
>letting it die

This general is for discussing all shmups/stgs (shoot 'em ups/shooting type games).

Previous thread: (Dead)

Always Alive edition

Need something to play? Check this out: mega.nz/#!mlwG3ZCJ!NMdWxNY4pjqc1vFGwzyPIbtGor0GHObcfENNMgOQW1s

Join us on Steam! steamcommunity.com/groups/shmupg


DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu

Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo


Shmups Skill Test


Blue Revolver




Go Go Burunyanman Ecstasy!!! Steam-Edition

Other links
STG stream aggregator: stgrillz.appspot.com/

/shmupg/ high-score list:

/Shmupg/ community YT channel:

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first for dads

It's not like I could stop the other one from dying, it reached post limit.

that Guwange games fookin wicked m8

Fuck yea, Kamui playing Reinforcer

garegga torrent when

I think I am going to play a shooting game today

7th for sexcee

post results

You wouldn't pirate a methodical masterpiece.

Which ship is best for starting out in Crimson?

Type-1 obv.

Don't die now, because I might have a cool thing to post later.

>letting the last thread die
>before linking the new thread

what the hell you guys



>implying we can bump past 750

Anyway, I slightly updated my Veloce edit. Changelog is:
>running still looks ugly as sin

B-but I don't have nor have played Dariusburst CS

sad desu...

The last thread was pruned or deleted?

No, it ended properly.

Mushi + Futari do have a higher skill ceiling than 2hu.

Don't you dare die on me again, stupid /shmupg/.


Not a big enough fan of Keibu yet to get this! Haven't gotten any of the DLC for DBCS yet actually. It's quite the investment, maybe when they're 50% off I'll get them all.

fuck off you poohou cunt



Post you're EoSD WRs

I bet you're one of the idiots who jack off to Garegga

>2pooer trying to call anyone else idiots

>I bet you're one of the idiots who jack off to Garegga
Nah but beats being one of those cunts who jacks off to cartoon children, fucking dickhead. Your poohou shit will get you killed around me son.

Post your mushi futari ultra 1.0 scores/clear.

Wait, at what point does Veloce turn from nappy twintail nerdcore into multi-colored fluffy twintail cutie? I keep seeing two different interpretations of her design.

Right in the intro.

You're judging this by a broken as fuck beta version that literally no one takes seriously?

I see. Thank you, user. I haven't played the game myself. Is it fun?

Hell yeah it's fun

>manage to get to stage 4 with no deaths or bombs and with a decent score
>lose my focus
>die 4 times on stage 4
>still make it to the descent part of stage 5
>end up with 91 mil
could have gone worse desu

Go play freeware version right now then.

>have really good run where I don't die at all
>die once
>get SHOOK as fuck and rapidly die to fucking nothing after losing concentration

Any significant difference between the freeware version and the Steam one? I don't mind buying and supporting good shmups (lord knows they need our support) but if there are no actual differences I am not sure I could justify it.

Yeah, it's quite a bit different.

The way rank and scoring works.
Twice as much playable mechas and stages.
Text actually translated to english.

to me it happens because im feeling euphoric as fuck and its not because of some phony gods blessing after something like that and i regain the focus after dying

>tfw fingertips still numb from playing CCWI, even after 3 days break
shmupping made me become a cripple fuck


My thumbs fucked off Ketsui

You know, the guy that made the music for the Deathsmiles DBCS DLC is WASi303, who also coincidentally made the music for a really, really obscure budget 3D shmup on PS1 called Sanvein. And the music was really, really good! The best part about it, really.

Interesting that not only is he still around, he has made it as far as getting to make some music for a Darius game now. Cool.



>tfw you were 48 hours without net and games

WASi303 also did the music for the Ketsui and Mushihimesama arrange albums.

Half of Psyvariar 2 was him up to and including the theme for the Last Boss which... fits really well for some odd reason.
VGMDB has him on Psyvariar 1 but I didn't play that game nor imported the album so..

While I don't like him as much as Yack or MEGA he's pretty good too.

greg hype

>dat circle movements
is this stick power?

Yeah, that sounds like him all right. A lot of 90's Drum & Bass/Breakbeat/Techno influence in there, as with Sanvein. Pretty great.

Yeppers. Buzzing (grazing) in this game is nuts.

Darius stream when?

Now i want a stick.


you can easily make circles on keyboard

You know I never played pink sweets but I own the album and it's arranged sister. I should fix that one day.

It's not exactly like that. To graze you must constantly alternate between opposite side movements on the stick so that you can roll (spin). The circles he's doing is while, at the same time, rolling, making sure not to hit dead spots (and then hitting them anyways and dying)

So it's not like going WASDW it's going ADADWAWSWSDADAADADSWSWSADADWSWSDADADWADWSWSAD. And I don't know about you but I haven't learned to play the piano.

U-uh... well... I'm really not feeling shmups a lot right now. Been playing Donpachi lately, but mostly just to listen to some new music. Didn't make any progress...

But good idea, I'll stream some Darius in the next few days. Maybe every day even? I don't want to promise too much though.


