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>Drawskya Industries
Why are all 2CP maps in this game shit?

>tfw no 5cp maps

id love it if this game had custom maps

i dont think i'd ever put the game down if i could play with custom maps

GUYS I NEED HELP ! i just got these emails and when i check my card i see the money refunded. i launched the game and my gold is gone but the skins are there. so far no bans. WHAT SHOULD I DO ? should i add the money again and buy more boxes or contact them first about it ? i really dont want to get banned though.

Well this thread is empty

>No Wave spawning
>Snowballing hell
>Repsawn times for defense are too short
>A lot of stall based heroes like Mei
>Spawn really far from the point
>takes forever
>Uses "Time Bank" instead of Stop watch

2cp needs to be aborted.


Everyone thinks the new widow highlight is pandering but I think there is also a lore reason. See, Widow still hasn't gotten over Gerard so she hates you for not being Gerard.

They're not gonna ban you calm down.


I enjoy KotH the most. It has two teams at an equal distance from spawn, with the chance to switch comps and try new people at new roles at different rounds, and with enough rounds to limit luck a bit without drawing things out for way too long.

I know a lot of people prefer payload, but I think it can get way too snowbally and teams in soloQ do not have time to readjust, put new people on the DPS roles, try out new comps, etc until they find a sweet spot.

can you bronzies or silverbros stream so we can give you tips?

These winter maps are so comfy. I wish they could be in a permanent rotation

No but seriously why doesn't Dva ever actually die? Even without the defense grid it doesn't matter how much damage I put into her, she will not die. I can unload as Tracer, hit everything, and she'll lose like 1/4 of her health.

How cancer is this game?

I swear I am not bad, its just that I can only support in silver because of 30 fps and you cant carry as support at that level. =/

>legendary skin is a literal reskin
Blizzard is lazy as fuck

I like making fun of people's voices since gamer guys are often insecure about themselves and get upset easily when their masculinity is questioned. Whenever someone bitches at me for not healing them I just make fun of their voice in front of everyone and their confusion and frustration can easily be sensed. What is even more hilarious is how they try to make their voice sound deeper next time they say something.

never bothered to touch any offense before aside from soldier but i guess i should learn about them
which ones are safe bets? i'm thinking about using sombra a lot but i'm not sure if she's any good

Are there any Overwatch streamers who actually have a decent personality? Don't say MoonMoon.

post specs

Why is there no 1 hero limit in Mystery Heroes?

>3 symmetras at the last defense point

Surefour is good, he also answers almost everything in chat whether you are a sub or not.

>Gets brainwashed to murder her husband
>Doesn't feel any regret
>Is supposedly emotionless
>Still loves him
>Gets butthurt when Ana mentions him

She just can't make her mind. But she's a woman so it's nothing new

And yet I want it more than anything. Ever.

b-but she changes into a snowman!!!

>I like being a child who can't form arguments, AND showing it to the world

30fps is really fucked though its like you shouldnt even be playing
try squeezing out every fps you can at the cost of literally everything possible since its super important
maybe non aim heavy dps like a winston or junkrat can allow you to exert more influence
30 fps doesnt even fun to play though

Winston finally got a good skin, now all he needs is a buff to his shield cooldown

In this event's special game mode we join Mei shorty after he coworkers tragically died leaving her the last survivor of her expedition. Having gone insane and built dozens of snowmen to replace her friends, she decides to have a snowball fight with herself

COD4 did that and no one complained. They should at least be selectable in custom games.

>enemy team has double zarya+double dva

xD fun game

>Reaper will never get a good skin

I like CurryShot, but if you think that his personality seems too much like a shtick even though it's his actual personality, then you might not like him.

>thought of cringey comeback while reading this
>tfw no one will ever make fun of my sexy voice so I'll never get to use it

Which is the 'Gay' Overwatch character?

Protip: It's not Zarya. She's too pure for lewd anyway.

We have to see how the meta develops and if new Symmetra is good. If so, Tracer can see a comeback since she is hard to kill with 150 HP, let alone 225.

Other than that, in the new 3 tank Meta, soldier is the pick to go for. Depending on your ELO, you can also get away with Pharah if people can't shoot up yet.

McCree can be really strong, but good D.vas will shut you down at every opportunity, and he is less forgiving than soldier since he is all about precise shots rather than spraying and pressuring.

Reaper is just a worse Roadhog right now since he can not hook people from afar and has to get into their faces, which is really difficult now due to Dva nad her matrix shutting him down quite effectively.

Sombra need her team to work around her and has little kill potential. If you have a team willing to take their time to do the Heal Packs cheese before initial fight she can be good, but I do not recommend focusing on her.

Genji is a bit weak since he is proficient at assassinating squishy targets, and with Ana and her tripple tank crew, these targets are more and more rare. Good squishies will just rush to their tank whenever you ult so they protect them by just swinging wildly.

you can still communicate in english bro. Most latinos I've played with have a decent understanding of english


Anyone got one of those templates to keep track of event drops ?

They should've given him proper plague doctor suit, not that shitty angry raven lego.

That's what I try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Timthetatman has a personality. A loud, obnoxious one, but a personality nonetheless.

