League of Legends general - /lolg/

Kled is the best support edition

old >>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for Katarina
best girl

Who should I get, Kled or Renekton? Renek is on sale too I think.

Also is Demon Vi a good skin?

first for xin hussar

This is a lulu I can get behind. Just silly situations for her to be in.

Kled is better then renekton. Same duel power and better team fight.

Friendly reminder to eat out your local botlane blueberry

only cute goatposting

best tree

Don't mind me, just stealing 1 image from waifufags.

Both are pretty fun to play. Follow your heart

only lewd goatposting

Haven't done this in a while
xth for breast waifu


Reminder that Akali herself is in these threads trying to convice you guys that people still play her.

What would /lolg/'s dream meal be? Please, I'm starving and I need suggestions.

it's like she's a mascot or something

I guess I can when I get my tablet back


biggest cut of fresh ribeye you got at the store
baked potato and a skewer of grilled shrimp
rootbeer by the bottle
strawberries dipped in hot fudge

>orianna rework on the pbe


> Lulu
> Lulu
> Juice
> Lulu

Why not both

>Ahri's birthday
>no Ahrifags to be seen

Took Riot's recommended champ advice from their seasonal review summary page and started playing Vel'Koz.

Holy hell he's so fun and busted.


we can live in harmony

>somehow my fault they fed bot lane
>illaoi raging that im building wrong

at least illaoi can poop more easily now that im done with her

I like where this is going

>guy on /lolg/ adds me
>stops playing like a week later and never comes back
I thought we were friends

>2/21 botlane
Some games you can't win user

>guy on lolg adds me
>says he wants to play
>before starting he says he's gotta give a restart and I should wait 2 minutes for him
>still waiting 2 weeks later.

Feels bad man.

I accidentally do this with a lot of people, I feel bad
The only one I added from here kooba was p cool though, don't want to lose touch with him

For a low elo faggot such as myself, can Lux be a good support?

I just impulsively bought her ultimate skin bundle before the deal ended today and my mid champ pool is crowded enough.

Why do I get the feeling you both might be talking about the same person.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

tfw it was me

he probably found out you were fags and he now plays on his other acc.

Not really? She's MUCH better mid. Vel'koz is a better support, but if you want to lux support be my guest.

>low elo
>support lux

buy full ap and carry.

>People that reach diamond elo without knowing how to react to a ping
>How that are unable to right click when their frontliner is holding turret aggro for them

It makes you really afraid to imagine how worse than bad people in lower elos can be

birb posting

me too

Lulu is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!

>lux support
I want this meme to die.

It's the oldest meme in the game m8.

Remember when nida was considered a support?

>tfw STILL no Jhin skin

Riot is literally wasting mad bank opportunities with every passing month.


EU LCS now has BO3s and saturday matches. Also will start to use group system. Top 3 in each group advances to playoffs, and the 5th in each group goes to relegations.

NA LCS stays pretty much the same except for the fact that now the 8th team does not go to relegation anymore. 9th and 10th LCS teams and 1st and 2nd teams from NA CS now compete in the promotion tournament.

PSG and H2K announced their new rosters. PSG will compete in EU CS and H2K remains in the EU LCS.
>TOP: Steve
>JG: Kirei
>MID: Blanc
>ADC: Pilot
>SUP: Sprattel

>Swapped Forgiven and Vander for Nuclear (SBENU) and Chei (Jin Air)

>playing ARAM
>someone rolls Ezreal and refuses to trade despite not knowing how to play Ezreal
>game starts
>Ezreal doesn't know how to dodge Jayce's balls, Lux's Q, or Varus' Q
>every time Illaoi or I dive, Ezreal doesn't follow up
>even when Ezreal stayed for the fight he does no damage because he rushed banshee veil first
>would have won game if Ezreal wasn't so scared of being in the frontline
>only reason Ezreal has the lowest death count is because he keeps running away at the first sign of danger

>found this while looking through old screenshots

I don't know why but I thought it was cute as fuck

Not even a year old, user.

Why do you post this in every thread?


I wanna stab Illaoi.

it's fucking aram faggot
quit being a baby
aram's the ideal place to start learning champions you have no clue how to play


>kindred got a skin before both Illaoi and Jhin

>beat camille in lane 4/0
>she still one shots our carry from super long range and is mostly tank
>she lives to hookshot away
nice game lolbabs

>reach diamond
>people still rush their lanes instead of hiding in jungle

What happened after season 3?

Even when I was a bronze player in Season 2, the team was wise enough to watch their jungle for tanks. I barely see people watching jungle anymore.




That was when she was her spear and only her spear

>Not even a year old

That doesn't mean shit.
Plenty of champions have gotten new skins in less than a year after their release.

Kindred and Ekko are good examples.



>tfw no dom supp gf to tease me and bully me



>who is Nuclear
>checking his champion statistics
>see this
wtf i love H2K even more now


How do I climb the ladder?
I've just transferred to EUW from Russia, I've played LoL for 3 or 4 years, but not consequently. I got some serious issues playing this game. Even if I have been playing from the end of S3, I'm still forever bronzo. Can it be fixed?

That guy is a nerd! A NERD!

same though, he a gud friend

wat the fug


Who's getting the challenger skin for this year, /lolg/?

My bets are on

Meanwhile, I think the Flame & Frost skin could go to






>everything in the league christmas event is RP-gated
holy shit
what a time for riot to stop giving small gifts free to players during hextech crafting events
the christmas one

Riot's christmas event means that riot is the one getting the gifts.

>swapping probably of the best botlanes in the west for the meme korean duo
H2K might have shot themselves in the foot here. Well, let's see if it works out when LCS starts.


>thx for allahu akbaring towers and aoeing the whole enemy team

Please help me



>Challenger Tier: Can only queue solo

leona reminds of me of my mother,strong beautiful and never gives up
i love leona

will there be an RP sale soon?

>looking my 2016 retrospective
>the guy I duoed the most with, gave more assists and got more assists from hasn't played at all in like a month


Renek does seem rather nice. Would it be worth to get Kroc with half the RP price?

>implying you're challenger


Meme magic is real
Now give me more Sivir

When are we getting the legacy skin sale?

This week on Friday, or next week on Tuesday?


>implying that affects u at all

shout out to my niggah cavan614

he out there fighting the good fight like a real american hero. Putting them sandniggers in thier place

hes actually just at basic right now but i still like to believe he is an american hero


I'm the guy with the xylophone.
Recommend me a champion to main.

xylophone is literally the gayest instrument you can get

try taric