/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

He is back edition.



Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/WaB1BTBJ

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations :
>Undead Calradia

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:




They need it to show their rank to their friend in a pathetic attempt at social recognition.
TLDR : muh e-peen

horse pussy

Taste Dwarf Steel!


Post your most anticipated BL troop. Be it its name or its appearance

Jeremus 0.1


You just posted mine.

Can't wait to get 200 of these guys and run down a whole army.

how i install dickplomacy?

I agree

10th for Ankara gets nuked before Butterlord's release.

Prepare to get cucked by my 200 Blandian knights


u r the best user

>mount and blade general

Did you guys see this video about Bannerlord's editor module? It's in Turkish but you can see what are they working on from there:


Are you aware of this video?



stop rudeposting

stop shitposting


Post your deepest mb confessions

>800 hours playing, have never conquered the map not even half
>boost character file every new game to start with edge

0 shame in not engaging in the boring slog that is trying to conquer the map

Cheating is haram though and that part in the beginning were you're actually weak and under equipped is the best part of the game.

I put Isolla on the throne every single time i play as Swadia because she's not nearly as stupid as Harlaus and i like to imagine my character fucks her silly when i stop by Praven.

literally put the dickplomacy folder in your module folder and play

>500 hours ig
>never ever conquered the entirety of calradia
>always make the arrow stacks go from 30 to 150 because it's annoying as fuck to run out of arrows
>always give myself 30 STR and all STR skills to 8 once l hit 1k renown and am king of my faction, which led to me never playing an STR character until very recently


>literally put the dickplomacy folder in your module folder and play
that's not how you install WSE though, at least tell him the correct way if you're going to spoonfeed

it just act like diplomacy

Did you fuck Cozur?



Empire pikemen looks rad
Can't wait to get 200 of them and impale every heavy cavs from ass to mouth

Its okay to have overpowered units because its an RPG and its your reward for leveling those units up. The idea that everything needs to be balanced all the time in a fucking single player game is full retard new age ideology. Here's the deal, there are multiple preferences on what Mount and Blade should be.

>Historical Sim
>Open World RPG/Sim

People that want a historical sim want you to have to use battle placement, tactics, and various other machinations and tend towards mods that simulate a time period in history.

People that want an open world RPG/Sim want to have options for expanding their character and units. Having a force of 120 fully decked out Swadian Knights crushing hundreds of peasants is just a reward of gameplay and its not even really that historically inaccurate.

The idea that a random lord would have Archers, Swordsman, Knights, Spearman and use them all in combined arms tactics with groups of 30 - 50 of each is rather retarded in my opinion. It makes far more sense to just have a troupe of some group of units and join together with the larger army.

>The idea that a random lord would have Archers, Swordsman, Knights, Spearman and use them all in combined arms tactics with groups of 30 - 50 of each is rather retarded in my opinion. It makes far more sense to just have a troupe of some group of units and join together with the larger army.
that kind of organization is really more of an invention of 18-20th century thought

Hai dreth ael Noldor

>800 hours playing, have never conquered the map not even half
It's okay user, i never conquered too. I don't like the idea of having everything under my control, sounds pretty boring desu

I cheat my character too sometimes but instead of altering the stats I import one of my previous characters I done legit.

I would call you a dumb cuck manchild but at least you didn't cheat unlike these other sinners

Joining together with a larger army? Or using combined arms tactics?

I mean I know that European warfare in 1257 was more about a bunch of whats essentially private armies coming together (in the sense that each lord was responsible for maintaining and supplying his own force) but I still can't imagine them using tactics like a lot of "historical" or "realistic" Mount and Blade players use.

Were bannermen trained militia, did lords prepare them for some type of battlefield role before a war started just to be prepared when the banners were called?

Or did lords just send their men to every house and get a bunch of able bodied boys when the banners are called and give them to the king and then the kings army would provide on the spot training for whatever equipment the force had?

I mean I know for a time period England by law required people to have a longbow and practice with it but surely they couldn't have just had an army of 20,000 peasant archers with their own longbows that were probably poorly made shit that were just there so they fulfilled their requirements as deemed by the law.

I play Swadians almost every single game because every other force are subhuman trash.
Swadians > Sarranid > Vaegirs > Khanate > Rhodoks > Nords

English longbowmen were actually elite units that trained a lot (at least twice a week), elite longbowmen could kill units from far, far away and shoot multiple arrows in a little time, they were slightly better than crossbows but any peasant could use a crossbow and you can teach peasants how to use a crossbow in an afternoon while it takes years of training and ressources to get longbowmen, which is why longbows got replaced with crossbows and better variations of crossbows


Fucking when REEEEEEEEEE


Sort of right, most successful armies formed using private seasoned company's together with the lords heavy knights as well as the lords levys.

