A Tesla P100D pulls up to you at a stoplight and revs at you.
What do?
A Tesla P100D pulls up to you at a stoplight and revs at you.
What do?
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>Implying that teslas can rev
They do rev you idiot Americunt
I see his suffering and don't bother him more than necessary.
>Tesla P100D revs past stoplight
autopilot failure, huh?
I calmly proceed the 400 miles to my destination.
>and revs
laugh at him since his e-motor apparently broke loose
Giggle because my $7k shitbike can outpace his retard car and go farther between fillups
>having only owned V8 cars my whole life
>never had one with a range over 300 miles
I never understood the hang up over the Tesla's range. 250-350 miles is more than enough for the vast majority of drivers.
I continue on my way to my shitty job in my shitbox car while soaking up the fact that he's superior to me in both financial standing and environmental consciousness.
user, do you know the definition of shitbike?
My Spark gets ~250 to a tank and I fill up once a week.
How many gallons is the tank? 10?
My 2012 5.0 is 16 gallons and my max range after filling up is 270-280 miles.
8.5 at the very most. Closest I've ever been to empty took about 8.1 to fill. Cheapest goddamn thing on wheels I've ever had even if the compressors go out on them. Mine was under warranty. When the mechanics start to go I'm abandoning it for an IS300 though.
>there's a factory out there making 8.5 gallon fuel tanks
I don't know why this bothers me, but it does
How hard do you drive. I have a 2103 5.0 and I can go 350 miles between fill ups with a 6speed manual
Not hard at all. I just gun it going on the highway. It's a 15 mile drive to work and back and 13 of those miles are on the highway. Although I do cruise at 15 mph over the limit so I'm doing between 70-85 when on the highway.
>revs at me
>concerned look appears on his face
>his electric cuckbox overheated
>now he's stuck in his shitty interior with the car restricting power
>take off from the light normally
>give my v8 1/4 throttle
>pull away effortlessly while he buries his foot in his power limited shitbox & gets left in the dust
This desu.
Engage 4x4 and let him feast on my 2000 ft/lbs of torque and delicious coal.
crush his little eco-mobile with my superior 2 tonne nip suv and shit all over his sorry little hairless chest
Wait untill his Chebby POS overheats.
>he's superior to me in both financial standing
Alright, kinda agree there...
>and environmental consciousness.
Pic fucken related.
Because reality shows that the range is closer to 100 to 200 miles not 350 when you drive it like a normal person.
you can fill up your car at any gas station in the country...
I have driven from Dallas to Las Vegas in a day, that would be hard to do in a Tesla when you have to search for your shitty charging stations and waste time letting it charge.
also, >tfw I have a civic VX with a 10gallon tank and just drove 260 miles on half a tank
>Buy $108k car
>Can't do road trips in it
you get 350 miles out of it if your tyres are over pressurised, you use no electrics, don't have the windows open and the air temperature is 75°F
It's about 150 miles if you drive it like a normal person.
It's still plenty for a normal person because you just put it on a slow charge overnight
When I do 300+ mile trips in the mountains, I'm coming back on fumes. Luckily I can carry a jerry can in the back for emergencies or if they ever close the highway to clear an avalanche.
All that "MASSIVE LUDICROUS INSTANT TORQUE" if pointless if you have to pussyfoot your Tesla at every light to save range.
If you're doing road trips in a $108k car it better be some tricked the fuck out leather-on-every-inch luxobarge.
Come to think of it, I'd like to see what a $108k '87 Town Car would look like.
Fully built supercharged 351
All leather everything
24" chrome wheels
Full hydraulics setup with 10 batteries
Idk what to do with the other $40k
I take a look at my AC and wonder where the fuck is that humming noise coming from
Nothing because I can't hear it revving
H... How do I tell it's revving?
Does it have a set of speakers pointed at me playing the audio BMW pipes into your cabin?
as a LEAF owner since 2011 and member of an EV club. I can tell you that most EV drivers, from LEAFs to Teslas, abuse the accelerator pedal a lot.
Nissan lowered the torque and changed power curves on the LEAF 1.1 version. simply because 1.0 drivers were going through their tires and range quickly.
guy in florida drove a model S 85kwh battery to 400 miles. mostly driving at 15 mph around the swamps and avoiding stops.
lmao did you even watch that video you posted?
What's your actual range, in your experience? Leafs(Leaves?) with 20-40k are 9-12k here in Kansas. The longest I would drive it around 50 miles one way. At the other end, I would have 110 to charge, but this trip happens only once a month or so. I have 240 in my garage. Work to home and back to like 6 miles round trip.
Have you heard anything about those extended battery packs that get you 140 miles? Some say they clip in on top of the existing pack, some say they replace it. Replacing a battery pack can't be hard in the slightest, as they're all wired in parallel, right?
You can get a pretty good noise out of them if they have a faulty ground path in the drive unit, sounds like the Jetsons car
I do about 15,000 miles a year and I get about 80-90 miles per full charge. though in January and February it can be 80 miles at most, because the heater sucks a lot of juice. though I can prevent that some, by keeping the car plugged in and using grid power to keep the cabin warm. I can also just use the seat and steering wheel heaters and turn the air heater down(heating air to make you warm is incredibly inefficient)
Aren't they rated for 73 miles? Or do you have a new one, like the 1.1 you mentioned?
the 2011 I had only went about 80.
I have a 2014 now and it has the third gen battery pack.
Nissan was supposed to have released a bigger battery LEAF and an Infiniti EV, years ago. though think they haven't, because they are finally making money on LEAF sales and don't want to lose money again. this will hold for a few years. then they will start losing market share to Model 3 and Bolts.
Yeah, the ones for sale are 2011 and 2012 model leaves. Still, that's not bad. My coworker has a leaf, but he only gets like 50 miles because his pack is on the brink of being warrantied. One more bar, and nissan'll rebuild or replace.
It's very tempting to get one. I currently drive a miata, but it's a 1.6L, not the 1.8. I know so much about the engine, and I know that in the 3 years I've had it, I've done a lot. it's only got 102k, so it's very irresponsible to sell it, but I've always thought that electric cars were the tits.
Some day i know that I'm going to want something comfy and quiet(that way I can have something loud like a dorito or some big ass V8 too), and I think when that day comes, it'll be a used Leaf.
Thanks for answering my questions, user!
yes, the dinging was the revving silly goose
>80 miles per charge
You can't make this shit up.
Bear in mind you can't just stop at a gas station and keep going. You have to stop for six hours to recharge before going another 250 miles
90% of americans don't drive farther than that most days of the year.
why do you guys hate tesla's so much? electric engines are kinda cool.
>spend over $100k
>electricity bill nearly (literally) cost as much as just getting a fuel efficient car for 1/4 the price
Using Teslas own website and average electric cost. Going 40 miles will cost $2.12. Gas is currently $1.71/gallon in the major city near where I live (that was average, not lowest). A 30 mpg car will cost about $2.20 to go those same 40 miles. Or get a diesel and get 40miles + per gallon.
>can't take it for a road trip
>better buy another car that isn't electric
>most cars can go 120k+ miles before any major repairs. And belts only 60k miles, generally. Oil changes at $40 every 4k miles = $1200 over 120k miles. So even with maintenance you still won't even be near HALF the cost of a tesla by the time most people get rid of the car. Not to mention the higher insurance. What happens when the power goes out during a storm? What happens if everyone has electric and the grid can't handle it? What happens if you have an emergency and the battery is dead?
Tesla is for people who want to waste money. Not to mention the environmental impact to build them is just as bad as the life of the average car.