Whats it like to daily a motorcycle? I want to start riding because im interested into the experience. Ive never even sat on a 2 wheeler excluding at bicycle so im very intimidated
Whats it like to daily a motorcycle? I want to start riding because im interested into the experience...
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It's fucking fun. You will have to carry everything in a backpack or get boxes^bags for the bike. It sucks when it rains and when it's fucking cold. Bike shouldn't be only vehicle cause they are impracial as shit. They are also easy as fuck to ride if you understand driving stick and bicycles.
Should take an msf course to see if you actually really want to ride. some dumbshit on their phone could end you.
Okay and yea thank you. Im only 19 so MSF is Mandatory in CA, so i will see then. Thanks a lot man!
Dailying a motorcycle is overrated. It's fun most of the time but there are periods where the practicality of a legitimate car is very hard to not miss.
And depending on which motorcycle you get, they can be very uncomfortable. What you have in your pic and in mine are fucking miserable to daily. First gear goes to 105mph so think about how terrible it feels to be hunched over behind a slow fucking retard Prius on their phone when your land jet is vibrating between your legs begging you to take off like a fucking rocket
Faster and generally more economical than cars. Has the obvious highly increased risk of dying from asshats not paying attention. You wont want to ride in the rain, so youll need something else for those days, and storage space is very limited. All in all, a good choice for a daily, especially if filtering is legal where you live
That makes sense. I already own a car and im a car enthusiast so i wont ever ditch the scene. I just want to try something new. And i wont be starting off in the 1000cc cbr trust me lol.
This is why you don't daily sport bikes like a retard. Learn from the mistakes of this fool and get a standard.
This me again.
If you do get one make sure you have gear b4 the bike or you end up doing this like a fucking retard. Gear has since been delivered. I kno there is much wrong with this pic.
Don't be a squid.
What about dailying a cruiser?
Pic related. If I was gonna daily a bike I'd get something like this. Not saying you have to get the Beemer but something in that class. (And let's be honest, most enduros won't see any more dirt than being parked in a grassy field on occasion) You'd want something with comfy suspension, good torque and nimble enough to squeeze through traffic but not so small as to be tossed around on the expressway on days when the weather isn't ideal. Panniers are a must. There's days when you get up in the morning and it's cold so you need more gear than you'll need on your return trip so for that panniers are a must. A lot of guys love heated grips but to me they aren't a deal breaker. Nice to have but not required.
Personally I don't commute on my bike cuz I live 3 miles from work. I leave my house very early in the morning so most days it takes me almost longer to get all my shit on than the drive takes. I do it once in a while but not regularly. If I had a longer commute I'd probably do it though.
Fucking shit. Forgot to add pic cuz I'm a tard.
If you're in socal you can totally daily a bike year long, plus lane splitting can make commuting 10x better, for a n00b I'd recommend a dualsport like a dr650 or nekkid like the gs500, ride it while you learn since they're cheap af and you won't mind it as much when you inevitably drop it. Take the MSF tho and see if you even like riding.
Yes, the worst thing is you bought a fucking Honda CBR repsol.
Seriously, get some taste.
It has it's disadvantages like weather and higher risk of injury, but on a long busy commute being able to skip traffic saves so much time it's amazing.
Then there is the fact that even an average motorbike will rape the majority of cars off the line.
>Spending $20k on a commuting bike
Sport tourer is the only proper choice for a dedicated commuter bike
I'm the living Version of shit dbt tells you not to do. Bought it 3rd hand from Craigslist with only 250miles. I didn't pick the color. first bike ever 600cc sportbike. Drove it home 40miles no plates, no insurance, or license. While squiding.
All of that shit is wrong. Just because nothing bad happened doesn't make it ok. I like everything that has two wheels. was just cheap as fuck and priced to move. Dude had to many toys and no where to keep them.
Post bike, im.guessing gsxr?
No bike is "good" for daily faggot. I did it for a few years. A car is better in almost every way.
>lane splitting
enjoy getting crashed into by a fucking moron on their cellphone
Read post again. Especially 3rd sentence.
Nobody said anything about buying a $20k commuter. Triumph and Suzuki make fine alternatives to the Beemer.