Levys where militia who were quickly trained by the local marshall, drilled in basic formation and maneuvers using lightly armed and heavy cloth armour or something lighter. Heavy knights/infantry where professional soldiers and costly very hard to maintain them, only really kings and high nobles could muster them in the hundreds.

Tactics were used and very important, though only the professionals or well trained could use complex tactics. The tactics we use are almost certainly the basic's they would follow.

>Same troupe army

This is actually a very fun run desu.
Did this in 16thC with a Musketeer platoon.

made a webm version

The Mount & Blade is dead! Long live Mount & Blade!



>I will never even attempt to git gud at MP because the least ping I have to any server is 200

I quit without saving every time more than 10 of my men are killed in battle

>15% Difficutly
>minimum damage
>shit AI in combat and tactics
>savescum my way through countless games/mods
>no prettier female mod installed
>having fun

Everything except the last two is absolute cancer
Consider sudoku

will you ever at least try to git gud?
there's nothing wrong with playing on scrub settings unless you do if for 100s of hours

ayy thanks for including the bin

>over 1500 hours, have never started a kingdom

I am okay with this.

I wonder how long it would take someone to conquer the entirety of 1257

Well this is my playtime, although I estimate at least half of that is time spent playing Warsword.

I did start with things ramped up but I got quite bitter and left it for a while, came back and played on the lower settings and had great fun drinking from skulls.

>410 hours playing at that difficulty

don't you grow bored or something

How are you supposed to have fun as a Khergit army without the cantabrian circle?

Not really, I tend to listen to podcasts and stuff and drink (ayyyy tankardbros) to unwind of an evening so it's comfy for me, plus I have multiple Warsword characters I can swap between.

Be a super mobile firing line

How are you supposed to have fun as a Rhodok army without crossbows?

me too.
I dont even like making my own faction, I like being a loyal vassal with 3 or 4 fifes including one major city.

This has been my play mode for a couple years or so now, I dont use steam.

>normal damage
>normal battle speed
>good battle AI
>lance control full manual, same for block
>only 1st person
>normal Campaign AI

>use a random generator to pick starting choices
>random starting faction

>pick faction before stats so I can shape the char better

>coinflip permadeath with 2 coins gives enough challenge without being too harsh, if both are tails means I delete save
>no coinflip for tournaments or fights which arent supposed to be lethal (I think lord duels arent lethal)

Ive forgotten how many characters Ive lost this way.

On the good side, you never feel bored for being unstoppable like in normal play. On the bad side deleting good saves is a horrible cold shower from hours of game.

>only first person


You're okay with me

>only first person
Is always playing in first person abnormal?

most people play in 3rd

I've always played in first person. Third person has always seemed gross to me.

best when using ranged weapons, but it's suboptimal in melee situations

What's your oldest screenshot that you can find? This seems to be mine, almost regret not taking screenshots back when I first started playing M&B back in 2009 but then again at least I was fully immersed and enjoying the crap out of it.

bannerlord when

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who think a Cantabrian Circle means the horse archers form a circle around the enemy and shoot inwards.


it gives much better situational awareness than first but it can be useful for shooting and some people use it for lancing from horseback

Are there any other new mods out there? already played diplomacy, warband, PoP, clash of kings, AD, last days

no gook shit

Why would give them that stupid idea?

the battle maps in warband are too small for a real cantabrian circle to work, what they do is essentially a cantabrian circle, it just ends up with the enemy moving inside it because there is nowhere else to go

it's mine from wfas
I just was having a laugh at how how inacurate the map is

even if you irrationally dislike a mod because there's gooks in it that should make you like swedish mayo even more since you can play as a conquistador gook-slayer


i mean no mods that focus on samurais and that kind of garbage

Real Cantabrian Circles would be nearly impossible to do because of map sizes, so calm your autism user.

play swedish mato and join the portuguese
it's set in 1500s indo-china so you get to genocide chinks and muslims simultaneously while spreading the work of the lord

There are hardly any mods that focus on that in the first place


10/10. How'd this happen?

the earliest ones I can find seem to be from July 2013 but there's a bunch from 2012 that I think got accidentally deleted

I looted a fierdsvain berserker armor and dressed it to my companion


I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

eastern roman designs look so good

3rd person breaks immersion and should be a bannable offence only time its ok to use it is when admiring your armor

>muh immersion
have fun not being able to see shit user

no fuck you