Planetside 2 General /ps2g/

res pls edition

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

Last thread died

Other urls found in this thread:

1st 4 memes ;DD

Fug I was scared for a while that we are Ded

lets do hella memes

Do we ever do anything else?

no, its gr88888888 ;DD

dead :(

rip in peps biblethump ;_;

I wanna click mans DDD:


i just ate four big macs


pls giv me 1

no i ate them

y ;_;


i was hungry

So to disarm a criminal with a handgun I have to dislocate my hitbox from my body?



n e 1 else suffer frum moderate to severe asslust?

haha benin

blanedmans are bag :----D
t. ingame



Did the patch remove server lag?

I hope the next patch removes the server



This general is still alive?

I haven't played in months

Our memes never die

I still see people moonwalking so no

Woah dude

Jesus christ

Did some shitters get banned in the last thread?

Because there's no explanation for being this slow all of a sudden

game is ded bro

Miller is running even worse.. it's unplayable.
People render 2m in front of me, hitreg is fucking shit

i really need 2 organize my benin folder ;DD



>tomorrow is matte faction camo day
>leaked table has been retweeted by Daybroke
>in-game says tomorrow it's going to be metallic yellow, further sales confirmed up to 1 week
I wanna be ikea man

No ikea man for me :,(

Game is getting worse with every patch

There was a patch today?

Oh boy hahahahahahahahah


How do I farm carbine kills?

yeah "server stability".
Game is unplayable, getting hit 3 seconds behind a corner by everything with 35 ms ping

Well I guess we'll just die then

point ye gunne at yon enemie
depress trigger

>tfw blessed by RNGesus


>Because there's no explanation for being this slow all of a sudden

The third guy posting here finally gave up, so it's only us now user :3

shot mans

kill people with carbines :)

>shooting when you have a ~10% probability of hitting at best
>not waiting one second and getting a decimeme with 100% probability >>>>>implying you can aim better
fucking shitter desu
desu luck shots don't count as decimemes, they're just that, lucky shots
praising lucky shots equates to diluting the ancient art of skillful decimemeing with rancid piss
you are bad and you should feel bad
t. decimeme supreme

remember, /ps2g/ is a bully free zone!

>The year is 2183
>The residents of virtual-hub 154297 "/ps18g/" are having their annual meetup
>The relevance of the location, a beach, and the things they do there are lost upon them, time has whittled away any meaning, they just know it has to be this way
>They wheel out the keeper of auraxian lore, one of the original planetside players, his "life" extended unnaturally through their advanced technology
>Clearing sand from dusty speaker grills he lets out a high-pitched and garbled burst of static, meant to be a cough
>Silence falls upon the small, and dwindling, crowd
>"We are here today to observe the most holy of ancient rites. Bestowed upon you all now by my fellows. I shall read the scroll"
>The crowd watch in rapt amazement as his four robotic arms slide the flexible e-ink scroll from its PU tote
>Turning his volume to maximum the lorekeeper's voice bellows across the beach
>A small pause
>"Airnigger cancer farm crops"
>"AIM BETTER, Just use a deci"
>"Never sit on your face"
>"t. benin"
>The crowd replies with a hushed "benin"
>After a minute of silence the handlers package the lorekeeper away into his crate, to be wheeled out again next year in order to speak to the faithful who remain

but who won the war?

NS always wins the war

t. shitter

those who ded

t. plato

good night!

keep the thread alive guys


good night memer :3c

I might play today, I dunno

Calm down, you sound hysterical

gn u too :3

>actually playing this game

lol who even does that



is that jackie chan

At least I got two (2) (You)s out of it. :^)

werl vpls give me gatkeeper fgor sunderers

Is the rocklet riffle going to be pro for taking out base modules?


Reaper DMR, Anchor or Jackhammer?

already have em6.


reaper best gun n gaem

It's going to be best at everything for a month, once the good goys have spent their money, werl will nerf it to obsolescence.

y u say suhc mean things ;_;
t. greatest ally

Lookie what I found

Its a shame the continent locked ten minutes later :^(

>80 posts
>14 IPs
>probably even less people because of phonefags
>page 10
ded gaem, pls just let the general rip in piss

twist ur nibbles n it will get u hedshots ;DDD

trust me

t. nibble doktor


aim better


Cortium gives you wings!

gib pointing mans decal ;DD


They're easy to get, you just have to give higby a blowie

Ten days til Christmas you niggers


>Releasing an improved Phoenix as an NS option



NSX Masamune, hipfired it launches four rockets that do extra damage against air and ADS you control them instead.

If it's designed to be anti-air then it'll surely move faster and be more agile than the phoenix and presumably have a longer range.

I'm more concerned about the knife, does it explode like a grenade or is it a single-target OHKO weapon?

If it's the latter then stalker infs are getting a pretty crazy weapon there.

>rocklet rifle finally in

MAX/ vehicleniggers tears incoming

Even better, it goes in the LA's TOOL SLOT, not weapon slot.

Crazy times.

thakn u werl

time to go back to my LA shitter ways

It'll probably be a meme weapon like the Swarm imo, in the way that the swarm was an altered striker.

Only it'll probably actually be useful, because it isn't exactly hard to improve on the Phoenix