As far as sport touring for commuting? Not that great. It does fine don't get me wrong but I think I'd rather be on something with a softer suspension and more upright position.
I have a sport tourer but if I was gonna commute regularly I would go more enduro.
ive ridden my sv650 300+ days a year for the last 3 years. its tits. get some goretex boots and a rain suit.
It is wet, cold and dirty, but way more fun than a car and also faster.
some of the most fun you can have but fairly impractical and you can die pretty easy
It's great as far as two wheeling goes. Get something with a full fairing and heated gear and riding in the rain/cold is no big deal. Miss mine because it's down for major maintenance at the moment.
Im a noob and this is what i want
Thanks for confirming i made the right choice
>Same bike from bmw but 300cc
>only 5k
>but 300cc
What sport tourer do you have? I was massively more comfortable on my FJ1200 moving from my enduro bike.
really fun unless it rains a lot. Bundling up gets old. Also you need to leave the daily commute sometime and explore, or the bike becomes less fun and just another tool
Winter. Summer.
Rain. Sun.
Shopping for 3-4 days at a time.
IMO the only issue for me was the lack of space for moving bigger shit (my limit was a boxed 15" sub) around, having to find a place for your jacket/pants/helmet wherever you went and a spare change of clothes if the weather was gonna shit because your onepiece rainsuit always fucking leaked somewhere like your crotch.
That said, I've since sold all my bikes and daily a miata, so it's basically the same but slower and no filtering.
Does anyone here ride in LA? Thinking about going through the process to get one but I'm nervous about dying to a soccer mom in a 2 ton SUV on day one. Can any LA riders confirm if its just the way of life or can someone extremely cautious make it without incident?
Definitely get a bike.
But have a car too.
Dailying a bike can be a pain sometimes, wearing gear and putting stuff in your backpack. But when you go for a ride, just to go for a ride, it's the best shit ever.
It's great fun once you're out if the weather is good.
If it's cold or wet then it's shitty.
It's a pain in the ass getting your bike out and putting it away again at the start/end of the day, YMMV depending on the size of your garage/access
It's a pain in the ass getting your gear on just to ride to work
It's really very dependant on a lot of things. In optimal conditions it can be fun. Anything else, it can be a real pain.
In the past (when I was a kid with no car) I have used a motorcycle as my sole form of transport...I got by.
Now that I have a car I would never even dream of using my bike as my primary vehicle.
There is no bad weather; only inappropriate clothing.
I've ridden over the Rockies in snow and through deluges that had cars pulling off the road. It's just a matter of having the right gear.
You're not going to get away without owning a car, unless you don't mind carrying groceries on a saddlebag or are suicidal enough to try biking in snow.
When weather permits and you aren't going shopping or anything though daily driving a bike is pretty great.
I daily on a cruiser and I like it for the most part. If it's raining or below freezing I'll drive a car but otherwise I'm on the bike.
Unfortunately my bike is 1400cc. I got it when my commute was 100% highway and wanted a bigger bike (had just totaled a 650cc cruiser). Then job changed to a city commute and 1400cc is OK but the heat that thing produces in stop and go traffic can be brutal.
Get some fucking training first.
The brakes are all wrong for a bicycle. The gears are all wrong for a car. It's almost nothing like riding a bicycle, and almost nothing like driving a car, but somewhere between the two.
Buy a cheapish 125 to learn with.
You will still need a car, but you can settle for a boring reliable DD if all your fun is going into bikes.
Yes it's expensive.
Yes, you may look 'uncool' to idiots.
But you'll look even less uncool when you hit the floor and leave your skin and extremities behind.
What do you recommend to protect my neck and hands in cold ass weather?
I wear a tube scarf and double gloves, but I shiver and my hands still go numb in November Illinois weather.
These guys should give you a few ideas.
There is always electrics. Warm&Safe makes good stuff and gives discounts and trade-ins. He's a good guy.
Get one of these if you want to daily a bike.
Trust me.
Also, don't listen to the Kit Kat guy. He's a faggot IRL and a nobike. Might wanna hit up the reoccuring /dbt/ here on Veeky Forums for more help from bike guys.
