/nosg/ - nostalrius general

Pic related is the average alliance player edition

/nosg/ - Nostalrius General
12/14/16(Wed)03:55:15 No.162694123
52 KB
>What's happening?
Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie and run by the original Nost team. We're currently waiting on server release.

>When is the release?
December 17th, (18:00 GMT+1/12PM EST) for the OLD server. 3-4 weeks after the NEW server will be released which we will be playing on.

>OLD NOST PvP and PvE(Name: Nostalrius PvP/Nostalrius PvP)
These will have all your old level 60 chars for nostalgia's sake. Will be released on Dec 17. (No one will roll here)

>NEW NOST PvP (Name: Elysium PvP)
Brand new server, will be released 3-4 weeks after old nost. (We will be rolling here.)

>What faction are we rolling?

Horde discord: discord.gg/WPF7uMP

Alliance discord: discord.gg/tZZ6Qg


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:


Dwarf or Human paladin?

Has non-latin alphabet been autobanned from BGs/other public chats yet?

freshcucks BTFO!!!

does luna have mouseover casting?

if not which addon should i get?

reminder to message these people for invite to alliance guild

King Cummies#5223

What do you actually need NR gear for in terms of raiding, and how much NR do you need for that?

>you will never be madti's arcanite slave

i fucking hate this shit general

Hello lads, I will be a brand new player on Nostalrius on the 17th, which server is the more popular one to begin leveling on - the PvP or the PvE?

ZG, 100

For PVE it doesn't really matter since you'll be healing, in PVP humans have the edge.


For anyone who missed it. Alexs POV from his failed gank on the lvl 17 hunter.

Can I change the range in which I can see nameplates in vanilla? I tried SET nameplateMaxDistance "40" in the config but to no succes.

The next post with dubs names my character. I'll pick one word from it if it's not addressed to me.

>randomly starts pressing war stomp and roots whilst moving
What is his logic here?
He's fucking spamming roots and stomp whilst moving thinking it's going to cast regardless, what the fuck

what was the point of Indi pretending to be Kungen? i dont get it

Another "epic" grud meme.

Please don't bully /ourguy/ Alex he's just a PvE player.

Obviously it was bugged, thats why he never attempts to root him again.

Why? Shouldn't Stoneform be better than Perception?


The fuck was going on with that useless hunter pet? Are they all like that?

i am literally embarrassed for him

name one good druid pvp player
you can't

was reading through the last thread and there were TONS of deleted pictures about some Alex scam? even both archives have them deleted? can someone repost them?

Hey guys is there an addon I can use that will perform a stopcast macro when my cast time is less than a fixed amount?

Surely there has to be a way to automate this stopcast instead of having to manually do it.

There has to be some addon that can read remaining cast time, that can be used in conjunction with a spammable macro.

Because if not, it's a fucking nightmare playing as a caster since to perform the best you need to stop casting 0.1-0.5 seconds before you're done.

Both are shit. You have cleanse for poison and Perception is useless



Alex scammed gold off people trying to trade accounts

Rate my UI


i'm in that picture

Oh alright, will go human then thanks

the guy who fought against alex was twice as good as the dual wielding warrior who doesn't use ham string while getting kited.

Can't cleanse your own blind. Also stoneform removes bleeds.

A police report was uncovered from his hometown regarding his involvement in an attempted rape. We figured out this is why he still lives in his parents basement and plays shitty private servers all day. Luckily the woman outran him and he just couldn't seem to catch up to her.

3/10 least you don't use xperl and all that jazz, and you keep it default

He did use hamstring, but the druid gets out of it. Idiot.

I want to sneak around and kill people while they are doing quest

me on the mount

Try killing yourself instead

>he just couldn't seem to catch up to her.
Maybe he'll have better luck on the fresh server.

Dwarf, stoneforming blind and being immune to crippling slow+bleeds instead of having to cleanse it all the time or wasting blessing is more useful than perception perception against rogues.
Also stoneform can be useful against warriors.

Human level is alittle faster because of sword spec and rep bonus make your progress for some of the items faster, basically sped up reach to an endgame during which you get no benefit.

I would say to just go for whichever you prefer aesthetically (there are way way more human paladins if you want to be special)




List goes on....


No because I enjoy life

PvE is a snoozefest, roll on PvP and slaughter some chinks with Veeky Forums

>as a tank you can never ever slack or lose focus
>killing Garr with my guild back in vanilla
>boss at half hp
>MT says "phone brb"
>just stands there and never loses aggro untill Garr is dead

dwarf is the pvp king on alliance side. when half of the horde are undead rogues being immune to all their shit is great. not just for paladin, dwarf anything is fantastic.

>Remove bleeds as Paladin

For what purpose? Stoneform is goat for Rogues though.

