone forgot about the promise, and stated that upon open beta, the Murmansk would be removed from these players' accounts, and claimed that the Murmansk was only a temporary trial for the CBT period only.

The community got angry, and people displayed screenshots of the original description which proved otherwise. The situation got big enough so that WG stepped back and announced that players could keep the ship.

They definitely promised a tier 8 USN premium ship in Q&A sessions. Maybe there's another one right around the corner, but if not, that's a really shitty way to answer those people's hopes and should count as teasing.

They also said it wouldn't be taken away after the beta period. I personally only bought into it after that confirmation. The guy who said it ended up getting fired. The situations aren't that comparable though. This is just a really dumb business decision when that was practically theft. Doesn't matter if there'll be another version of it years down the line. Why snub people like this when they're willing to pay for it now?

SuperTesters already get everything handed to them on a silver plate. They get the entire tree and ships before anyone else, why give them more? Isn't that enough?

>Maybe there's another one right around the corner, but if not, that's a really shitty way to answer those people's hopes and should count as teasing.
And IJN BBs were one of the very first original lines in CAT, and I've been waiting patiently (so patiently) for them to release a prem BB that's not the fucking Ishizuchi. Deal with it or uninstall. Very few of us care about you throwing a tantrum over what you assumed was going to happen based on datamined shit.

Kill all Alabamas on sight.

Well as the guy in the post said, it's for testing purposes. They get removed afterwards and don't grant any bonuses or anything. Getting something for putting the time and effort into it seems OK in my book. What bothered me more is that all closed beta testers got a tier 4 clapper BB. I really don't like that ship and the rewards from it are quite bad. Would've been way better to actually get a ship that you could grind credits with or something. WG is retarded but I don't think it's justified to be mad that supertesters get something. Although supertesters are also mostly retarded.

I don't know if they are placeholders but they are giving out standard ships in the new long campaign;

I am assuming you get the silver equivalent if you already have the ships, I only have the Cleveland and Fubuki so this is pretty good for me

The other new smaller campaign is a Mikasa

how does this work if you dont have the previous ships researched lol.

God forbid, wargaming talks to their testers and see what they want. I'm sure they would pick a Missouri or a ton of free xp, doubs, creidts or whatever but nope. Give them an exclusive ship everyone wants and fuck over the rest.


also seems odd to give kiev and ognevoi.

You do realize that WG staff have higher visibility over their slave testers compared with other players, and teamkilling their testers will probably result in them using their own internal communication channels to get you banned faster?

Also, supertesters don't even have their stats recorded for non-released ships like the Kitakami and Tone, so it's not like you're ruining their winrate anyway.

As fucking if. There's already some ships that are unobtainable that not everyone has. Anything given away for free is better than nothing. And like I said, supertesters, as retarded as they may be, put a lot of time and effort in the game. I'd say it's fair that they get something in return. Now I don't know if they get other benefits but if they don't, I'd say it's fair.

Why are you guys so fucking whiny?

Now Americans understand why so many weebs whined and whined after Kitakami was removed and Tone was indefinitely delayed.

If you don't see why then you don't care two ways about it so there's no point in explaining it.

>Fires is fine, just repair it. It's only "12% damage".
>High tier cruisers die in one hit
>Shooting at ships at max range without being seen is pure skills

How shit at the game do you have to be to unironically believe this shit?

>use my superior positioning skills to harass enemies without danger to myself, essentially playing to my ship's strengths and negating her weaknesses
>some baBBie calls me shit cause he doesn't know how to do the same

I like how he changed the number from 8% to 12% and his only high tier cruiser is Zao. You have to be a special kind of retard to get "deleted in one hit" if you're in Zao. Though I do agree radar/sonar shouldn't be given to battleships, but any retard knows this so no sympathy points for you, LunaticRed.

Should I destroy LunaticRed's arguments in that thread and have him pull the "I'm s-shitposting lol!!! its joke me make joke" card he always pulls when BTFO?


Do it then, you pussy. Don't just talk big here in the thread, and then chicken the fuck out.

>supertesters, as retarded as they may be, put a lot of time and effort in the game

Im-fucking-plying. All they do is fuck around, shitting up games and give absolutely retarded feedback. Why else are so many lines fucked up if not for their glorious feedback? Case in point: RN CLs being fucked up on release, KM DDs nerfed before release and IJN DDs are still as fucked up as before. And to add insult to injury, the fact that Yuugumo can better torpwall than Shimakaze is something (((they))) should've reported to WG beforehand. And now they get an exclusive ship many ship collectors want? Fuck off, they get a ton of shit for free already, no need to gift them anything. The simple fact that they get to test new shiplines and prems for free should be already enough.

STs of any form are the bane of modern game development. Idiotic Yes-Men that willingly suck up to a company that already jerks itself off way too much.

There was a NA supertester who broke NDA and stated that WG refused to listen to them when the majority of NA supertesters asked WG to bring back HE shells for British cruisers. If he is to be trusted, it's actually WG that fucked up the British cruisers in spite of supertester advice not to.

As for the other ones, I'd have no idea. I still wouldn't immediately assume that supertesters are to blame, until we have actual confirmation that it is the case.