I hesitated because I didn't want anyone here to be too jealous of my world-class setup


>symmetra reworked
>she's just as useless on koth and payload
hilarious really

>Game runs perfectly fine at high quality
>can run at high fps

> if it's not capped at 60 fps my GPU crashes


That passive aggressive cancerous fuck ? Might aswel be Moonmoon's brother

Zarya's the least likely female to be gay because it'd be too cliche' even for Blizzard. They'd have to deal with the backlash of making the obvious butch character the gay one. A safe pick would be Mei since no one gives a fuck about Mei otherwise.

Haven't watched him recently. Never remember him being passive aggressive in TF2.

Tim is annoying as fuck, desu. I don't get how he gets like 15k viewers.

Wait people actually buy boxes for this game they already paid for? You guys are suckers.

>he fell for the i7 meme
I'm sorry for your loss.

> watching streamers


As much as I love Pharmecy the cuck gency shippers at Blizz won't allow it.

So Tracer will be it.

I like to imagine Zarya's just a big ditzy awkward klutz when it comes to romance. She gets asked out on dates, and she just loses all composure and stammers about unable to react properly. And she lusts after all the buff boys in her infantry, but assumes they don't talk to her because they think she's not pretty, and not because she's intimidating physically and socially.

Nobody's too pure for lewd.

So is this going to be the end of Winston?
Dva is now strong and a viable pick.
Soldier is buffed and very good at tankbusting
Symmetra is buffed: +75 shields on squishies means that you can basically never kill one wuick enough and a shielded symmetra can 1v1 you.
Sombra is likely to be buffed and she can already cause problems with her health pack denial.

I guess he will still be used on KotH.

I watch them when I want to relax and chill out. That's why I like watching people that don't give a fuck like Surefour.
Besides, you can actually learn stuff by watching good players.

I'll second Surefour. He's a pretty cool guy.

I think it's Rein and maybe Mercy/Lucio and/or Pharah.

Pharmercy would bring too much cash when they give them matching skins and what not for blizz to skip out on it.

Rein would be a twist on a stereotype so ot would be interesting.

Lucio is just faggy.

Love Psu

Also post em'

>people that will wear mei and torbj santa skins after christmas


>people that will wear mei and torbj skins

Me too ;_;

This is one of my favorite memes and it's a shame there is so little fanart about it

Winston aka "Le monkey reddit loves" was always shit

>mystery heroes
>holding the enemy from reaching the end of Kings Row
>eventually their set up becomes 2 D.va, 1 Zarya, 1 Mercy, 1 Lucio, 1 Tracer
>get stomped

Where were you when Torb+Symmetra turned everyone into tanks?

Merry Christmas!

> +75 shields on squishies means that you can basically never kill one wuick enough and a shielded symmetra can 1v1 you
take out the shield generator, bronze boi

so soldier is the man eh

If you want easy boxes, play only when you get attack in King's Row or defense in Hanamura.

>people thought this will be the end of triple tank meta
>it is now an all tank meta

The joke is on us.

poke is our guy
watch out they have a hanzo

I actually like Ster, but he gets sullen as fuck when he's losing. He says it's just his voice, but it's not. If he's rolling the enemy team he sounds pretty happy.

Must smell fishy between her legs


amputards on suicide watch

That's before she lost them :^)

Has anyone played against Torbjörn + Symmetra defend team on point B yet?

How was it?

I imagine literally everyone having +150HP all day every day must be interesting.

>someone breaks up with Zarya
>expects her to pound hm into the dust
>she starts sobbing like a little girl, and runs home to eat ice cream and spite him and call her DVa and Mei for moral support
"Ahm jush a beeg, *sniff*, dumb fa-hah-ha-hatieee~~"
"Shhh... there there Zarya, it's okay. We're here for you."
"Y-yeah... 어리석은 괴물 아가씨..."

Anyone else who already ditched their Junkenstein's monster for Rudolph?

What do you sound like if your voice is so great?

I can't imagine anyone without a speech impediment caring what other people sound like

/g/ fags help

I'm running a cheap Amazon hdmi cable out of it

>finally try out comp
>get gold after placement
>lost all but two matches since, down to 1650
So much for that. I'll still get the 400 points at the end of the season even if I've dropped down right?

Monster was shit anyway

I watch One Amongst Many these days. He started a month or something like that ago and is only pulling 50-100 viewers, but his VOD analysis series is good and he does not have some annoying gimmick. I think he analizes VODs sent to him twice a week and gives players from all sorts of leagues tips on how to improve their play. I usually manage to learn something new from each video.

Besides, he might literally be /our guy/ since he seems to have the bloo fever going for him hard. His stream usually starts what would be 7 hours from now and goes on for 2-3 hours.

>using anything but Pigpen

Not yet. Only vs retarded attack Symmetras who do the usual, ie bunny hop furiously while pressing M1.

>pick torb
>rank goes up
uhh over tards???
how long do you think i can keep this up?

I played against once and I meme'd on him with soldier while he was widow, won against him twice

Anyone have that Zarya comic where she tells Hana and Mei or something about how he had a crush on Torbjörn, and then blushes and says "...he is so smol"?

>Torb Sym Bastion roadhog mercy junkrat on Eichenwalde defense
>Every Roadhog hook is a hook of death into turrets

Honestly pretty easy to counter but pretty fun in silver/gold

not for very long

Torb + Symm is a legit comp right now.

>tfw too scared to play competitive

>all 3 snipers on control point
>no other healer
Thanks for the 4 golds, at least I won't lose so many points

Anyone else noticed that they changed Zarya's "together we are strong" like? She now says it in russian with much more feminine voice.


everyone with taste has the fever