/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #877

>Schedule for December:
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame
12/8 - 12/12 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
12/14 - 12/19 - Freedom in His Hands (Rerun and Renewal)
12/18 - 12/25 - Christmas Guild Wars
12/26 - 12/31 - ??? (Special Quest)
12/31 - 1/8 - Scenario Event

12/12 - 12/19 - Surprise Ticket
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

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Fuck you.



I had a dream that Arcarum came back.

vira is LEWD

is sen retarded

My retarded.

I wish it would, I'm 30 pulls away from sparking the inevitable dirt potato cock.

But give water reparations first.



desu wa

How dead are we?

It's time to merge with /mbgg/ dead

how can we be dead if kmr came to save us???????????????

So Lecia is only rated 9.5 because of her cool coat, right?

Because it definitely isn't because of how she performs in battle.

AGE: 21


What would be a nice Halle team I can make?

Halle/Ayer/Sara should be alright.



Nautilus qt SSR summon when?

She's good for Medusa and Yugu bullying.



>Monika was the protag of ROB
>Lecia is the protag of Granblue

How does this make you feel?

Best wind team for solo right here.

Trust me on this

How the fug do I buy famitsu app for G points

I want all of them to solo /ss/ me.

still waiting for Monika to get 10

That's my dream wind team


Tell me about Rosamia. Why does she wear the mask?

I wonder if I can draw all three of these girls during Leg fest. I currently have like $1k in funds that I might spend.


Anyone know where the option is to put ability buttons below the character icons in battle?

Can't seem to find it, is it locked to the "big" client setting?

How much did KMR pay for this rating

It's fucking time

My life is much happier after stopping hosting magnas every day. Mvping them before help call takes too long and never rewards me, and saving 150+ stamina is already helping along GW material farming.

It's from Viramate, a Chrome extension.

Anons here called it Virusmate.

By the way, they call it Virusmate as an endearing cute nickname! But it doesn't actually contain a virus at all, hehe!

>Rosetta and Lecia together

I don't even bother desu

Rosetta is this slow ass solo play character who needs to shart her engines over 5 turns.

Lecia is this thicc insta-damage dealer and buffer for raiding/HLs.

Too opposite for me; just just Rosie/Monki for solo. At least you can time Monki buff with ougi charge diamonds so you never have to eat a full power ougi.

Do it!! She's worth it user!! Then get Melisabelle and Gwain if you don't have them too to quickly trigger her attack orders!!!


Dark Whale Zoi >>>>> Dark Magna Zoi >>>
Crimson Fingers > Chev Swordfags > Dirt Titan = Dark(no zoi) = Light gunfags > Windroaches > everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fire Magna

Yeah, either is fine.



we're dead

Uhhhhh funfslinger is above all but the s. Zoi builds RETARD

Am I understanding that fire whales buy like 12 crimson fingers for the purpose of uncapping? Because everyone says don't spend gold bars on weapons, and you only get 1 Damascus?

I learned something new today!

Yes. After all, unlike weapons, you HAVE to uncap summons with other summons or Gold Bars., which have a limit.

Does anyone actually use Korwa in Dark anymore? Feels pointless to have a 0 damage character when you have Warlock and GW Dagger.


>wake up
>no Christmas shit

How shit will I be if I only run 2 fingers?

I don't like this meme.

You're Fire. Remember that with max Agni thee fingers just make you decent.

Depends on what the other normals you are running are.

The technical answer is you'll still be pretty shit unless you have some other gacha shit in there. No athena weapon SL15 means you have to compensate somewhere

I should point out that unless you have agni I wouldn't even bother investing in fingers to begin with

would u guys hold on to an account you don't even rly play that has monkey or sell it? for how much?

>free shit everywhere including a free ssr estelle
>meanwhile no news in gbf

Uuuuuhhhh collab when?

If you're at the point you're debating ticketing weapons though, I think by then you'd have one or two of the other rare summons, at least.

Back when this was part of /mbgg/ we used to have a friend list for granblue fantasy, but it more or less failed because people looked on it to find friends but never put their name, iirc.

What else does it have?

>Because everyone says don't spend gold bars on weapons, and you only get 1 Damascus?
Onl GW character collecting autismos. And who gives an actual fuck about GW characters these days?

>muh 5*

>just a few weeks before the anime starts

I'm scared /gbfg/

name of the game?

>game is dying
>anime trying to bring old and new players into the game
>/gbfg/ is dead

s. zoi, kat, korwa, wind metera, h. eustace, seruel, sophia, that fire potato with the weird long ass name starting with z

and a couple of summons but nothing truly notable


I only intend to build Quatre and later Esser. Quatre out of convenience from the dagger and because my other team is water, and Esser for dick pick and maximum placebos.

I do have Agni but no fire normals of note, just Yuel's axe (which isn't uncapped at all so barely relevant) and the Suzaku katana. I guess I'll just pray that these 'new showdown weapons to help fire' actually help fire.

wat game is this



>s. zoi, kat, korwa
That's pretty good user. You can probably get $25 or more if you jew it on reddit.

So is this like a browser MMORPG or what?

Who /damascusalready/ here?

Beato was raped.

Don't bully bear!!

wtf racism

By me

It's time to bully Bea I see

is this water spear any good????????????

I want to bully yugu, but can't survive her ougi. Can Korwa help me with that or defence buffs are not enough and I need damage cuts?

>Spiked Baseball Bat from the event is basically a free slimeblasting sword


Break her before her ougi

Akatsuki no Kiseki

Don't let her cast it then. Slow her, use gravity, break her before she can ougi, etc.

You mean for swordmaster? How much damage does it do?

9x your main character's HP

Skull is annoyin as shit, why did people imply he was good



You just reminded me what i still need to complete SC. 2 months of not playing it at least and i still remember story so far. Such an excellent game, probably best jrpg i played.

O-okay then

>tfw FGO just had 2 new events this december
meanwhile on gbf land


What is? Nothing is fucking happening, just this rerun.

>tfw want to play fgo but dont know japanese