>Luckily the woman outran him and he just couldn't seem to catch up to her.

I see. Maybe go dwarf then after all. I take it getting consc asap is a good idea on Nost, right?

>he just couldn't seem to catch up to her.

Nice avatarfag- and tranny- containment guild.

I always end back on mage, seriously the ultimate badass motherfucker with so much utility and a a fucking Blink, the coolest and best spell in game

>Won't even put one (1!) single talent point into feral charge
Creator of the levelling talent trees confirmed to be a retard.

if it's still bugged, yes. if not then go full ret

how are you playing already

Consecration was bugged on nost but fixed on elysium so you need to wait and see what they do

its was bugged at the time

>if you have an energy tick mod, get imp shred
Why? Why the fuck would you need an energy tick mod for that? It's just fucking shred.

>as a caster since to perform the best you need to stop casting 0.1-0.5 seconds before you're done.
What the fuck are you talking about?

feral charge is pvp talent, this is the leveling guide, it is supposed to maximize your speed while leveling and not fighting players

does classicmouseover work with luna?

>Take Feral Charge if you plan on doing any pvp
I know reading is hard but c'mon man.

>PvP server
>le leveling build
get the hell out


Hey man, that's not nice.

If you need to cast spells on mouseover - luna has a builtin macro for that.

You forgot me.

>doesn't know about cutting cast times
In vanilla (and possibly into several expansions) it is possible, due to lag, to stop casting an ability a few moments before it would actually cast, and it would still end up casting.

Ever notice how if you're mounting up, and you quickly move before you're done casting the mount, you will still mount up?
It's the same thing.
You can increase your DPS by like 5-10% (if not more) by using a stopcast macro

Normally it would be something like...


On the first press, it would cast frostbolt. On the second press, it would stop casting. On the third press, it would do frostbolt again.

With correct timing, you can get those frostbolts out about 5-10% faster. The thing is, it's difficult to time it perfect every time. If there were an addon that could perform a stopcast when a spell has a short time remaining until it is cast, you would basically automate the process.

Oh yeah sorry.




oh really? all im finding are mouse binds, but i want keyboard ones

And how would an addon account for the lag which is a variable? It was an issue back then because most people had shit internet connections.

Only if your ping is over 200.

>mfw reported you

This. But taking it like a good cuck while masturbating on le leveling build must be superior I suppose.

Why would someone even roll a druid if he doesn't plan on doing any PvP, especially if you plan on staying feral? Retarded.


Can you elaborate what is it you need exactly?

but thats not me
hey man i didn't avatar fag for at least like 1 week now

Would it be stupid to first fill in the marksman points and only then to go BM?

t. hunter noob

You simply input a timer yourself. Put it to stop 0.2 seconds beforehand, see if it works. Slowly increase that timer as much as possible until just before it stops it too early.

Lags is variable, yes, but at the very least you can set it to stop with a timer corresponding to the minimum lag you get. It would still be more efficient than doing it manually.

Are you stupid? It's more important at higher pings, but it works at any ping.

>a best build to get most exp/hour
>states that it's a leveling build
>says to get a pvp talent if you plan to do ANY pvp
Can you autist noobs start taking guides with a grain of salt and not just copy everything 100% or complain about it?

I dont need it with my 30ms ping.


I much prefer the playstyle since wotlk, however.
Those instant cyclones are pure sex.

kys avatarfag

Shut the fuck up and enjoy being corpsecamped for next 2 hours loser

>only attempts to cast roots once while moving
>doesn't use feral charge at any point
>uses warstomp on pet and a mob, aggroing the mob to himself
>"woooow he potted" when alex is the one who ganked him, and alex is lvl 25
Truly he is /ourguy/

It would still increase your DPS, albeit marginally.

all classes in vanilla are super boring

Well I mean you could, but then you're delaying getting to the good stuff like Imp. AotC, Intimidation (your only reliable stun/interrupt) and Bestial Wrath by some way. The aim of the build is to get your pet as powerful as possible quickly so that you can more or less rely on it to fight for you, then picking up so extra damage later. Doing it that way around also means that your pet will never struggle at holding aggro.

>trying this hard in vanilla
Honestly in anotber expansion maybe but theres no point being this try hard on a 1.12 server in 2016

What time is the launch

6pm GMT+1?

Noobs will ignore it. Just sayin. It doesn't work like that on a PvP realm. It should be the other way around, although there is no point in being strictly PvE, especially as a druid.

It would save me 0,03s on each cast, so 1 extra per like 60 casts. Insignifficant.

t. Noob who hasn't even raided Naxx

so when im mousing over party/raid frames i want to be able to just press my keyboard binds with my heals without needing to actually click and target each raid member