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The maze, Dolores

I've never played a Legendary campaign before and I want Vlad Daddy to be my first.
Yay or nay?

literally the worst meme

I can't see the maze in that circle, explain?


Yay, although expect lots and lots of cheating from the ai

Reminder to thank CA for ruining my Wednesday

Go to hell.
I get 1.4 max.

Bilbali, Magritta, Miragliano, Luccini and Tobaro should all be separate 1-province factions

Where the hell are you, Australia?


Forced meme.

Best Daddy has cheats of his own!

You dont play Legendary campaigns for fun, you play for suffering

That and you know the ins and outs of the AI's stupidity and exploit it

Not him but I've been thinking about doing a legendary but there's a high chance that I'd just auto-cheese it.

Is Vlad secretly a Celt?

I want to be dominated by a best elf!

>kislev conquers Talabecland by turn 26

He's a Wiccan Battanian

Where is this map?

I had kislev take the entire north half of the empire in my empire campaign and I couldn't adequately confederate, they were my main source of trade income too so no war

fucking black orcs man

>want to get blazing knights
>requires lvl 5 city and Talabecland never wants to confederate

I just want to praise the sun.

By Sigmar, NO!

Not Grombrindal

By Sigmar, YES!

Grudge Throwers did mad work, though. Artillery is good in this game. Did you put the Quarrelers against the other ranged units? What did you do?

I don't want to play daddy Volkmar ;_; Empire always gets buttfucked by beastmen who have this sick perversion of ALWAYS showing up when I take windhelm or inviting marienburg to war with me...

I meant Helmgart of course.

Wow they realy made those changes to Welfs permanent?

They realy dont give a shit to unit balance

they only did that much mad work because I had to fire straight in to combat because african american orcs were slaughtering my dorfs

I put some of the quarrelers in to melee after board started to flank but most of the time they were ranged vs ranged


Yeah, fucking khajits shitting up our country.

>Wildwood Rangers doing well against Hammerers & Black Orcs

I wouldve been find with just a couple archer buffs why the fuck would CA buff their infantry too?

Hotfix release when? I want to farm years with Welfs

it's already released

Hotfix for the hotfix when? I don't want a single archer stack to kill entire armies.

is the tabletop user here?

I wonder how wildwood rangers actually compete

any patchnotes?

Elves would get kills first and if they dont win quickly they will get grinded down to powder over a few turns

Can I recruit Durthu when I conquer him as Orion?

This. Elves have crazy high initiative, meaning they are almost always going first unless it's against other Elves.

Used correctly elite infantry can obliterate entire enemy units before they can swing back.

>Gobbo Archers

Not a fan of aggressive wood elves fucking up humans everywhere.

This is a bad meme. Now I know the meme here is that it's a bad meme so I'll post it every thread but the problem is that that does not make it a good meme on the end ironic shitposting is still shitposting, my dude

Gimme them neets or the poopoo peepee

Depends on unit sizes. Wildwood rangers are favoured by smaller unit sizes on the TT, while black orcs and hammerers are favoured by big ones.

Wildwood Rangers were a bit disappointing before the patch.

I do think that they went overboard on it.

What, you thought elves wouldn't be complete scum?





>mow there are shitters that don't know how to play WELFs and think they need a buff.

Makes the campaign less interesting when there are fewer powerful humans to kill.

time for MALAGOR

shame I got the worst Poopoopeepee man though

so how did you use the wildwood rangers pre buff?

oh wait I know, you didn't use them because they were shit

Not only do elves have high initiative but they also have Always Strikes First, which is self explanatory.
The glaives the wildwood rangers have are great weapons though, and while that makes them better at killing, those give you Always Strikes Last.
However the two special rules cancel eachother out and you get to attack on your far above average elven initiative


The absolute madman

Ok got me there wildwoods probs needed a buff

literally anywhere other than a big city m8

>Try to design a race built around speed and forest battles
>Arrows still blocked by trees because shitty game design
>Instead of allowing Welf archers to just shoot through trees, we just buff everything about them

Time to stand in the open and have Shogun 2 battles with Glade Guard/Eternal Guard spam.

Thanks CA, really captured the essence of Wood Elves.

What's /twg/'s opinion on steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759346526 ?


wtf i want purpals to be grouped with their kind of unit

Just wait to see how long it takes reddit to realise they ruined it

requesting 'Patrick we saved the city' edit to level of 'Poor Little white goy'

barracks was literally not worth upgrading to lvl3 before
t. played the mini campaign on VH and GC on H but never recruited any rangers
Hard on GC was much too easy though so I'll have to play it again on VH/Legendary from reconquista

you get him only by confederating

So why do regular Deepwood scouts not get the range buff?

Gonna need $20 more for that engine change, another $20 for those regiments of renown, and another $20 just because fuck you.


They do.

What's the difference between black orcs and regular orcs anyway

>whilst still being able to fire at them

bit fucking pointless when you can't hit them

>Beastmen come out, all their units suck, no one cares and they never get buffed
>Elves come out, a few of their units suck, redditors complain en masse and CA immediately hotfixes them to be the strongest faction in the game

Shouldn't Vlad be the leader of the cunts?

RoR units are not grouped alongside their normal counterpart. Stirlands Revenge are not right next to the FCM.

Doesn't really matter inbattle though as you can rearrange them there.

Roughslaughter Metalskin

the regiments of renown aren't placed next to their normal unit versions on the army tab
orcs are orcs, bloodthirsty fungi from space.
Black orcs are genetically modified bloodthirsty fungi made by chaos dwarfs

>another $20 for those regiments of renown
you mean $10?

Black orcs were bred selectively for superior physical and cooler temperaments by the Chaos Dwarfs.

Black orcs take everything seriously, especially fighting.

But like, they look the same

>wissenland gets fucked by trees
>dwarves and gobbos come to finish the job

>All be it

that's because everyone loves elves including myself but not one cares for Poopoopeepee """"""men""""""" I do though and it hurts ;_;

I think it has to do with the lore why nobody cared. Beastmen having shitty units kind of makes sense since they're about numbers and just chaotic in nature.

Still 160 compared to everybody else's 180 range.

Unless their range was 140 before?

>beastmen suck
wew lad, on the tabletop sure
they're larger, stronger, smarter and better organized than normal orcs
also they have a darker green skin than normal orcs

They weren't bred to look different, they were bred to be better and stronger slaves

>half a dozen quotation marks

What the fuck is with that meme anyway.

it was 140.

how new

Beastmen are fucking outrageously good, once you start stacking those army-wide buffs in the campaign they turn into murderrape machines.

In multiplayer Minotaurs are still the scariest unit to face. They wreck the still buffed Eternal Guard.

>Instead of allowing Welf archers to just shoot through trees
I feel like tons of people would start complaining about this if they did do it.

The patch notes definitely say they got the buff

they're more goat than man tbqh

Minotaurs are still my favourite unit in this game.

eternal guard didnt get buffed, they were just made cheaper

Sorry, meant Wildwood Rangers. Eternal Guard should always be decimated by Minotaurs.