shyvana edition
shyvana edition
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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
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I want to put Riven through so much pain that she begs me to kill her!
Xth for Katarina
best girl
xth for depressing yordle shit.
Death to Riven Mains.
Feels bad i'll never have this as my icon
add me ign imthem
>getting used to quick cast instead of quick cast + indicator
it's surprising how much of a difference it makes
Join the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Can someone explain to me why cancerous league youtubers are popular?
I've watched about 20 seconds of this obnoxious twat called nightblue3 and i wanted to slit my throat
because of people ages 12-15 watching them
I need someone to tell me, please!
What's in it for me?
join the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA password vidya
Thats what i was thinking, the content is so low quality and the thumbnails are shat out so effortlessly i think only kids could enjoy it.
i could whip one thumbnail up in his likeness in like 3 minutes
nothing vg vs vg is liquid autism
Because they appeal to the young teen demographic.
I didn't know autism was fun. Is it?
Year in review
Sorry I'm still recovering from the time I had to lane against Riddler.
Redhead slut.
Always knew she's a poor whore. Her people should have executed her.
I wish, but my hotel room only supplies 4.00 Mb/s and cuts off abruptly every 10 min.
Somebody had their botlane loose
Can't find lobby
we just started im sorry
catch the next one senpai
Going to turn her straight, user?
>tfw TF mains
feels bad man
>tfw not a cute girl yet
Damn. Didn't chase for that girl?
Remi, why you're here?
is shyvanna a good jungle right now? she seems fun and i like the idea of a dragon champion.
why does she want her bf play with u ???
Remi's decently cute, I wish
Yes, as of now since she can clear camps better.
>idea of a dragon champion
Don't make her as your waifu.
>Laning against a GOOD Renekton
Is he the Final Boss of Top Lane?
>chasing grills
not how it works mang
dunno, she just been asking for TF tips so I just told her to look at my runes and masterys
think she just wants to show him my autist mastery
She's kind of busted, but once she's brought in line she'll probably be good
She basically just farms like a motherfucker and does a bunch of damage, has the fastest and safest clear in the game
Aurelion Sol is also a dragon, but he's really weird and VERY tricky to play. You have to hit people with three constantly orbiting balls. I would only suggest him if you're gonna put in a lot of time.
Yes. His weak match ups are all wonky and still winnable. He has insane wave management. He replaced sion as my main top lane because he's so versatile.
why don't you cuck her and fug her bf
I've decided that no matter the teams, soloqueue is better than playing duo.
Seems like i only get retarded teammates times 10 when I duo, to make up for the duo.
I want to IMPREGNATE Lissandra!
> 30 kills in 50 min
Its some LCS bullshit?
for the record lee sin really did kick late.
i watched it happen from down here
>cant take the bants
>bronze 1
>playing poppy
just play gp instead literally a free win because people don't understand how he works and he is never banned
I think Poppy is slightly more bullshit than GP.
fuck having to play support
it isn't even I'm bad at the role, just every fucking time I support a game like this happens, the lane just means nothing
Poppy is strong but she cant win games 1v9
not if the gp is good
Anyone down to duo?
I usually solo queue but I'm having a shit night. And going from plat 3 to silver 2 with 7-3 placements just ruined my life.
Nobody plays GP here, and idk how to play pirate man. teach me /lolg/
ranked is down lolbab
What roles do you play, what times are you usually on, and what's your ign?
Just here to say it's funny that you got placed in silver 2 when I got placed gold one after going 5-5. I was Plat 2 though.
That said just play man. Your games will consist solely of gold/Plat players so now is the time to climb. Climbing in silver when it's full of silvers will be aids.
Bronze has gone from "lol I can just play whatever and still win" to soul crushing in terms of difficulty with uncarryable teams. Makes me want to die.
rush trinity force and Q everything the end
Mid and adc, anywhere from 6pm-2am, Astoiza the God
stack crit and put barrels everywhere
post your mains, rate others
>be jungler
>bot lane is retarded
>adc takes both sides of my jungle when im shopping/ganking another lane
>wonders why im not making any more gold
That's a lot of yelling, user.
this artist draws REALLY good lewd pokemon
could be worse
you could be in plat?
Pretty much sums up my night so far
Get into my promos to plat get this as my 1st game wtf is this shit??
that's a lot of whimsy, user
>Win every single teamfight because you have Taric Orianna Shyvana and it's enough to win in bonobo elos by itself
>Vayne starts splitpushing bot and dies repeatedly until you lose the game and says "xd" everytime you ask him to please group
I need to destroy something
I would like to duo with you its just idk if you'd like to duo with me. I'm a top and mid morde main that can flex with other champs. Last season I had a 63% win rate with 209 games played on morde. I was silver 2 last season and currently in silver 5 this season. Let me know if your interested
destroy my life pls
Can i have sause of this one
her bf probably isnt cute
>currently 3/1 in promos
What's going to happen next bros, how is Riot going to fuck me over
destroy my pussy
haha jk
but for real tho hmu 15/f/cali
I don't see too much wrong with it other than brand having 900 games somehow.
I'm in gold 1 with Plat mmr currently and the vast majority of my games have 1-7 former diamonds.
I want to climb
Is ranked back up
Its 5am where I live and my body dosent want to sit up
Post that kik baby (^;
The diamond 3 is what I'm talking about.
Send a ticket to rito support
here user, this will kill your boner in no time:
powered by rampage0118(tm)
>Anthro Pikemon Furry
Get out, Furry-user.
even if you are/were an actual woman and lived 5 mins away from me (I don't live in America) and were a sex bomb I wouldn't bite the bullet
I know it's impossible for a woman to love somebody that hates himself and I'd feel like shit to have sex with somebody that doesn't love me
He's in a game full of diamonds with a few scattered plats. It looks broken but we know that there's actually 7 diamonds in this game. It's fine senpai.
I'm not sure if I want to open this
he's been that since s2 and riot takes almost every opportunity to say how every top laner is compared to him when deciding if in need for buffs/nerfs
and that was before courage of cancer was a thing
ummm glaceon is made of ice not fur??????????????????
You guys cannot believe just how much I want to fuck MF
How do I get a cowtits redhead gf?
>stop playing vg vs vg
>have fun in league again
it's absolutely disgusting
no guro though
which artist does the best fat yordle tats
Ashe is a support
Mf is making her way to support.
Jhin is a support
Gangplank is a support.
Is twisted fate a support?