/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Grand Time Temple Solomon]
Raid during late December

>[Babylonia Release Gacha]
- From 12/7 to 12/31
- 5* Enkidu (Lancer)
- 4* Gilgamesh (Caster)(Bride)
- 4* Medusa (Lancer)

>[Babylonia Gacha Part 2]
- From 12/14 to 12/31
- 5* Quetzalcoatl (Rider)
- 4* Gorgon (Avenger)
- 3* Jaguarman (Lancer)

>5* Demonic Buddha
50% NP Charge, Increase Overcharge by 2 (1 time)
>4* Room Guarder
Star Attraction +300%, reduce 300 damage
>3* Seeker of Miracles
+15% NP damage up when equipped on Divine Servants

- 1/2 AP all Orders
- From 12/7 to 12/21 everyone is getting 2 Golden Apple per day
- Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- FGO Special Anime will air on 12/31. TV Project series confirmed for next year.
- Da Vinci-chan Code event Japan only
- Final Battle Raid event later this month, you need to clear Babylonia to participate



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:



Every thread until Ere-chan

I love Elizabeth!

It's what she says when she wants butt sex

>switch Tamamo to Caster Gilles with Ruby EXP CE
goodnight /fgog/

We all do!

Sita when?

Fucking Christ, why.

Just rolled Gorgon Avenger at 2am. Is she better than NP3 Martha?

>Roll five tickets for Enkidu
>Get nothing
>Roll three tickets for Gorgon
>Get Enkidu
Nice rate up DW

>Gold orbs
>NP2 Rama
At least I didn´t get Liz this time.

>sample size of 5 and 3

Wow someone didn't go to uni

>Had enough saved XP to 100 Enkidu and to 90 the Quetz I rolled going for Gorgon

I want the xmas gacha back

>tfw no Mucha Lucha

How do I cope

The real sad part about this, it's no matter how shit the shitposting gets in this this general, but how most people end up accepting it, or at least the vocal majority. It's not like I hate or anything, but even the shittiest memes or jokes that get posted in here still get picked up by the other sites.

I'll trade you one for a snek

I like how shitpostign me is somehow expected to stop me from posting her at the start of whatever thread I'm in.
Boy /fgog/, you sure did show me not to come around here again. I'm so scared.

Wait for her next rate up.
there wont be one



Yo level with me here.
Best CE for Enkidu
Imaginary Around +25% dmg to 3 quicks seems good, CE gives ATK only
Holy Night Sign If you crit a lot it would be better, if you don't - worse
[Heaven’s Feel] NP fill is useful, +10% to quicks is decent
I'm legally retarded and also posted cute girls so you are obligated to respond

Borrow mine after I care to level her up eventually.

Goth loli mystic code when

Now that Quetza is out, how would you rank the 5* Riders?

Black Grail is best.

>tfw 7 tickets and 250+ quartz saved
I-I can do this!

I would love that. I don't care how shit it would be compared to default. I would love it.

i dont think anyone is trying to do that

you should calm down

select all images with pizza

Solid Choices considering two are free CEs. Holy Night is kinda shitty now, but most Quick CEs are.

What's the reward for beting Salmon?

How easy is it to push shit on phone when talking to Google support on phone?

Free 5*

absolutely nothing

I'd rank her above Ozy personally

you get to see the credits because its the end of the game

>Someone on BL posted that Roman's final weapon is sending you back into the past
>You wake up just as you did once before in Chaldea
>Have to go through all the orders again but with an altered story
Hope Rome gets completely altered to Greece in that case

>Unfortunately your transaction cannot be completed at this time
Well fuck u too Google.

So if gods are aliens or some shit, what does that make the Abrahamaic God?

Is your first refund thru Google still guaranteed? Tempted to roll for Quetzal and Gorgon

Rome can be good on its own, just take out Nero and add some actually good characters, like Augustus or Remus.

> It's an Argonauts chapter where Jason gets wanked and everyone hates him

I recall we predicted a new game plus thing like that in the first month

>in Greece
Probably Achilles. Or Herk.

Nero is a good character though, don't let Septem ruin her for you.

I got my friend to do that last week because she was really fired about Kingu and they refunded her

The best answer I can give you is there is no single CE tailored for him. Take one for whatever you feel is going to be more useful. The one I'd personally recommend is the Gudako CE because star gen and NP damage are more useful than card ups in a servant where he has 3x quick with buster NP.
Other options include going passive effects like 2030, full np damage for single target nuke with black grail, or just something that is always good like sumo

What chapters had Nasu as writer/involved at all?

Is this what Nasuverse has been reduced to? A shitty Mass Effect/Babylon 5 ripoff?

Cool. Most expensive option?

> I'm the best. Praise me Master!
> Good

All of them. Nasu did Fuyuki 100%, Orleans to London at least 30%, over half of America, almost all of Camelot and all of Babylon.

It's cute you faggot.

Dude the first published nasuverse thing was Notes

Strange that the more he's involved the better the chapter is

Yeah, it took me a while to persuade her because she was really worried about not getting her money back

Too dindu for me. Also Saberface, to make it worse. Give me Hadrian building the Wall instead.

And i'm pretty sure it was Stargate that had aliens pretending to be gods

> The more he's written the better the Chapter is
> Sakuraifags BTFO

no one knows
10 grails

That still makes more sense compared to what Fate/Extella is trying to push down our throaths

I don't think particularly highly of Nasu but you're right. The reason is because while Nasu has some flaws Higashide and Sakurai are just fucking terrible.

