/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3224

We don't do lewd stuff Edition

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
Chess Play/Ladder Info and more: pastebin.com/ST2512G8
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

Other urls found in this thread:


First for headpat!

For this one new hella cute Mish art!

>yfw you will never feel hanako's vagina spasm on your cock as she plunges over the edge of pleasure

>tfw you'll never fug Orie

>Still talking about this VN.

Oh shush! If it wasn't for us there wouldn't be a US!



Hey Sky, going well?

Good morning, guys.
I remember someone here a few months ago, talking about how they felt bad. Awkward, like they didn't fit in here. I told them it was all in their head, of course, told them I knew how they felt.
Little did I know I'd feel it multitudes harder in the future. But, is it all just in my head? It just doesn't seem that way, even if I try to convince myself.

How's it going in ksg today?


Hello dude.
And hello ksg.

Evening Kenji

The hell is this face

There once was a girl of mikado
Who dreamed she ate a tomato
She woke up that night
In terrible fright
To find her left breast in her pie-hole.

How has the day been, keeping relaxed?

was the tomato ripe?

I would guess so. It'd have to be relatively squishy, you know.

Heyo serb-man. Things going okay?

Heyo, it's going smooth
Studying right now tho, will shitposting less frequently tonight.

its almost like you summoned me

>tfw its been 5 years
>still no katawa gf or regular gf

I s'pose it looks that way.
Are you a fan of the squish?

i live for the squish
thicc misha is best misha

A gf isn't going to magically appear at your doorstep bud.

they will if you order one

welp, there goes my motivation

I see. Good to know. I'll keep that in mind.
I was gonna show you this anyway but now it's all the more fitting.


hey /ksg/!
how is your day going?

nice, im glad to see im not the only ks fan who makes terrible life choices

whatsup sleepy

We /yandere/ now?

UPS isn't magic.

if the ups isnt magic then what is?

Yoohoo, sleepy.
My day hasn't gotten to much yet.
Did you sleep well?

>terrible life choices
Certainly not. That's the only other tattoo one I have, but there are some other pictures that fit the description...

aren't we always??

i know theres another one where some girl got the logo really small on her wrist


The only magic delivery service I know of is X.
Here, have a slightly bigger/fuller version of that Hanako.

a good day , haven't fallen asleep on the train this time.
yeah ,slept pretty well
also tell us how did you avoid explaining to your friends and family that you were a cripplefucker?

More or less, can't really complain though it could've been better

thanks for the upgrade man
keep up the good work


That tends to be good enough.
What sort of things do you think could've made it better?

Any time, man. I know you like your higher res things too. I started coloring that Misha, I'll let you know if I make some progress.

awesome man! i was hoping someone would
cant wait to see how it turns out

actually this is bestgirls.jpg



Good to know.

I'll have to align with this one.

no matter who thinks best girl actually is atleast we can all agree its not shitzune

Who is that in the back?

i can get behind that


I'd fiddle the shizzle, but she's no best girl.

nah. she's tied for first

Grid1 version Hanako.
Left is concept version, right is release version.

>tfw no lilly shizune threesome dlc
wow user i didnt know your taste was that awful

Then who... is that just 3 Hanakos?

Post here


is this a joke?

>wow user i didnt know your taste was that awful
luckily, the opinion of someone who had the logo of a game where you try to fuck crippled japanese schoolgirls actually tattooed onto his calf is quite easy to discount


yes plz
Req did a picture you might enjoy
can't link because I'm at work and phone posting

non, mon ami

>implying were not all in the same place discussing cripple hentai
you lost your moral highground when you downloaded a cripple dating sim friend

Want any kind of wallpaper in particular?

Allow me.

thanks for the help kenj

i'm not taking taking a moral high ground. i'm using that as evidence of your poor judgment is all

youre acting like my tattoo changes the fact that shizune is an annoying attention seeking control freak
you picked the worst anime trope

comme je l'ai déjà dit , le meilleur truc dans la route de shizune c'est la présence de misha
speaking of that , did any of us admit playing that or even talked about it with anybody IRL?

>le meilleur truc dans la route de shizune c'est la présence de misha
i didnt even need a translator to know i agree with that

and ive only talked about it with one of my friends, an old girlfreind who enjoyed ks too, and my brother

>comme je l'ai déjà dit , le meilleur truc dans la route de shizune c'est la présence de misha
Misha est agréable, mais j'apprécie certainement shizune. Aussi, je ne parle pas vraiment français.

and i have never mentioned to anyone irl. don't plan to, either.

>annoying attention seeking
the mirror. it burns.
just kidding. she is my topgirl though

Got a very close buddy of mine to give it a shot, but I haven't even as much as mentioned it to anyone else.

Select all the tea, captcha knows best girl

>>annoying attention seeking
>the mirror. it burns.
alright you got me there, but all joking aside i do actually like shizune, i wouldve liked her alot more though if hisaos personality wasnt so shitty. she would be a much more interesting person irl

yep. we niggas


Today is the day

The day I shall remind them



then we niggas now

aww yiss
mfw both misha and shizune have broken arms

god i hated that ending
and i hate whatever artist made shizune a cross eyed giant

>being so bitter and resentful that nobody loves you that you choose to believe women can ever love in the first place

haha , how did you introduce the thing?
"there's this game i enjoy , it's about fucking crippled girls"
>aussi je ne parle pas vraiment français
i can see that
> have never mentioned to anyone irl. don't plan to, either.
A logical choice
and did he enjoyed it?

Not that I really mind a nice giantess.

she deserved better

>i can see that
kek google did a bad job, then?

great minds think alike. also, i tend to prefer shorter than taller girls. also, just realized that emi and shizune (tied with misha) are the shortest in the game. hmm...

pretty much with my friend yeah, as for my brother he was a weeb and hes the one that showed me Veeky Forums in the first place so he knew about it before i did.
and my old girlfreind asked me what my wallpaper was on my laptop and i told her. she didnt mind considering she was into shota guro
i keep an odd social circle

>shorter girls
I imagine they'd enjoy a chance to be giant for that reason.

probably. all the short girls i know complain about it

>google did a bad job, then?
yes. as always
>she was into shota guro
even worst than crippled girls.
short girls are cutest. that's all.

>yes. as always
running something through google translate then back into your native language can be a fun game

>short girls are cutest. that's all.
oui oui

youve got to date girls with fucked up fetishes if you want someone to indulge in your fucked up fetishes

Yeah, it didn't quite rip his heart out like it did mine, but he's always been better than me about that kind of thing.

>short girls are cutest. that's all.
Wise words have been written here. Short girls are the cutest.

Night /ksg/, stay beautiful. May the short cuties bestow hugs upon you.

Stop creating new threads.

>rip his heart out

'ta, pol-mun. Thanks for hanging out.

it's pretty funny how short girls are cutest and that many guys prefer them to tall girls , and that there's barely no girl that likes short guys
i can understand that , finding someone that feels a bit "like you" is pretty much what we all look for
> but he's always been better than me about that kind of thing
that's not being "better" that's being less sensitive about things like that
Night pol
> May the short cuties bestow hugs upon you.
hope so. See you!

Stop Vargposting

>tfw youll never smoke weed and play vidya with suzu and miki
why live

y-you could always do that with one of us, tattoo.
I like both those things.

lucky for you its what im doing right now

> youll never smoke weed
> play vidya with suzu
why you do this to me

Whatcha playin'?