/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #878

It's time. Worship your goddess.

>Schedule for December:
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame
12/8 - 12/12 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
12/14 - 12/19 - Freedom in His Hands (Rerun and Renewal)
12/18 - 12/25 - Christmas Guild Wars
12/26 - 12/31 - ??? (Special Quest)
12/31 - 1/8 - Scenario Event

12/12 - 12/19 - Surprise Ticket
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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Was she actually raped or is it a meme. I cant tell even after playing

This smugness makes me want to bully her softly

C A N O N .

Christmas free shit when?

It's a meme, but one that Cygames intended. Beato was designed for rape doujins.


Why are the potatoes so swole
You guys told me it was the race for pedos

>only softly

Bully her hard. It's how she wants it.


I love you, /gbfg/! I love you so, so, sooooooo much!

I want to iseminate that navel from the outisde with my tongue.

Can someone post the picture with the character ages?

Casino skins when?

Wait for BDs


yes, i finish my gw dagger next gwars. but im only lvl 81, so wiseman is far away.

>Lans gets a (dungeon) rape outfit/version
>Beato doesn't

This is bullshit.




He wants to throw down. Calling you a pussy and shit

Random question: Does the attack buff Holy Saber gets from Phalanx scale with the number of people in the raid? I've been leveling it recently and noticed that I randomly did triple damage once after using it during a heavy raid.

Wait for her next event.

translate page

Yes, just like bishop's heal.

What happens when you finally become pic related?

I love Jeanne!

I really wish I was Beato!

Why is Beatrix so full of bad ideas


An artist did a picture of what they think Gisla's character would look like if they were to have one

>Two people get murdered in the start of the event
>Gang was shown to be sexually aroused when Beato arrives
>Leaves her clothes in tathers as she's tied up
>But this is a "kids game" so of course there was no rape guys!

What a retard.

Uh, those two people survived though

>those enormous boobs
Why do so many artists suck at simple emulation?


This only confirms that people actually don't read the story.

>France doesn't :^ )

Guys. I think Zeta wants to fuck Beato!

It's just a meme but its not like thats going to stop anyone given that tied up pic

Is the summon on this event worth getting? Seems to give Attack Up Large like Anat, but at the cost of a defense down..

Fuck off /u/

You might as well if you need a filler summon with an actually decent active, especially considering Bonito.

Probably ok for bonito setups since you won't use bonito in HL anyways.

>tfw everyone jumped ship to Fate/GO
>tfw anime announced and is receiving more marketing than GBF anime
>tfw EXPLOSION girl is voicing Mashu
>tfw constant gameplay improvement
>tfw less powercreep
>tfw generous devs
>tfw good balancing unlike gbf with it's dark bias

Is it time to jump ship?

Any reason why Eustace only took away Beatrix's weapon when he probably could have subdued her easily after disarming her?

Is it because of weak Erune physique? I mean, his playable version has some very low health

The game looks terrible, so no, not interested

Ehh, I know enough people who play both, so why not?

Though granted, I did stop whaling for FGO given that at some point I stopped having feelings of "I must whale"

You forgot
>shitty rates
Also if the battle sprites didn't look so wonky I'd probably jump ship

>More marketing
Because it's closer and who knows what's happening with the granblue anime. Seems like the schedule is a mess and it doesn't help they have to find a replacement seiyuu for eugen or just cut him out of the story
Yeah a replacement after her original seiyuu got pregnant by eugens seiyuu
>gameplay improvement
There is none. Granblue improves more than fate go does
>less power creep
This is true but then you still have shitty favoritism like with Scathach
>generous devs
Like hell
>good balancing
Yeah the same balancing that makes every Lancer other than the prime waifu shit

Optimistic and goes with her heart. it's hit or miss but endearing to see someone just shoot off the hip like that

Don't forget, Beatofags. You can fuck her, but if she stays the night, sleep in a different bed, or you'll wake up soaked in her piss.

>single player mobage


I don't want to bang her, Granblues aren't for lewds

that's not where you're supposed to put it

>Beato will never piss on you
Why even live?

Never trust a Frenchman

>Another fucking male event
>Shitty shota kid on roids
>Weapon rewards are fucking water element

I swear this xmas content they're cooking up better be worth it.

>Hating on based Skull
Fuck off.

He's a retard

Holy shit, this skull guy is beyond stupid.

Maybe his ear is an erogenous zone


>so successful a spinoff is getting a AR spinoff

>meanwhile gbf still recycling shitty events

This is great advice

They know

>muh meme seiyuu who voiced one semi good girl
Shut the fuck up

Something about animation for F/GO really puts me off.

We need a jeannu event

What's with the F/GO shilling lately?
Is that game already dying or something?

Alright sounds good, worth MLBing? My main summon is Leviathan at level 100, with 2 other SSR Levis and a Fenrir filling the other slots for Bonito. Guess I'll grab one copy of the summon at least unless it's ok to get for MLB.

Isn't the gacha rates in FGO really bad? Like absurdly fucking amazingly bad?

The art is shit. Animation can't save shit character designs.

Die faggot


Yes, try to MLB it so you don't lose out on the stats.

1% for SSRs, 4% for SSR CEs or so

On the upside, there are numerous cases already of people taking low rarity servants and have them be on par with higher rarity servants. It helps that they have a mechanic for increasing the level cap of a low rarity servant to be on par with that of a high rarity one


Post cool ougis

What are you talking about we have yuri in this event.

I only played for the Prisma Illya event and got her in 20. That's better than anything I've gotten in Granblue.

Also, you get a load of apolorolls. I've got enough for 200 from leaving my account inactive for nearly a year.

cool ougis

F/GO is not a good game and is only popular because of its Fate name.

>no chef SSR

Did the Fate series ever get good? I read Fate Stay Night back in the day in like maybe 2006, was okay but too clusterfucky, I was kinda a fan for a while, but a grew out of it by like 2007 or so, but kept noticing that new stuff kept coming out and people kept eating it all up.

What's with FGO? The art seems so bad, I can't understand why anyone plays that.

Any of the weapons worth it or is this event just for ingot and merits

>art seems so bad

>implying I wouldn't want that



I thought this was going to be one of THOSE Veeky Forums webms.

What's wrong with her ass cheek?


Gross, people actually like this art style?

>one piece of art

newfag here. Is this game gud