any game that turns to shit because one player fucks up is a poorly designed game
is it even possible to pub int his game? 6 games ina row where some asshole ruinst he team comp and welose because of it
Hunter Long
Aaron Walker
>open first holiday box >tfw there's a legendary >goth Zarya skin
It only gets better from here r-right?
Bentley Morgan
>Shoot snowball close to ground >"simple geometry!"
Mei a qt
Jackson Diaz
>cant buy the winter skins with credits like you could with the halloween ones
Cameron Ward
yes you can you goof
Bentley Howard
how pure is mercy's lineage?
her being swiss and all givers her some possibility to be related to (((bankers)))
Kevin Garcia
>havent even rolled a handful of christmas items >already getting 1-2 duplicates per box, some arent even christmas >finally see that gold aura, hopes high >its money, hopes gone t-tis the season haha
Jason Morales
Jose Cruz
anyone have HD screencaps of the new skins yet?
i need them. for reasons.
Justin Brooks
>Low on cash but don't want to miss out >Buy 5 boxes >Get the only skin I wanted in the third
Feels good man
Ethan Murphy
>spending anything at all
got the pumpkin man and the matching coffin POTG in the first free box
never played the whole event since
Parker Howard
>dare to feel like playing support/tank >can't because you simply can't rely on pub DPS
Went pretty well desu, I got all the skins I wanted and don't care about the ones I don't have.
Jack Flores
That event is pretty dissappointing. Only the Yeti and Nutcracker skins are good and the brawl is shit, but really they always were, Junkensteins Revenger was just a not even barebones GOW horde mode. Even the nutcracker isn't perfect because you don't even throw the nuts, would be awesome if the made a crack noise or something.
Logan Morales
What does this expression mean?
Nicholas Thomas
>3v3 Antarctic >Pick Sombra >Waste time
James Ward
It means cute.
Tyler Wright
>absolutely terrible with sombra >16 hours played, 33% win percentage >still play her the most >am a liability to my team every match
who /pieceofshit/ here??
Lucas Stewart
Sombras skin is so fucking bad, it looks so rushed and just no thought put into it.
Chase Robinson
This is a fun mode
Aaron Wright
>doesn't like reaper's or pharah's not cool
Colton Watson
I just want the Mei Santa and the mercy victory pose.
Elijah Wilson
Robert Johnson
>Can't enjoy brawl because I just want the damn loot boxes and my team loses
Thomas Bailey
Had 5 loot boxes but only one skin :(
Julian Robinson
In which situations McCree is a good choice instead of Soldier?
In which situations Zen can be picked instead of Lucio and/or Ana?
In which situations Road can be picked instead of Zarya (asuming that D.Va and Rein are top 2 tanks and you are looking for a third one)?
Daniel Evans
Feliz Navidad
Jason Ward
Haven't had an even match yet, it's always a stomp one way or another
Eli Campbell
Liam Butler
Gabriel Baker
McCree is more flanking whereas Soldier is more direct. Also McCree is pretty effective from either far away or mid range and has the emergency flash and alternative shot for close range. Really depends on your play style and how the enemy team is organized around the objective.
David Jenkins
I'm just curious, would there be interest in seeing a bronze ELO player be shit stream their games?
Tyler Walker
>get 4 gold medals >card always for elims or damage Why does the medals card never show up so I can flame my team
Parker Howard
>anticipating Santa torb ever since release
today I am whole
Angel Peterson
pick a hero /owg/
picked one? good. now look up and you see this
what do?
James Jones
>I'm so fucking dead inside all I wanted was a good skin but instead I got this shitty recolor but i'm on the start menu so I should just keep smiling
Brayden Reyes
looks like Mrs claus is gonna get BLACKED when santa torb goes out on his delivery run
Kevin Taylor
David Morris
>mfw comp rating decays in diamond
Jacob Campbell
Jose Morris
Id watch for a bit, inspected a low elo persons profile and their avg damage was like 5k. Im curious to see how that is possible
Carter Morgan
>Lucio's skin adds a santa hat and it's an Epic >Mei's skin adds a santa hat but it's a Legendary I really want to wake up to a world in which we've all suddenly stopped caring about Blizzard or anything they try to present to us and they thus shrivel up and die.
Luke Jackson
mfw predicted santa torb, ms santa mei, elf tracer right here on Veeky Forums for lika month ago. Also said D.Va would get reindeer skin but roadhunk got it instead.
Brody Davis
>Reaper If he's okay with it, sure
Justin Walker
fucking swedes
Jackson Stewart
what did jeff mean by this?
Ian Kelly
>It's a "/pol/ makes a funny original joke" episode
Nathaniel Campbell
Ryder Howard
Sure you did, user.
Brandon Kelly
I really love this highlight intro. A shame it's given to a sniper shitter who is completely undesirable to play.
Jaxson Hill
>10k damage >6 elims How many shields did you break/damage, and where'd the elims come from?
>It's a everyone knew this was coming joke
Alexander Edwards
I'd say the damage this is based on games being really fucking one sided. Win or lose, they're normally done in really fast fashion.
I'd say 1/5 is difficult in terms of your actions/accuracy can be the difference between win/lose.