Sup user. I ride year round, live 20km from work and don't own a car, so I pretty much have to ride. I used to cycle to work before that, so I'm kinda used to some aspects of it.
>Whats it like to daily a motorcycle?
Hassle free parking, filter everywhere, mostly fun most of the time.
As for how miserable it can be, depends on your weather and how ill or well prepared you are. It's annoying when it's cold out and you have to put 2394898 layers on. Also getting caught in the rain isn't a lot of fun.
I can give you a piece of unpopular advice. You want maximum comfy and practical? There's a reason why the streets of Europe are littered with pic related (albeit fancier ones). Get a scooter, a comfy blanket and a top box.
>I daily on a cruiser and I like it for the most part. If it's raining or below freezing I'll drive a car but otherwise I'm on the bike.
But since i tejas i dont ride in the blaring heat of August either. Getting stuck in traffic in 110 degree inbetween cars is death.
Theres actually good advice on here but i dont know if its just my case or some others have experienced it but as a daily ive run into drivers who for some abusied puppy mindset fucking HATE the fact that youre on a bike. They will cut in front of you. They will brake check you. And they will take it as an insult you are passing them.
When and if that shit happens just keep your shit together and drive defensively. Dont be judge dredding it cause one of these times you will piss of that one person who just has no fucks to give.
So my advice is head on a swivel and patience.
>3" of snow
>"Get a car, loser"
There is always a way. 2WD if need be.
speaks the realities of DD a bike.
if you have a short ride, sport bikes are it. but longer rides makes sports bikes a pain.
forget those off-on road bikes bmw makes its the SUV of bikes and if you want a SUV buy a SUV
trailbikes are for trails and like sports bikes longer rides get to be a pain.
longer rides definitly get a cruiser.
invest in motorcycle safety training before you daily: its not you you have to worry about when you are on a bike its every other fuckwit around you. when you crash try not to lay the bike down. apart from the obvious reasons (hot exhaust & bike is heavy) because good riders shouldnt have to lay the bike down. geddit?
Fuck you dual sport master race
horrible. really expensive start up costs and then it will take you at least a few months before you can be ok enough at it to ride on the street.
if you get a carbeurated bike you'll have to wait like 10 mins for it to warmup.
just get a car
Everything you describe is what i did exactly.
4k to get bike and gear
No bike first bike
And none of it was expensive, scary, or waiting...but tejas so it never really gets below 40 except for like a few weeks then its back up to 50s and 60s so i wouldnt know.
It makes commuting fun.
In civilized countries, third world shitholes, and godless communist California you can filter through traffic and save a lot of time. In the other 49 states of America you have to pretend you are a car and not filter.
Cold only sucks when it is raining, or snow and ice. What really sucks to ride in is hot humid weather and you are stuck in traffic.
There is a meditation like quality to riding a bike. You have to spend so much focus on operating the bike. You can't think about other things.
my first bike was a single cylinder air cooled 250cc. it didn't need to warm up.
it had electric and kick start.
>it had electric and kick start
>gee billy your mom let you have a bike with electric AND kick start?
It sucks. You will hear the phrase "sorry mate I didnt see you" after every near death experince.
Riding gear is super hot so you will sweat your ring out in lunch time stop start traffic
Summertime here rains heavily eithout warning. Enjoy getting soaked just to have a hot sunny day 5 minutes later.
Rest of year its bitterly cold and freeze your fingers.
Cant carry more than a backpack full of stuff.
But god almighty every now and then you get a clear patch of road and give it a squirt and for those few moments you are free
Ever copped a grasshopper to the throat at 60mph? You will.
>if you get a carbeurated bike you'll have to wait like 10 mins for it to warmup.
Not really, it takes the same time it takes me to put my jacket, earbuds and helmet on for the bike to warm up enough to ride.
Once it idles without the choke you're good to go, just don't go fanging it until it's properly warmed up.
Copping a rock to an unprotected neck at 50mph canes, lemme tell you.
Wasps are another thing entirely though...
Right now, it's VERY FUCKING COLD to daily a motorcycle.
In Australia you can ride motorbikes year round. Pretty cool.
>3rd hand from Craigslist with only 250miles
It's fine
>first bike ever 600cc sportbike.