>that literally no one takes seriously?
Tell that to Gus and no you can't move the goalposts.

God damn i hope the psyvariar games come to steam, i'd play revision pretty much non stop. I own the psyvariar mix cd that came out years back, this remix was the best tune on it complete fire youtube.com/watch?v=gpZ1OWevFmk

Damn nice post ive been after the sanvein ost for a whilst... a fun little ps1 title aswell.

>To graze you must constantly alternate between opposite side movements on the stick so that you can roll (spin).

Wrong, after you start spin with a quick alternate input the spin continues endlessly along as you keep moving.

Sure but unless I'm mistaken, you need to alternate in order to buzz the same bullet.

>sanvein ost for a whilst
Physical or digital? If the latter I might be able to help you.

Sanvein did get an OST release in 2007 way after the game came out, but even finding an MP3 download for that is next to impossible. I downloaded it once, but that was years ago. Finding a lossless version let alone the CD is probably never gonna happen...

>Physical or digital? If the latter I might be able to help you.
don't sweat it lad i can rip it from youtube now.

Aye desu my fav sanvein bit is the hype as fuck jungle explosion between stages.

>Sure but unless I'm mistaken, you need to alternate in order to buzz the same bullet.

No it's just that the nature of the beast makes you have to if you get what im saying, the hoops gluon fires out for example will keep buzzing if you are spinning and just moving around the perimeter. If you have the port roll button you'll see that spinning just grazes but you aren't having to achieve the rolling+navigation that you do without it. Medium unit the first game is the one where bullets only singularly graze afaik.

Anything would be amazing, honestly. Thank you!

>Tell that to Gus and no you can't move the goalposts.
gus plays 1.01, but since you decided to bring him in, why don't we ask the man himself?

>where bullets only singularly graze afaik.
ah okay gotcha. Thanks user. It's been awhile so my memory on things that aren't strictly based in music ain't the sharpest it's ever been. And on that topic

>don't sweat it lad i can rip it from youtube now.
But I insist

thats a fact of demographic to game ratio though and not related to the point of skill ceiling we were talking about earlier with a little gus subjectivity throw in earlier. A game that no one plays hypothetically but with a super high skill ceiling doesn't stop having that skill ceiling just because no ones bothered to discover it.

J-jeez, there's no need to thank me for playing a videogame...
It's not like I'm even good or anything! Can't imagine how anyone would wanna watch that!

I'm the one who needs to be thankful!

>But I insist
Ah, great. That's exactly the version I was talking about.
In fact, it's the only version that exists, apparently. No CD release then, digital MP3 only. Thanks! I'll make sure to back it up for the future as well.

sorry you'll have to decode my post, somehow a chunk moved location.

>t-technically it doesn't 100% prove me wrong so I'm still right
Now please tell me how you know what the unreached skillceiling in games you haven't played seriously yourself is

Whether i've experience something personally or not does not stop said thing existing, it just stop it being recognized in my consciousness. Poohou has more players per game than probably any other shmup so no surprise that its been pushed (despite being shit) that doesn't mean it has a greater skill ceiling than other games though and if you think it does why don't any of those top touhou players have cave world records yet?

I never said it has a higher skillceiling, the discussion sprung from someone saying it has a lower one (so that statement would have to be proven rather than disproven)

This has surprisingly been a fun and much needed experience from my Border Down attempts. When I'm not just playing Border Down to take a break from my 1cc border Down attempts

Has anybody else played it. Shinji Hosoe really helped bring out the experience I've come to expect from that sort of collab.

Not unlike how he helped flesh out the final stage in Under Defeat.
Especially when you get to the super tank and it super tanks all over you.
On the topic of Under Defeat, the very first time I beat him was on Hard. Because after losing multiple times to him on normal I forgot that I set my practice settings to hard. It took almost 4 hours to do it without dying.

>I never said it has a higher skillceiling
fair enough then, i misunderstood.


playing games very badly
www.twitch tv/draconicimpulse

Except this has nothing to do with the original skill ceiling subject.

>hey let's implement cool looking bombs the player can have fun with!
>ok, but let's make it so that the play gets punished for using them so he can't have fun with them


should i buy mecharitz now or wait till steam sale.....

If the goal is to support the dev and show them maximum love... now. If you just want the game and wouldn't mind a lower price I would wait I suppose.

Why does gus have a ton of stuff about pigs on his page there?

ebin... simply EBIN...

tfw cant clear DDP at all

Keep practicing.

It hasn't gone on sale for very much yet. Like a dollar off so is the lowest they've done. The game is also 6.99 though, not exactly expensive.

should i ever use continues?

credit feeding is good

If you are playing one credit at a time you are doing it wrong. Credit feed all you want and make savestates in the beginning of the stage/bosses.

Are the Mushi Gold Label attendance rewards broken for anyone else? I boot it up at least 3 times a day (within the same 24 hr period) at the same times and I keep getting to the day 2 reward but then it resets itself to day 1 the next time.

I got the day 1 reward several days in a row.


The Cave DLCs out


I'm gonna wait for the Winter Sale because I don't have that much money


>tfw you were 36 hours with games and without the internet