Jose Perry
I just realized it's smarter to just rebind winstons jump to right click since he doesn't have an alternate fire
Leo James
Why is Pharah with both the halloween and the christmas skin a walking corpse? What does it mean?
Jaxson Evans
wtf thanks for the tip user
Jordan Martin
There is literally no situation in which picking Hanzo is a benefit to the team. Convince me otherwise.
Landon Hill
That she is dead on the inside because of war PTSD.
Isaiah Cook
Diamond is Unbreakable
Landon Miller
deffing on hanamura, it was pretty stale at the first point choke door
there wasnt much oppertunity to hook or kill people so i was on shield break duty
Ryan Jackson
Jordan Flores
>Tfw new brawl sucks >Tfw already got most of the skins I want
already ready for a new event. bored of this one.
Brayden Thomas
>feel like killing myself because massive december depression >get this >tfw
Oliver Clark
Wallhack arrow.
Anthony Ward
oh lucio, i need your help with these gingerbread houses oh woops~ it seems i dropped the tray~
*bends over* exposing her lewd fat chinky cheeks
Sebastian Thompson
Anyone else notice they have drastically different qp/arcade mmr than their actual comp sr?
I was low plat last season, played only 5 games after placements and ended up mid gold
Calibrated at silver s3 and started climbing and am now low gold as i still didn't get the chance to play enough games..
Thing is I'm always paired up with low Diamond/high plat in non comp modes. 1v1s are almost always close matches and qp has mostly everyone else at the same 2800-3100 Sr
Anyone know why this is?
Michael Nelson
>that neck
Just goes to show Mei isn't actually fat. She just has some huge knockers and birthing hips. Literally made for cuddling
Lincoln Gutierrez
time to pack up and play something else for the whole duration of the event
Joseph Edwards
Spoiler: We lost
Samuel Stewart
Waiting for someone to change Widow's model into Pharah for that new dominatrix highlight intro
I know one of you fuckers knows how to do it
Jaxson Anderson
... Does nothing remarkable.
Robert Richardson
>Get loot box >open it >OH SHIT LEGENDARY >Young Hanzo
Daniel Campbell
>completely undesirable to play.
Says you.
Blake Wilson
>Roadhog tosses out hook at teammate >I jump in path and flashbang, stunning him after it connects >Animation finishes after stun is over, pulling me into him You can't make this shit up. What's the average IQ at blizzard?
Carter Walker
Any PS4 anons want to queue up for lootbox grinding? Currently running through mystery brawl.
Brandon Howard
/owg/ is a riot tonight
Owen Russell
again, thats just how most Chinese girls look i personally call it "mango face" because they have very rounded cheeks
the bad thing is ameriburgers and euros think that round face = fat
Oliver Adams
Angel Reed
>you will never be in bronze elo heaven
Jason Scott
Snipers are a meme archetype that need to leave multiplayer shooters forever. There is nothing fun about snipers.
Isaac Powell
Jack Diaz
>greenpeace gets arrested by the homo police
Nathaniel Butler
Joseph Williams
Are blizz servers fucked? I've been trying to update my game for the past 5 hours and nothing's happening.
Camden Parker
>I have no argument otherwise so I'll reply with a smug picture We're all very proud of you.
Christopher Gomez
Alright, I think you passed it onto me.
Volskaya attack, only set foot on A after overtime, got 8k in damage, with 6 elims. Both gold. As roadhog. With a 76.
I know that, but I wanna stay 3200+ tfw Kira never got his quiet life
Christian Ortiz
It works the same with sleep dart, too.
>ana darts soon as she sees hog >Dart hits during the travel time of the hook >Ana gets reeled in to a hog snoozing on the floor
Looks retarded as fuck. The hook even disappears so ana just zooms across the map
John Martin
they're kind of cute
Josiah Ross
I'm feeling like just saying fuck it and spend the coins for the zen skin, he's my man. But I know the universe is cruel and the very next lootbox I get will have it.
Isaiah Torres
I think you are having a difficult time differentiating between "I don't find ___ fun" and "___ is not fun"
Cooper Foster
>ywn be fishing with Pharah
Gavin Perry
>tfw last six no limit matches have been losses fucking christ blizz, i just want those free loot boxes, ive already done the brawl and 3v3 ones too, add to that your servers are yet again having a meltdown so having to wait 2+mins for each match, im really getting sick of this shit
Connor Young
i dont agree with your statement as a whole, but specifically overwatch then yes snipers are obsolete and unneeded.
especially since the maps are very closed and rather "intimate" as compared to regular FPS maps. case in point where a lot of characters have their attacks centered around shotguns or weapons that work like shotguns, this means that even the devs are aware that the gameplay is very close to medium quarters focused
Angel Jenkins
>playing 1v1 >torbjorn >run up ramp >see other torb >throw down turret as he throws his down >he begins hammering away at his as I leave mine immediately and run into the building toward him, around behind and kill him >every time
They never see it coming.
>1v1 >sombra >wait a few seconds >throw down teleporter >wait a second >go invisible and wait >enemy sombra appears in front of my teleporter, gun trained on it waiting >open fire on her back
David King
>get to 3200 >start getting fucking garbage teams, like worse than when I first gold in season 2, get 4 golds when not even doing that well >lose until I'm back down to 3100