It's fine
It's fine
But you already have a sportbike?
i had a motorcycle as my only vehicle and it drove my grandparent's mental so they bought me a car
>Riding gear is super hot so you will sweat your ring out in lunch time stop start traffic
that negative is often offset by lane splitting/filtering and more parking options. If you're in a dense city you can't really justify driving around in a car, life is too short to sit in traffic.
Also you can get gear that breathes better for summer.
OP here to whom it may concern i have a car so thats out of the way. I love card and will never leave them. Its a blown '14 mustang GT and i know some of you hate stangs or whatever. But i grew up with them and i got into modding. But otherwise i wanted to daily a bike solely because im going to be running low 10's on my mustang and im going CORNN. So i need something thats zippy with gas mileage better than a blown corn fed mustang 5.0
This is totally a gaf thread
Any single/twin cylinder bike up to ~650-700cc and 80~ish HP would be fine as a first bike.
Something like an SV650 or MT/FZ-07 would be gud.
Im actually looking at 2014 honda cbr500r yay or nay?
Eh, nay desu.
Bit anemic, bland, a little on the heavy side and they have poor cornering clearance from low footpegs.
Honda 500s and 750s are all scooter engines
Get an NC if you want an auto bike otgerwise get a yellow kawasaki vulcan to get the full muscle image
>What do you recommend to protect my neck and hands in cold ass weather?
Windproof scarf or bandanna for your neck, and either heated gloves for your hands, or wind deflectors mounted on the handlebars.
Sucks when you crash
I'll never crash I'm to smart and to good of a rider to do that
absolutetly amazing if you live in a culturally enriched state like Cali.
make sure you have a bagpack or something
You can daily a bike if all your hobbies include mostly riding the bike. If you want to do anything else though you'll need a car. Examples. I can't carry all my fishing shit on my bike. I can't carry my kayak on my bike. I can't carry all my guns on my bike. I can't take my bike off road innawoods with all my camping shit (to be fair I could if I had a dual sport, but I still wouldn't be able to haul the camping shit with me). I can't ride the bike to the track because that's just a shit idea (if you crash you're stranded).
If you live somewhere it snows you will need a car. If you live somewhere it doesn't snow, but rains all the fucking time you'll be wishing like hell to be in a car on a shit weather day.
Maybe I'm just getting old. I used to not give a fuck about any of that stuff. I could never see myself owning just a bike again. I would daily it as much as possible, but I need a car/truck first.
Leather suits look fucking awesome. Even biker boots and a nice leather motorcycle jacket look cool as fuck. I'll never understand people who think riding a bike in shorts and a t-shirt looks dumb. I guess it's because they're dumb.
What's the counter to this?
NOOOOOOO!!!!! That song is reserved for driving in a CAR ONLY! There are other songs for motorcycle riding. Jesus, even the setting and time of day is wrong. BAKA!
hide behind a fuck huge windscreen. other than that nothing.
there isn't one, is just what you put up with.
Same as copping a face full of bugs every time you go out for a ride in spring. it's just what it is.
Wear a helmet, like you should be anyway.
$2k on a 15 year old sportsbike without abs or $5k on a relatively new sportsbike with ABS?
not a fan of ABS on bikes. I think statistically you are more likely to crash with ABS than without ABS.
no source i remember reading it somewhere and I dont care to go look it up. Learn 2 brake problem solved
ABS is shit
The only exception is BMW or aprilia's Bosch system (which is overkill)
Get a cheap bike, you will drop it, crash and badly maintain it
Avoid low displacement "sportbikes" unless they're an mc22 or rs250 (which will kill you)
There are only two kinds of riders. Those who have crashed and those who will
Got a 2006' gs.... living the dream.
>Comuting winter like summer
>Heated grips, nice cover of the body by the fairing.
>High as fuck, great visibility far ahead.
>Looks like a cop bike, always get between cars without any problems, people see you going next to them, they throw their phones in the passenger seat in a milisecond.
Shit's pretty fun
>assume everyone is too much of a moron to maintain their first bike/car because you project your idiocy on others.
Fuck off.
I went off roading a week or two ago and saw a absolute ton of bikers on the trail I was driving on
Saw this hot piece of machinery among them all, it was pretty nice looking