A series of orders by Narita would be the best but he has far too much integrity to work on a mobage, he doesn't even touch VNs.

I don't think those exist

Oh you think Nero was a bad emperor in real life? Well you're wrong but i'll stop triggering you then.

They do, they pop in every now and then to suck Fragments dick

Why is she naked in a bath with a bunch of dudes?

Babylon 5 was there first. A major character and it's race turned out to have masqueraded as gods of different planets. Heck, they even used Jack the Ripper as their inquisitor.


How do you think the anime will fix Septem?

Because it's just nudity?

skipping it

New Years gacha or you'll have to wait for some filler gacha.
Can't believe it's been eight months since his last rateup.

>not a bad emperor
>literally burned Rome
Gee, I don't know what to think. Even goddamn Caligusa was better, and he was medically insane.

I gave him Sola Ui myself, 10% to Quick and 4% NP each turn is the best one I have for him. Really wish I have Kitchen Pastiere or Moonlit Four.

He got better with the years and he is definitely better than Higashide and Sakurai.

Nero was a bad emperor in real life. Not the worst, not literally the antichrist, but he was objectively bad. He was incompetent, divisive, grossly negligant, had no interest in preserving the greatness of Rome for further generations or fixing the mistakes of previous ones.

Saying he wasn't a bad emperor is spitting in the face of people who really WERE good emperors.

>Even goddamn Caligusa was better
Let's not go too far now

No he really didn't burn Rome.

Who wrote the ROAD ROLLER DA Pyramid scene? Nasu or Hackurai?

The thing I've noticed in 2016 especially as it winds down is that it's almost impossible to have a decent conversation about anything anymore because every forum seemingly no matter what it's supposed to be about seems to have been flooded by shitheads who just start flinging shit in every single direction in any given topic or thread and think things like having a job or being anything other than a waste of life make you uncool or something.

I don't even know what's truly going on but the population of the internet really seems to have lost it's mind worse than ever as the shitposting, pointless arguing and clickbait crap has kind of started outweighing the internet's actual productive content and things have gotten so bad I wonder if there's even any going back. It's like moderators everywhere don't want to do their jobs anymore either. Like we're talking the sort of shitposting and griefing that used to ultimately get taken care of or that communities used to take care of themselves is just kind of tolerated or even encouraged now as you say.

TL;DR: I think this goes beyond just a single Japanese mobage, the overall tone and content of the internet in general is kind of in a bit of a shitposting crisis in recent years and even months and the remaining decent folk with administrative powers really needs to start cracking down a little more on their hubs next year if it wants to remain at all viable as a tool for future generations. I mean that should really be everyone's new years resolution for 2017, to shitpost less or not at all.

The True One.
He is already placed above the others in Nasuverse.

Seriously, He is probably created by humanity hence why He is OP

Once Solomon joins your side, you can get Holy Grails from him by paying him quartz.

Would you do it?

Aliens as gods is a common trope and a recurrent conspiracy theory. Mass Effect and Babylon 5 were far from being the first things to deal with that idea.

>He got better with the years
>peaked over a decade ago

>The True One.
There is no such thing

It's just gotten too popular and people don't really stay on a single site anymore

Who's worse?
Scathach or Nero?


You're right though and I'd argue it's because of places like reddit and twitch becoming extremely popular.

A lox of quartz

Just move to discord or IRCs like all of the cool kids.

The bigger things get, the harder management becomes. That's just how it is.

Nero, easily.

Sure, I would rather get Arash to 100 than waste Quartz to get 3*CEs

>complete NG+ Fuyuki
>extra node unlocks
>It's Nero Fest Heracles


Not really, his storytelling is definitely more solid now that it was in FSN or FHA and his prose got far better, it's just that we have fond memories of those because they were the first thing we read by him. They were clunky anyway, just lovable.

>get up to my first delicious brown Ushi fight
>NP every single turn
>has her actual NP instead of just the extra attack animation
Yo this is some fucking shit

Didn't they confirm we are getting a rerun fo the Zero event on February? He will probably be there to roll.
I would rather have KnK rerun though

In a way, (at least in my case) you end up having less time to browse the internet as you age. Thus, you kinda expect that most of your browsing time becomes good. Which it won't, and you end up wasting your time. At some point you stop using discussion platforms and everything improves if just by a little margin.

Both are fine. To hate them is just a meme or literal autism.

An improvement in writing style doesn't mean shit when the actual story is worse. Nothing he's done since FSN has been as good.

And don't start bitching about how eops don't know what they are talking about, FSN is still one of the highest rated VNs in Japan. HF alone is rated far higher then most full VNs, including literally every single other TM work.

ok i was worried the game would actually maybe end and then i found this interview

>Nasu: To tell you the truth, the original plan for FGO was to have it be a two-part story. I wrote the settings and backstories while dreaming sweet dreams like, “If this game becomes popular…” This hasn’t changed since Fate/EXTRA’s inception. So if players keep on supporting us and the game keeps on going, we have plans for what comes after. Honestly, working on FGO is incredibly fun, if only I didn’t have any other work on the side. Unfortunately I can’t just keep on focusing on FGO since I have other titles that I have to work on, and it’s a lot of hard work to find the right balance. Right now, the only thing I can say is that we do have plans for what comes after.

we good boys

>calls others autistic
>has brain damage